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by LMH on 05 February 2007 - 20:02

Keepz-- IF you are referring to my post & IF the word IRREGARDLESS has some other connotation that I am completely unaware of & IF perhaps you don't understand that I used the word IRREGARDLESS to differentiate that it doesn't matter who the dog in the video is, and that Nutsy-Putsy was a name I chose for 1doggie2 alone (signifying relevance to her post) THEN I won't take offence at your attempt to be...What?????????....Real or Ridiculous

by 1doggie2 on 05 February 2007 - 21:02

LMH, I love this one.. I'd have to first make an opinion on the owner. I could not/would not give an opinion on the "whole" dog from the viedo or even watching him work. I have seen dogs do great on the field and then take the podium and cause a fight with another dog, is that dog aggressive toward other dogs, or just does not like that one dog, or just plain having a bad day? I have seen dogs that had a great day on the field, I was sooo impressed untill it turned on the handler off the field. Why, I have no clue, I did not see the begining and I do not know the dog or handler. All that viedo told me is the dog can work, so what. For me, I want the whole Package.


by DDR-DSH on 05 February 2007 - 21:02

This is getting a bit awkward, because we have essentially two different threads in one now, addressing two very different topics. So, I'll try to wrap this up, unless it comes up, again. Needless to say, this was a life-changing event for my husband and I...Sort of like Ufo, times 1000. Believe me that I would rather do another round with Ufo. Both were hard-won growth experiences, and I did get a lot out of both.. The sort of things you cannot get from going shopping at the mall, watching TV, etc. In the end, I came out the better and gained a LOT of insights, but oh, I paid in tears. You have no idea the devastation that this sort of event causes in one's life, both financial and emotional. If anyone out there likes to gloat on such things, then let them gloat. Small satisfaction, and a petty one, but I won't deny it to you, if that's what you're into. I suffered, my husband suffered, the dogs suffered, and I really don't see what was accomplished for the sake of animals, or advancing ethics, society and law. I didn't let it go to that point, anyway, where the animal rights contingent could use it to their advantage, to make more publicity and case law. I settled and took a plea. If I had it to do again, I would certainly have not hired the lawyers I did. I don't think that they had much fire in the belly, nor did they understand the animal rights agenda which politicizes and exploits these cases, however valid they may or may not be. We did have a lot of evidence on our side and there were some "priceless" moments, like watching the prosecutor choke up and fall apart after seeing our evidence / witness list, or the look of astonishment on one witnesses face when he saw my lawyer reading a sales brochure for a type of kennel that he had refered to as a "rabbit hutch" (I just noticed that Ed Frawley now uses essentially the same thing for his puppies). It started with a neighbor complaint and ended up as a football for the animal rights activists to use in their breeder-bashing. They HATE breeders, and I do mean ALL breeders. Yeah.. I was just so much fresh meat for them. I never heard them raise a peep about what happened to the poor dogs in the impound. And please don't bother me about that (in my opinion) yellow-press anti-breeder propaganda faux-journalism hit site you mentioned, fleur. They are welcome to their opinion, and I am welcome to mine.. Here it is: They don't have all the facts, and they are biased. The funny thing about this whole event is that the animal rights activists would have liked to see me put in prison, as an alleged "puppy-miller" (when they never knew me and only assumed my motivations), but ironically, I was really set free from a self-appointed task.. I was already in a prison of my own making for many years. Like an old friend of mine used to say, "It's like being the only nurse in a hospital". Betcha thought you'd embarass and shame me, but no such luck. They got my tears and suffering, but not my dignity. I know who I am, and I know the truth.

by 1doggie2 on 05 February 2007 - 21:02

DDR-DSH, If the reports are true about the state of the kennel, CONDITION OF THE DOGS. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.

by 1doggie2 on 05 February 2007 - 21:02

DDR-DSH, If the reports are true about the state of the kennel, CONDITION OF THE DOGS. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.

by funk man on 05 February 2007 - 21:02

Euthanize boban. It is better for the breed.


