Top GSD Showline Males Currently Prepotent For Protection - Page 6

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by charity on 30 November 2011 - 04:11

I also meant to say I wish we had more discussion on the females as well as the males........Another reason why I appreciated the post on Quana!

by Rass on 30 November 2011 - 13:11

This thread has been informative and I am glad I started it. 

It does not really answer the question I was trying to answer (who out there is currently prepotent for Protection).. or rather it DOES but it does not so much for dogs in the US (maybe there are not many SL dogs standing in the US).  Griff (British Columbia) has been brought up numerous times.. it will be interesting to see what his babies do (especially if crossed onto weak bitches) and if any of the puppy buyers take them out for work. 

by charity on 30 November 2011 - 13:11
This is the link to the Gucci  long bite I was talking about.  Kinda fuzzy......It was on the Whirling Thunder website but I didn't see it there today.  Lida posted a link to an alternate site but it didn't work

 for me.......

Some of the answers you received were probably not what you were hoping for.  I am guessing you were looking for names and there were a few.  But the true answer is more along the lines (as someone already said) it being a waiting game.  A good male can sire a lot of pups, given the fact that he is bred to a good female who also can pass on her work ability.   But then they need to go to homes that will develop their potential in that area.....Then it can be 2 years until you see the results.
I think Jim said Schutzhund is not as prevalent here as is in Europe.  So the chances of good pups with lots of potential being placed in an enviornment where that will be nutured and developed are slim. 
check out some of the other threads with similar titles and you will get an idea of who to look for in the pedigrees. 

I guess one of my questions now is....What can we do to promote the sport?

by Blitzen on 30 November 2011 - 14:11

Given the negative way most linebreeding is viewed in this breed, I hesitate to even mention that it is the only way to consistently "set" a specfic trait in any line of dogs.  It might be prudent to consider a little closer breeding on the dogs that produce the best workers?


by Championl on 30 November 2011 - 14:11

I thought I would note one more thing. There is current male in Germany who Dog1 mentioned in the top showlines with good protection phase thread over the summer, and I've been keeping my eye on him ever since. His name is Miro vom Zellergrund  and he is linebred 4-5,5 on Amigo v Belger. Miro is barely two and does not have progeny yet old enough to let us know what kind of producer he is, but if one thing can be said, IMO, the pedigree is correct for the theoretical "showline who can work" type of dog. I have not seen a bitework video of him yet though so I don't know what he's like, but I'm just pointing out that the potential is definitely there. ALso noteable, in this month's Decknachtrichten, Miro had  either the most or at least one of the most amounts of breedings of all the German stud dogs - more than many of the VA dogs and other popular, well known studs. I've long heard from experienced people, to watch who the Germans are breeding to (aside from the obvious VA litters), so this might be a dog to watch for in himself and his progeny. Just a though.

by charity on 30 November 2011 - 14:11

I think linebreeding ( no closer than 3,3)  is a valuable tool as long as it is not overdone and the breeder is experienced, meaning truly informed as to the positives and the negatives in the lines they are breeding....but that seems to be a problem.....knowing the negatives.

Thanks for the info Championl


by Dog1 on 30 November 2011 - 15:11

What Charity said is exactly right. If a dog that produced 100% working ability in all of it's offspring was in the US, it would never be bred enough, it's offspring would never be trained enough for anyone to notice the pattern. If it were by some chance noticed, many breeders would aviod the dog as they really don't want to deal with the families that would get the offspring and didn't know what to do with them when they turned 10 months old.

Miro was sold this week. Not shure where he's going.........

by charity on 30 November 2011 - 15:11

hope it's not freakin' China


by djc on 30 November 2011 - 16:11

Miro was my second choice for breeding my Gucci grand daughter to. The same owner owned both Miro and Tiras Roten Feld. The owner themselves said, as nice as Miro is he does not hold a candle to Tiras as far as character and work. Upon further research I agree with the owners! Quana that Dog1 mentions, is Tiras's daughter!!! AND Tiras is a VA dog. Just thought I'd jump in... lol.... jumping back out to lurk! :)


by Championl on 30 November 2011 - 18:11

Miro was sold huh? Damn. Do you know if he's at least still in Germany? Debby, I would love to breed to a dog like Tiras but like someone (you?) said, he's getting up there in age, and by the time I have a dog ready to be bred it might be too late to use him, so that's why I've been looking at the youngsters with potential. Thanks for the info on Miro per his owner, what kennel owns these dogs? Sounds like the breeder and/or owner has his priorities straight IMO :)

Dog1, that was what happened to me as a first time owner a few years ago, I didn't know what "drive" was, so I when I first got my 9 week old puppy and tried to hug her and she bit me, and tried to pet her and she bit me, and tried to walk away from her and she bit me, I remember crying and debating about returning her! I thought (naively) that she was "aggressive and dominant" at only 9 weeks haha. I kept her and gave her a good foundation and taught her proper social manners with good socialization, and she now could be a fabulous pet (but she's not cause we do schutzhund). I can only image putting a puppy like that in a true pet home, or one with little kids, or one that does not know how or take the time to train the pup to at least be good in the house or something. You're right, it would turn into a nightmare for the breeder cause who will the owners turn to? Good point!


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