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by Bonnie blue on 21 July 2010 - 14:07

Folks, listen to ABHAY! He knows exactly what I have been talking about in my other post about Diane. In this thread she refers to me and calls me a "WANNA BE DOG FIGHTER". Funny since I don't own any APBT's and they don't fight GSD's. Yes I'm very familar with the breed and think in the right hands they are a great dog. Does that make me a dog fighter? I think not.

I could also care less as to what her issues are with the ADBA.

Why not have issues with the UKC as well? They were the first to print and enforce the rules for pit fighting. Known as the modified cajun rules. (bet many here didn't know that)

Ask Diane where all these great APBT's of today come from? They come from the dogs of times gone past that were pit fighting dogs. YES EVERY LAST APBT ALIVE TODAY DESCENDS FROM PIT FIGHTERS. Perhaps that's why the ADBA talks about them in their magazine. For historical documentation about the ancestry of the dogs people have today.

Strange how so many breeds today (such as the SHAR-PEI) pride themselves in saying, in their breed description, that the breed was a fighting breed. This is of course without any true proof like the ABPT has. You'll see the owners chest expand about 6 inches when he says it too. LOL.

Believe me folks ask Abhay or anyone with a knowledge of actual working APBT's (PULLING  or CATCH DOGS) and they will tell you that you don't want DIANE JESSUP anywhere near your breed of choice.

PEOPLE do what you want. Believe what you want. But if you take NoCurs into your inner circle. That painfull feeling you'll feel in your hind-quarters is Diane's teeth as she's come back to bite you in the ASS!

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 21 July 2010 - 15:07

Wait she is the greatest thing ever. People on here need to get a grip. Diane has caused problems where ever she has gone but because she knows a little these people think she is great. She is a retired dog catcher for god sakes.

I can not believe the people who have stood up for someone they have no clue about but these same people will slam me all day long. You people take the cake. Anyone else want to defend her?


by NoCurs on 21 July 2010 - 21:07

You guys make my day!!!!  :  )

Have you guys ever wondered why the nameless "curs" have their panties in SUCH a knot over me?  People who do not in any way shape or form, know me. People AFRAID to print their name, or put their breeding practices out for public viewing.  People who probably don't HAVE anything worth putting out for public viewing!  People whose name means absolutely nothing, so why BOTHER to print it?

I just don't bother to respond to people too frightened to print their own name.  I try to ignore folks like SP and Two Moons who just come on here to attack those who actually DO something.  I know the type so well... their lives are so empty that they sit behind a computer and "become somebody" (to themselves) by attacking folks to are out "doing". 

This is a dog board. Nothing more. I come here because I found a couple serious breeders on here who could discuss drives, breeding and training intelligently.  Believe me, you don't find that on pit bull boards, sadly!  You find people whose intelligence keeps them at the level of name calling and vague warnings.

It cracks me up when people point out that when I have left clubs for say, rampant cheating or inhumane, cruel training which I don't care to sit and watch, then they assume that the folks in that club won't feel defensive about me? Of COURSE *I'm* the BAD PERSON because I left!  So, the y bad mouth me.  I can honestly say that one poster on here is so universally disliked in the PNW that some clubs (including my own) have kidded about being a "___" Free Zone!  She also has one of the biggest mouths in the region and loves to spread rumors.  Now, if someone hears something about someone from this particular person, generally speaking it is a reason to LIKE that person, even if you don't know them! So, keep that in mind as well.  People who spew hate are RARELY "good" people.  I think this board illustrates that fact quite well. 

So, to those who have been PMing me, hey, don't worry about it...  I rather enjoy a good tussle with these idiots, and it REALLY helps to make crystal clear to me who is "serious" and who is "childish".  Who to try and hold an intelligent converstation with and who to ignore.  I'd walk away if I took it to heart, but its a dog board! With silly people as well as serious people.

Now, as to culling, which seems to be one topic that sure causes hysteria, and one which I do NOT SHY AWAY from.  It's a tough thing to talk about, as it is a serious, sad part of breeding. Do you know that the Jadgt terrier was said to evolve from 600 dogs and a pistol?  Me, I'm too soft hearted to look at dogs as "commodoties" (uh, I'm one of few breeders you'll ever meet that does not SELL dogs.)  And I have always a few  "less than perfect" dogs around here that I just couldn't cull and kept as pets.  My two fav dogs are just pets I don't title. 