by DDR-DSH on 05 February 2007 - 22:02

Oops.. So sorry, fleur. My bad.. I meant "LaPorte". Now, this is really funny, because you will notice that most people are not even really following this part of the thread. People don't really care that much. If they did, I mean.. If it meant more to people, I might have decided to fight harder than I did, and NOT to take the plea. This presumes, of course, that trials are fair and predictable, and that a defendant has at least an equal chance. I am convinced of none of these things, anymore. People do need to gain more insight and to care about animal rights cases, for their own interest. But there were other, greater concerns at hand. And I am an ethical pragmatist, first and foremost. Let me put it another way.. If I had decided to fight on, it was going to be a train wreck, and someone was going to get hurt. When these people first did this crap to my dogs, I wanted blood. I wanted their jobs, and I wanted damages. But by the time I got to that point where it was a go or a no-go, and I had to decide, the dogs were safe and with me, again for almost a year. I was not so angry anymore. The city had even PAID the contractor to release the dogs to me which I had not already bailed out. I could not blame them.. They apparently wanted to do the right thing, and I was told it cost them a lot of money. I also realized that some people had gotten dragged into the fight against us who I really had no issues with. If we came away clean, they might get hurt badly. Carreers and retirements might be lost.. Who knows? It wasn't worth the risk to peoples' lives, and doubly so because the victory (or loss) would be so hollow and devoid of meaning.. Basically I see that the dog people don't have sense to see or care that their community is under attack by activists with an agenda. Like I said, I'm not into seeing or putting pain on others. That goes for animals or people. I love both and I have a hard time hurting anyone. I have a way of looking at these things.. Either there is a God, or there is not. If there is (as I choose to believe), then He will address the unfinished business, and if there is no God, then none of this crap matters, anyway. This was definitely in the order of "unfinished business" for me, but I gave it to God. I swept my side of the street clean and I did what was mine to do: I got the dogs out of danger, and away from here, where they would be hopefully safe, happy, and productive. I just talked with one woman yesterday who adopted one of those dogs, and she cried, because he is gone, now. That dog had a lovely life with her. My conscience is clean on that.. I did what I could for the dogs. After that, I was largely done with it. I make only one exception. I do affirm that this could happen to anyone. You all need to learn about the animal rights movement and it's goals and methods, and how to protect yourself. If you want to own a kennel or be a breeder, I will pray for you because that is one of the hardest things a person could do. It always was. But lately it's getting much harder and it's becoming very "political" (not intended strictly in the US bi-partisan sense, although there are definitely shades of socialism involved).

by shinokami on 05 February 2007 - 22:02

Not to get into an argument but there was another kennel in the US recently that had a similar thing happen to them. Facts do get distorted, and it's easy to say one thing when another thing actually happened; I have a hard time believing that anyone passionate about dogs really have their harm in mind. That said... Please chime in to correct me any time...from what I understand, some Mink progeny are labelled 'handler aggressive' when they are simply hectic, redirecting prey aggression or frustration into whatever's nearest, which is often their handler. I get a lot of nasty nicks from if I'm not fast enough or I make a mistake with my dog in-drive, and it can look like handler aggression, but he is not dominant nor does he challenge me, and I can take whatever I want from him, even up till it's inside his mouth, or push him around, and he won't care. That said, I can see how easily it can transfer to handler aggression with unfair treatment or improper bonding...but I don't see it born with the dog out of the whelping box.


