"Another" Family angry after police shoot dog - Page 3

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 22 November 2008 - 20:11


The police do not care what a sign say's or if a gate is locked when they are looking for someone.  But they do knock on a door, unless they have a warrant and probably cause to kick a door down.  The owner, any owner once they are aware of visitor's has the responcablity to control their animal.   This situation is not uncommon, cop's shooting dog's and claiming to be threatened.   It's impossible to pass judgement based on a story in the news.

I once visited a man with a guard dog who was not at home at the time,  I negotiated the dog and made it to the door and knocked.  I even sat there with the dog for a while.  He didn't like it but we got along.   Later I came back and the people were home, the wife came to the door.   Now the dog put on his show and came out and circled me three time's and then took a bite out of my leg.  The lady was sorry but did nothing to stop the dog, I told her it was ok, that thats what the dog is supposed to do.  But then the dog came back for second's.  And after we had gotten along so well before..lol.

At that point I told the lady to control her dog or I would.   One more bite in front of her and I was going to hurt the dog one way or another.  She acted like nothing was wrong and was dumb founded.  She did finally call the dog off but only as I was reaching under my car seat for the shotgun.   Some people are just plain stupid.  This dog almost grabbed my five year old son one time, I would have not had any mercy for anyone at that point.  

My dog's do what they do when I'm not around, that's a given. But when I'm home I have the responcablity to control them.

I hope these people do try to sue the police in this matter, if they have a case.  That's IF !!

I'd be angry too.


by Sam1427 on 23 November 2008 - 03:11

In a related thread, I said:  If the reporting is correct, the dog was shot 9 times. Nine times bespeaks panic and poor marksmanship. The officer needs more range time. The department's public relations training needs some work too. Shooting an innocent homeowner's dog then refusing to either administer a coup de grace or allowing the dog to be taken to an emergency vet should not be SOP.  Yes, it was a dog this time. There have also been cases of innocent people getting shot in similar circumstances. What I saw in this case was a lack of officer training and perhaps procedures that need to be changed. This case should be a warning to that department to tighten up both. A formal apology and a financial reimbursment to the dog's owner would be appropriate too. I don't know if either were done.

I support my local sheriff's association. I think most LEOs do the best job they can. But there seems to be room for improvement in this particular case if the news report is correct.

Whether anyone likes it or not, cases involving animals bring out the passion in people more than cases involving an adult shot in similar circumstances. This seems to be simply human nature because I've seen it happen over and over. I suppose it's the compassion most people have for the obviously innocent.

by ProudShepherdPoppa on 23 November 2008 - 06:11

A list of  "Don'ts" for anyone who would come into My yard and shoot MY dog, whether you are wearing a uniform or not.

1. Don't ever plan on snoozing in your patrol car again.

2  Don't let me find out where you live.

3. Don't go outside.

4. Don't ever stop looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.


by steve1 on 23 November 2008 - 08:11


You talk and start the biggest load of rubblish i have ever read on this forum

To me you are  THICK from the neck up, You spout crap every time you post

400 IRA defeated the BRITS, It was Communication which stopped these problems of over a hundred years or more Not the cowardly Bombings.the IRA did to innocent people un awhere there were bombs waiting for them as they made there way to work

It is certainly no different to the 7/11 in your country

Have the USA Govenment bought the perpetrators to book over it, NO, they have not

Did you finish the wars you started through history, NO, you have never have,

Even in the days of the Indian nations you told lies and tricked them but you never beat them in battle

The USA has made more mistakes in history than any other country,

Now it made another mistake, its folly in finance has bought many countries in the same state as its self, You have spent so many trillions of dollars on needless Wars that it has very near bought the USA to its knees, and bankrupt, NOW be proud of that fact

But you will be unable to  because you are THICK from the neck up

You can babble on statistices now till the Cows come home you will get no more replies from me

All these Problems have nothing to do with the normal good living prople of the USA, no more than the People of the UK

its the useless People running the Countries which are to Blame, and the FAT Cat greedy people, Plus people like youeself who enjoy taking the piss out of others, and other Countries, when you are not so great yourself


by ProudShepherdPoppa on 23 November 2008 - 10:11

Steve1, please complete 6th grade spelling and grammer.  It will go a long way toward making you seem coherent.  Yours is painful to even read.

by Bob McKown on 23 November 2008 - 12:11


 Steve you are exactley right:

There are 3 wars that I can thnk of, The first is when we threw the british out of our country,  and 2 others when we had to save the euorpean ass of your fellow country men.