At "what age" do I cull?  Just asking that shows a lack of understanding of what culling is about.  A serious breeder would cull at any and all age that a REASON to cull presented itself.  I paid a lot of money for one dog, + shipping, raised it, had the highest hopes for it, and at 7 months the temperament started to slip.  First alarm barking at neighbors, then one day an inability to stop acting aggressively toward a small child. The dog wanted to get to the child and...  it would not settl


by NoCurs on 21 July 2010 - 21:07

 The dog wanted to get to the child and... it would not settle. Thedog was euthanized in my arms the next day. Some people will agree, some will disagree: it matters not to me. I won't keep a man-biting pit bull like that. Those who say I should "wait" or "give it away" or other nonsense, YOU are why the pit bull breed is being banned all over the world. Thanks alot. YOU are harmful to the breed and purebred dogs in general. That is a pretty clear fact. But, if you don't have the rocks to cull don't do it, but I would ask you not breed.

I have all my pups professionally evaluated at 8 weeks. At that point I will keep only those pups which are sound in body and mind. Breeding pit bulls is not as easy as breeding many other dogs who are not "in the basement" as this poor breed is. It is not a culture in the breed to health check. There aren't long lines of "health checked" pit bulls out there to start with. I'm trying to improve many things at one time, while keeping the people-loving, tough-as-hell temperament the breed is famous for. I OFA check hearts, hips, elbows, patellas, and CERF eyes.

I rarely have to cull a pup over 5 months of age. Very rarely. And only for unsound temperament. Again, there will be those bleeding hearts that just can't come to terms with euthanizing a dog rather than passing the problem off to someone else. But there IS a culture in pit bulls of taking care of your own problems in your own yard instead of passing them off. Accept it or not - that's YOUR problem, not mine! : )


by NoCurs on 21 July 2010 - 22:07

Someone asked a legit question about the HSUS,and this is something very easy to prove (if i felt the need) and i have no problem discussing it.

NOBODY on the planet has been a longer standing critic of the HSUS than yours truly.  I have written letters, books, articles, etc pointing out how the HSUS was probably one of the very worst enemies of the APB during the 70's, 80's and 90's.  MANY ARTICLES.  I traveled around 5 countries as an invited speaker for animal control and police during the 80'sand 90's, and I was never shy about saying what I felt about the HSUS and their role in frightening people about the breed, and dowwn right lying about many things about dog fighting training, etc.  

There came a small period of time, in the early 2000's when the HSUS's persistent statement about killing ALL bust pit bulls automatically was really harming the breed.  At that time I was operating LawDogsUSA (dot org) which was placing pit bulls iwth law enforcement as detection dogs.  Using bust dogs was a nice avenue, as gnerally it was easier to get the all important good PR for the dogs if you used a bust dog then just a well bred dog. (sigh!)  But PR is VERY important to the poor breed then, and now.

After the HSUS made some really BAD decisions involving the Floyd B and Pat P. case, and the Vick dog nightmare was playing out, the HSUS felt pressured to not look quite so bad about their attitude with pit bull bust dogs.  I approached them about letting me look at bust dogs, to see if I could find any dogs useful for LawDogs.  I spent many months talking with JP Goodwin,  while we felt each other out.  They didn't like me, for obvious reasons, and I didn't trust them, for obvuious reasons, but for the good PR, I was willing to try and reach out to them, and see if we could get them to change their very damaging "ALL bust dogs must be killed for public safety" statement.


by NoCurs on 21 July 2010 - 22:07

Unless you are in the breed, it is probably hard to know how harmful that statement was to the breed.  Anyway, when Pat Patrick and a couple others were all busted in Arizona, the HSUS invited me to come look at the dogs. This would give them an opportunity to "look like they gave a dam" and give me a chance to find some all important bust dogs with useful drives.  So I accepted.

I went and looked over those roughly 150 dogs - saw the ingrown,infected collars, and the massive genetic shyness inbred into this line of dogs. Lots of sweet dogs with zero usefulness for much of anything do to their genetics and their management.  There  are plenty of sad, interesting things I could tell you about that bust, why Pat refused to bond out his dogs, Pat's mental state and the mental state of his "attendant", the interesting reason P has never filed a lawsuit after he chose to have his dogs destroyed, and yet was acquitted...  But, this is not the place.

