Moderator - good idea or bad? - Page 6

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by Sunsilver on 10 August 2007 - 01:08

DR, I've been a moderator on a work-related site for many years, and have taken more than my fair share of abuse from angry posters, but the above quoted piece from you was the foulest bit of crap I've ever had sent in my direction.

Hope you are proud of yourself.

If it was a joke, I ain't laughing.

Now, I've had kind of a stressful day, and my sense of humour may not be at its best, so I'm bowing out of here before I say something I'll regret in the morning.

Goodnight, all!



by DesertRangers on 10 August 2007 - 01:08

XXX to you sunsilver

sweet dreams of the dr man tonite!


by animules on 10 August 2007 - 01:08

Penn and Teller have had some great shows on their BS show.  One was even on PETA....


by DesertRangers on 10 August 2007 - 02:08

XXX=kisses my sweetie!

by Goose on 10 August 2007 - 02:08

Reading all of this makes me wonder how many of you would walk into a room with like minded people, at a meeting or such, and would not hesistate to use foul language? How many don't even bother to try to keep it clean when your kids grow up. I was not brought up that way.

And again, I also do not like censorship. But to me censorship is not allowing people to speak their mind or present their point of view.. But expecting people to present their point in a normal, acceptable way should not be too much for a bunch of educated folks. It is not even about passionate arguments, calling someone a goober (is that word still used?), vehemently disargreeing with someone or bad spelling and grammar (although the folks that use no spaces, lines or any of that are hard to follow for me...) but about plain normal conduct....and if cussing, really foul language and obscene pictures have become normal...then I don't know what to say.


by Get A Real Dog on 10 August 2007 - 02:08

Here's for moderation of foul language...........


by Sunsilver on 10 August 2007 - 02:08

DesertRangers wrote: XXX=kisses my sweetie!



by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 10 August 2007 - 02:08

Ok. I had to put my 2 cents in this one. lol  NO NO and absolutely NO to a moderator.  Yes sometimes things get nasty around here but I think if you can dish it out then you should be able to take it.  The cussing is nothing you don't hear on prime time tv anymore.  Maybe not the F word but hey with all the sex scenes on regular tv anymore they may as well say it and use the right terminology to go along with it.  I don't walk around my house like Mary Poppins; I'm sorry I'm a professional during the day but even then there have been times that some shit has fallen out of my mouth that I was unable to control in the heat of the moment.  I'm a regular person and my kids know when I spout at the mouth that's just mom being mom; she's pissed off at something so we should probably stay outta her way. lol 

The fat girl pictures that got posted were hilarious, sorry if other got offended but I don't even think the women in the photos were that uptight about it as some on this board- after all they were the 500lb gals rockin' some thongs who got paid to have these pictures taken.  Why??  So those of us with a sense of humor could laugh.  If you got offended by them then perhaps you should remove all mirrors from your bathrooms and jog a few miles each night to make yourself feel better.

We're big boys and girls on here and BELIEVE me I'm not gonna go slit my wrist because someone "offended me", called me a name, or made an insult.  WHO CARES?? 

If this board got moderated it'd be very stale and BORING!  It's nice to switch up the pace now and again, laugh a little, blow off some steam, get your blood pressure up and then get back to the serious stuff.  I like this board just the way it is.


by sueincc on 10 August 2007 - 03:08

And I can't help nitpick about spelling and grammar, because I used to be a school teacher! :p (sunsilver)

Please don't take this the wrong way, but did you ever stop to think some find your chastising for language, spelling and grammar as offensive and irritating as you find the very words you criticize others for using?  With that said, it's also a little endearing because it's a part of your personality and comes part & parcel with the rest of you.  So, how about you cut us sinners and cussers a little slack and accept the little bit of bad with the good like we do for all ya'll holier than thou types??


by Sunsilver on 10 August 2007 - 03:08

I promised myself I wasn't going to come back into this thread tonight, but suecc, I can't let this go without responding.

If I really wanted to be a PITA and nitpick about spelling and grammar it would be a full time job on this board, and people would, quite rightly, hate me for it.

I've mentioned spelling/grammar exactly three times that I can remember. Once, with Olskooldogs (not sure if I spelled that right!) because the error he made was quite funny, and twice with DesertRangers, because he was annoying me. And the post you quoted above was done with tongue firmly in cheek, after DR accused me of correcting him.

So please, sue, don't make it sound like I'm constantly being a royal PITA about this, because I AIN'T!!

My issue with DR, and with most of what goes on on this board is not so much the language as it is the personal attacks. THAT'S what ticks me off, and that's what I'm sure has driven a lot of people away from here.

We had a HUGE problem with a group of posters on the nursing website I was moderating. Finally, the site owner realized the poisonous atmosphere, where people who weren't part of this clique were constantly being attacked and put down, wasn't the sort of thing he wanted the public seeing. So, he cracked down, and we put together and began to enforce a rather tough Terms of Service. Did the shit ever hit the fan! It took 6 months for things to settle down, but the site is now the largest of its kind on the web, and a much nicer, more professional place to post.

The TOS was pretty simple. The basics were:  You will not use this forum to post free advertising or solicitations, any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this BB. 


We promote the idea of lively debate. This means you are free to disagree with anyone on any type of subject matter as long as your criticism is constructive and polite.

Personal Attacks

Our first priority is to the members that have come here because of the flame-free atmosphere we provide. There is a zero-tolerance policy here against personal attacks. We will not tolerate anyone insulting another individual's opinion nor name calling and will BAN repeat offenders.

Pretty simple, huh?  I'm not saying the above is going to work on this site. I'm just throwing it out here so we can talk about it.


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