Biggest threat to the GSD breed in the USA - Page 15

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by Uglydog on 21 March 2008 - 17:03

DRFN...BS.  we are Hated for what We Do, not who we are.   We were once the Most Loved nation, decades ago. Now most Hated Ands theres alot of competition for that title.   It comes with a price. So too, does operating 700 bases in 130 nations.

USA has OPEN Borders, there is no war on terror,  you fool.  Ron Paul recognized that.  Thousands undocumented get in daily..Mexicans, Asians, Middle Easterners. And have killed 50,000 US Citizens SINCE 911. 

"Of course it's about oil, we can't really deny that.

"We've treated the Arab world as a collection of big gas stations, Our message to them is: Guys, keep your pumps open, prices low, be nice to the Israelis and you can do whatever you want out back.

But we shouldn't assume for even a minute that in the next 25 to 50 years the American military might be able to come home."

--US Military Commander (Centcom)  & General John Abizaid


Weak dollar costs U.S. economy its No. 1 spot

Reuters, Mar 14, 2008

The U.S. economy lost the title of "world's biggest" to the euro zone this week.

"The curious outcome of breaching this latest milestone is that the size of the euro zone's annual output has now exceeded that of the U.S.," the economics department of Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street investment bank, said in a note to clients."

Bush's "legacy" will have been the destruction of Iraq & Afghanistan, the US economy & Dollar


"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservatives, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history."


-Ari Shavit, Israeli Ha'aretz News Service  April 5, 2003


by DesertRangers on 21 March 2008 - 20:03


As a follow up to your statement most people are followers:  That is correct and the problem is many of those people think the world owes them, thinks the government owes them, big oil owes them, thinks everybody owes them. The hard cruel truth is that no of us are owed anything by anyone. That is why we keep electing the same leaders in Congress over and over. The easy excuse for all our troubles is blame Bush.  I could are less about Iraq or the middle east and they are welcome to continue killing each other as always. But as long as the world runs on oil we have to keep the pipeline open plus keep all that money from obtaining weapons to kill all of us cause a good number of those people are crazies.

Reminds me of the old saying about someone that keeps doing the same thing over and over and expecting to gt a different result. These type people have a warped mind and will never see the light. America has been great because we had the best of the rest of the world come here with the ideal they could be free and have the opportunity to do great things and be successful which many of them did. However; all men are not equal; hence liberals want to rob from the hard working successful and give to the rest in exchange for votes to keep them in power. We all make our own beds.



by Do right and fear no one on 21 March 2008 - 20:03

You said it better than I did DR.  Liberals for their own sakes, want to take from those that have and give a chunk of it to those that have not.  Those that did not EARN it.  Where is the rationale for that?  In the Bible.  Nope.  It states the opposite.  In the Constitution.  Nope.  It states the opposite.  In the Declaration of Independence?  Nope.  It states the opposite.

Exactly what document or doctrine do the liberals follow.  hmmmm, many but not all of them, follow the doctrine of Socialism, borderline communism.  Like you said.  It is an easy way to get a lot of votes, because you tell all of those lazy deadbeats out there that you are going to take from the rich and give to them.  RobinHood was a criminal folks.  Not a hero.

by Uglydog on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

USA is Socialist.   We do not follow the Constitution.

We are taxed aggregate of 50%..Fed, State, Local, Fica, Social Sec., Sales tax

Illegals get paid healthcare & Education

Failed Banks... get Bail outs. ie Bear Stearns. And many more to follow. Lehman, JP Morgan & Goldman are tapping into Fed Funds just this week

The Re election rate for US congress is 94%.  In Communist Russia, with Fixed Elections, it was 92%.

America is done, You dont want to hear it, but its the truth.  Save a Revolution, we are done. The Neo CONs, Bankers & Elitists have seen to it & Planned for decades. 

Control is one thing, Rule is another.  Ask the Palestinians, Russians or Hungarians what its like to live under their rule.

by Uglydog on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

Congressional stagnation is an American political theory that attempts to explain the high rate of incumbency re-election to the United States House of Representatives. In recent years this rate has been well over 90 per cent, with rarely more than 5-10 incumbents losing their House seat every election cycle. [1] The theory has existed since the 1970s, when political commentators were beginning to notice the trend, [2] with political science author and professor David Mayhew first writing about the "vanishing marginals" theory in 1974. [3]

The term "congressional stagnation" originates from the theory that Congress has become 'stagnant' through the continuous reelection of the majority of incumbents, preserving the status quo.


by DesertRangers on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

Actually I agree with that last post except we are not done yet but we are struggling. We do need a revolution though. Keep hoping a third party will arise and break up the control of the republicans and democrats...Plus our courts are out of control..

by Uglydog on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

Change will not come via the Ballot box, its too late for that. Sorry.  It was tried with Ron Paul.

Govt under Bush has grown. Trade deficits have grown. Budget deficits have grown, beyond repair. Military overstretched, Recession & more war on the horizon. The future isnt pretty.

Our voting machines are made in Israel by Diebold.  Elections are fixed, politicians are Whores..blackmailed, bribed & work for the lobbies, Israeli lobby AIPAC being the largest & most powerful.   If you think Im joking, watch for 1 minute, our politicians Democrat & Republican alike. We are a 1 party System Govt. They both work for the same interests.



by DesertRangers on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

Don't take this wrong but I am from Texas and know alot about Ron Paul. While I agree with alot of what he is about, I did not vote for him because he seems alittle "loopy". Just could never trust him to have the best judgements in certain menus. But other than that I would have voted for him. America will survive but sometimes you need bad times to appreciate the good. But never forget what we consider "bad times" would be thought of as a wonderful life by most of the world.

by Uglydog on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

Ron Paul is Not a politician, hes a licensed OB GYN & Has delivered 4000 babies.

You say loopy, yet he wishes to follow the Constitution, Spend moeny we Have & print ourselves,  Bring home the troops & close some of the 700 bases in130 nations.  we are cuurently in.. How thats "loopy", Ill never know.

RP got involed in politics with an interest in the declining dollar & Fed Reserve abuses. See chart below.  Only 1 yr chart, resistance at 75.   Longer term is more ominous. Very tough times ahead.



by DesertRangers on 21 March 2008 - 21:03

I live in Texas and have seen him alot. I did not vote for him because he never seemed to be "normal"  to the extent I want my President to be level headed with common sense and good judgement under pressure. That may not be the way  or perception you or others had of him. Just telling you why I did not vote for him. He did have a decent amount of support here in central and south texas but not enough. I am not meaning to insult him at all as I did like alot of things he stood for, not all but alot.


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