Talk about sad?  All these dogs, and not one adult dog was sound enough mentally or physically which was so frustrating!  I took a couple pups, on a wild hope.  Yes, the Patrick pit bulls, like most pit bulls,are very friendly.  But "friendly" does not a working dog make.  Sure, there are dog fighters who would LOVE a patrick dog, of course, they are formidable and well tested fighting dogs. But that didn't do me any good.

ANywho, I WILL not discuss on an open board, with the foolish people who have shown up, why the PP pups did not work out. It is not in the best interest of the breed.  These folks don't realize that PETA and other like minded groups love to read these boards and watch dog people rat each other out about this and that! I chose not to discuss my breed's negative issues where they can see it and possibly use it against them.  I think most of you will understand that.  



by NoCurs on 21 July 2010 - 22:07

So, it was devestating to not be able to come up with a lawdog out of this bust.  And shortly after that the HSUS DID change their public statement about the immediate killing of bust dogs. Yeah!  But... shortly after that the HSUS also showed itself to be wearing the exact same spots as ever, with Wayne making horrible statements about the breed, and WORSE - for the first time the HSUS started supporting BREED SPECIFIC MANDATORY SPAY NEUTER.  This was somethine new - and something very dangerous, and I had to remove myself again from any support of the HSUS at that point.  I have, despite outright lies to the contrary, ever been "paid" by the HSUS or worked for them, etc.  Just more foolishness.

Yup, I was an animal control officer for 20 years.  I worked primarily in the shelter, dealing with taking in dogs, MOST of which, it might interest you to know, are turned in by the owner. By far the most!  Very sad.  I was the purebred dog rescue liason all those years.  I got to know most of the Seattle Purebred dog rescue reps, - good folks - and saved many, many dogs through that great organization.

Lets see, that's about it. oh, I mentioned Ralph Greenwood, because those who try and say the ADBA was "lilly white" seem to forget the FACT it was run by a very active and well published (picture wise) dog fighter. What's wrong with mentioning that?  He was proud of what he did. So was Renee.  Why aren't you?

So there you go, gee, I feel so special!  I'm glad you are all so darn interested in me.  As to the other "pit bull" people on here, I sure wish you could get up the nerve to come out from under your couch and use your name. I don't bite!  I know there are all kinds of rumors of me "turning on people" but of course, there are never anyproof or names given.  I'm an old, crippled, overweight woman, you really don't need to be so scared of me, Bonnie Blue!    


by NoCurs on 21 July 2010 - 22:07

Bump! :  )


by Myracle on 21 July 2010 - 22:07

I thought you were leaving to go do something positive.

Steve Schuler

by Steve Schuler on 21 July 2010 - 23:07


 I have had to exercise a little bit of self restraint to not enter into the fracass on both of the threads dedicated to you. I am afraid I do have a pretty significant character flaw in that I can be pretty snide and sarcastic in my rhetoric, particullarly when dealing with the caliber of people who have taken it upon themselves to engage in irrational rants or cryptic jabs directed at you, or me for that matter!  Probably better for me to just remain silent than to try to put out fire with gasoline.  I've got to give you credit for dealing with your "critics" a lot more graciously than I probably would have.  That is probably because you are a much more gracious person than I am.

Again, my apologies for inadvertently putting you in the "hot seat", as that was the last thing on my mind. I know, you're a Big Girl and can take the heat. Still, if I had surpressed my tendency towards ironic comedy and simply posted a casual link to your website it would have informed the folks who would appreciate it with the reduced possibility of inflaming the inflamnable. Live and learn, I guess, but you would have thought that I would have figured out something this basic by the age of 54?

Your 4 part post above exemplifies why you have earned my respect as I have come to know you here at the PDB Forum.  As I said previously, I have found you to be one of the more knowledgeable, intelligent, and articulate people contributing to this forum.  I am appreciative of that.  In as far as I can determine, you are a honest and direct in expressing yourself and give considerable thought to any subject or issue that you address.  At the same time you are able to employ discretion in what you choose to discuss publicly, a charateristic that in itself is note-worthy.  No doubt some people are going to find these charateristics offensive. As you point out, the PDB Forum is what it is, it is only a dog-people forum. Everybody must, and will, determine for themselves who they will give credence and respect to based on their own unique capacities and criterion. For what it is worth, I think you have earned and warrant both my credence and respect. That is not to say that if we were to be able to have protracted dialog that I expect we would find complete agreement on all issues or practices, but I am confident that such conversation would be very worth while.



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