Euorpe stands ONLY because with out the United States you would all be soviet satelites right at this time, commrade!.

And i think it rather funny that one who was born British can mouth of about Imperialism across the face of the earth the brits seem to be the one,s whom invented it!

America is not perfect, we are made up of some of the most vile refugees on the face of the earth, we have made mistakes and probably will make more.

BUT!!! everytime there is a phamon,flood,earth quake,typhoon,national disaster,or major operession it seems it,s the USA who,s called front and center our ships delevering aid,our planes dropping food, we even treat others better then our own..

The world wants a bid dog they can wheel out any time they want it but heaven forbid that we might shit and kick the ground all on our own. I,ve got an idea when Russia invades Poland or any other former satellite in the next few years I,ve got an idea why don,t you have the belgiums and british handle it for once?? 



by steve1 on 23 November 2008 - 13:11

Proud Shephed----

Is that better, as far as i could see only around six letters missed out

And that is not too bad typing with one finger and the rest of the hand in plaster with two cracked bones and two broken fingers

And  No' i never got to six grade, only secondry modern school

I was a bit THICK at that time, and probably am now, I doubt i have changed much.

Perhaps i should let you see my posts first so that you can edit them.


Regards the Second World War you lot never saved our asses as you put it

It Pearl Harbour had not been attacked you would never have joined in

The French said the Brits would fall in five weeks after they turned  turtle on there backs, waving the white flag, when the Gemans marched towards Paris

But we did not, we fought on, and it was another two years before you lot joined in

So do not come up with the Yanks saved the day, history tells it all, Yes, they helped a lot and together we beat a madman who wanted to rule everything

But then you forget since those days that Brits have helped the USA in numerous Wars started by the USA, and some still ongoing, but you chose not to think of that as any help at all, that alone shows the arrogance of some of you over there, thank God the minority i think 

As regards Aid for other Countries, you are not the only ones, The UK does and sends more than its share, for the size of the Country compared to the USA

What Belgium does i have no idea, it would get lost in a part of one state in the USA it is tiny, and when the Germans invaded them during the second world War they got walked over they had no chance of ever stopping them,

But i give them credit that some of the Belgians which sided with the Germans were singled out by there country men and Shot right away

It is Ugly Dogs attitude of we the USA are the Kings over all and in part it seems yours, because you seem to agree with what he writes, then i guess it has been brainwashed into you as kids, and you will never see it any other way

But for the size of your country, you do not do so over well, And that is mostly the opinion of those over here in Europe and the rest of the World, but then as is thought by you and others over there, everyone else in the world is wrong except for the great USA,  Dig a hole big enough and you will find out

Do you know what i have got out of writing this, A Bloody aching hand, which is now playing me up,

there are no winners in these arguments, but it fuels the fire for Uglydog as that is all he turns a thread into as War and what others have not done is hid favourite subject, but in this case he can talk to a brick wall he is not worth the effort,


by Uglydog on 23 November 2008 - 15:11

Army paper says IRA Not defeated

July 6 2007, BBC UK

Army concedes for first time it did not win the battle against the IRA

An internal British army document examining 37 years of deployment in Northern Ireland contains the claim by one expert that it Failed to defeat the IRA.
The admission is contained in a discussion document released by the Ministry of Defence after a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
It describes the IRA as "a professional, dedicated, highly skilled and resilient force", while loyalist paramilitaries and other republican groups are described as "little more than a collection of gangsters".
It concedes for the first time that it did not win the battle against the IRA ."
Nice try Steve.
The IRA  Missed the PM of England, John Major & his entire Cabinet By One room in the Downing street Bombing.  And they Killed 9xs the nuymber of you Shameful Zionist Brit Limeys, who've tried to Occupy Ireland for 800 years.
Banning Catholics Education, Land Ownership, Voting, Practicing Law, Representing Parliament, Inheriting land from Protestants, Intermarrying, Custody of Orphans etc  
Lets not forget selling 300,000 Irish as Slaves in Proclamation of 1625 and the Potato Famine, either, a Deliberate Gencoide.   Youre a Propogandist Steve and a Poor apologist for Ethnic Cleansing. Facts disprove everything you wrote.


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