by DDR-DSH on 05 February 2007 - 22:02

Idoggie2.. I already stated that I own my part of the blame, and I have claimed it, and did whatever I could do to make things right for the dogs.. The first concern, always.. The dogs... But a lot happened, circumstantial and otherwise, and that others own a share of blame too.. If they will claim it. I wouldn't hold my breath on that. The dogs got lost in all of this and were in a bad situation in the public impound, where they were badly stressed, overcrowded, frightened, sick, fighting, BREEDING, and dying in the impound. It was absolutely mayhem! Five pups were taken in also, three days old. All died in their care. I had these pups in the house and all were well. The last one died about weaning age.. The mother had no milk anymore to feed them and they were severely stunted, living on a cold, wet floor in a place full of diseases, and apparently seldom or never properly cleaned and disinfected. The pups were apparently offered no food suitable for a puppy. The facility veterinarian had testified that these pups were expected to eat large, coarse, dry chunks of Purina dog food from a hopper that was suspended approximately eighteen inches over their heads. In other words, they were expected to eat the same thing as adult dogs, in the same manner as served to adult dogs. Maybe they could have gotten a few pieces that fell to the dirty, wet floor, but even then it would be impossible for them. A weaning puppy cannot eat this size of kibble. If you are familiar with this food, it is about grape-sized and very hard with a relatively low nutritional value and a lot of coarse corn meal content. I saw a couple of puppies still alive and one dead, being carried by the distraught mother in her mouth constantly while she ran in circles, other dogs in adjacent kennels barking, screaming, crying, etc. The puppies never had a chance, really. It was a litter that I had planned at least two years before, and was hoped to be the first litter that I donated a dog to police from, if he made the grade. I has previously donated successful dogs to a major metro PD and US Customs before (still have the receipts). By the way, I also still have receipts for over 300 lbs of dog food (I believe it was 340 lbs, offhand), bought approximately 36 hours before the raid. Why then did the super-sleuth investigators testify that there was "no food, no water" (almost a standard canned statement, in these cases).


by DDR-DSH on 05 February 2007 - 22:02

Like I said.. This whole thing was a fiasco, and I am not the only one who had a hand in it. But I don't want sympathy or approval. I cannot undo what was done. I just have to live with the pain, which will last a lifetime. The pain is mine.. I own it, and I have to go on. It's not nearly as bad as it was, after all. I was borderline suicidal about it, at one point, and probably should have sought professional help, but I didn't. Look how many years ago this was, and I made it through OK, but it was extremely hard on me. I didn't sleep for four days after the raid and my heart was beating so hard, I thought sure I would have a heart attack, but didn't. Probably because I was in pretty good shape. So, what do I want, and why am I "outing" myself like this? Because I care that you have a right to know the whole story, and not just what you hear on the news or some animal abuser site...So much propaganda and "yellow-press[journalism", really! The press is not responsible to report the truth. But I am afraid that it is worse than that! There is almost certainly some quid-pro-quo involved. Don't you know that some of these stories, as reported, are just so much advertising for special interest groups like the super-wealthy fundraising, and animal husbandry-meddling animal rights organizations? I have spent much of the last seven years past investigating, myself and I have learned many little-known facts.. For example, there are so-called "communications" companies that are paid handsomely by lobbying firms to design and run media hit pieces and media campaigns as part of the lobbying process. The lobbying process itself has become dismally unethical and frequently solicited a more-or-less complete whoredom of the democratic / journalistic heritage of this country. My agenda now, is to make clear that the animal rights activists DON'T know what's best for dogs, and they need to leave our community and our dogs largely alone, if they cannot do better than this. I know that they were involved in our case, behind the scenes. I'm fairly intuitive and logical in my processes, and I believe that I am anything but wrong on this. My argument is, that if we cannot assure impounded raid animals better treatment than this, then they should not be impounded in the first place. The law actually indemnifies impound / "humane" workers against felony prosecution for withholding needed food, water, shelter and veterinary care. Why? Why is it OK for anyone to withhold an animal's needs when it is forcibly under their care, and how does the dog suffer less at the hands of public employees or contractors? Can anyone answer this? Where is the logical basis for this kind of ethics? Now, do you want to hear about the multiple-dog fights, and the horrible injuries, and the neglectful way that the injured dogs were treated? I don't put this so much on the veterinarians as I do the administrators, by the way. Ultimeately, they have to be responsible for their own "product" or service. Even the REAL animal rights activists, the footsoldiers, would agree with my opinion on this count... They don't take good care of those dogs as a rule, and they kill too many of them unnecessarily. And by the way, one of the veterinarians for the contractor I would really like to hug, if I could. He was one of the witnesses against me, but he agreed in his testimony that I had met him in the impound and that he had counseled me (urgently and in a hushed voice) "GET THESE DOGS OUT OF HERE"!


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