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by BabyEagle4U on 11 April 2010 - 22:04

* "30 counts of cruelty to an animal were dismissed as part of the plea agreement." *

-- wow sickening.. you dissed alot of jail time, I wonder what other criminals get for plea agreements ..


by wlpool on 11 April 2010 - 22:04

ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED.  One that a person could have so many dogs and two that I have been harassed like a common criminal (in fact, more so!).  This board SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Although,  I always am glad to know who is abusing animals so thanks for that.  But, really, the crap you have to put up with to get information here out wieghts what you get. I have definately had my FILL!
And as a closing note:  If your dogs don't look at you with love (ie: In need of something wether it be food or medical care), then you HAVE TO MANY DOGS FOR YOUR RESOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for ALL of you who BITCHED about a high in trial ribbon, GET YOUR PRIORITIES IN ORDER!!!!!!!!!  

Me and my crappy dogs are OUT!

by Schaferhunden on 11 April 2010 - 22:04

Extra sensory perception by DDR-DSH on 06 April 2010 - 10:04 I have one very interesting bloodline that I fell into by circumstance with virtually no money invested, and it is a very good line worth doing something with, and really worth preserving. I'm sort of stuck here, now, unable to travel or do other things and the opportunity was there, so I thought I would try to do a philanthropic sort of project. We'll see how it goes. Taking stock of the situation, I see that this is one of the things I really do know about.. training and raising dogs. I might as well try to do something with it. Selling puppies to the public is something that gives me a bad taste in my mouth, for many reasons. I'll leave that to others to do. Raising dogs is not a bad thing.. It's just not what most people think it is. I don't see many people who stay with it for very long (I've actually heard that five or six years is average), and I don't know of anyone who considered to start up again, after quitting the first time. My first run was 25 years, followed by a 10 year hiatus. Anything else I do is with eyes wide open and very cautiously.


by 4pack on 11 April 2010 - 23:04

I know you have had litters Jen, I have had 1 GSD litter myself, ashamed of the ordeal actually. But I'm sure like myself you have researched more than a few possibilities and nixed them in the end. For me it's not even about time to raise another litter but wanting to do good by the breed and not have it be about my own selfish reasons.

Way too many think it's a shoe in way to make some $$$, or they are way to emotional about their pets and want a "baby" from their dog before it passes on.


by DDR-DSH on 11 April 2010 - 23:04

Hello, again, guttersnipes and ankle-biters!

 Yes, that's right, Schaferhunden! And, probably the BEST advice I've ever offered on this list is to be very cautious when even thinking about breeding dogs. It's a big, big commitment, with HUGE ethical dilemmas involved, and more trouble than you can shake a stick at!

Speaking of stick shaking, I was sorely tempted this afternoon. I have a young male who likes to bark at things.. dog bowls, rocks, whatever. He plays this way.. Well, he just wouldn't shut up, and I'd had enough! I had to go see what was going on.. He had gotten loose in the room and was playing with whatever he could find.. He chewed the cord off a fan I had in there. I just looked at the mess.. Then I looked at him. He was laying down, eyes big, looking at me as if he knew he was in trouble, for sure. I couldn't help it.. I just started laughing and I gave him a big hug! Something about this dog.. Actually, the whole line. They are some of the most lovable and most socially adaptable dogs I've ever seen.

I'm in between things here, helping  my husband online with something. So, I have a few minutes, back and forth. Then I have to go.. We're getting ready for another rain storm and there's always lots to do when that happens.

So, right.. I don't want to sell puppies to the public, anymore. But, the alternative to any kind of breeding is to let a little more of the genetic diversity die off forever.. "Extinction is forever", they say, and it's true.. Actually, my old lines never completely died off for the most part. I had semen frozen on them, before I let them all go. And, let them go, I did. I sent them far away from LA County, the sweaty buttcrack of California, the Golden Shower state. Those dogs went all over.. to Canada, Australia and all over the US. I didn't charge anyone a penny for them. The only thing I got was a few bad promises and money to cover the costs of shipping them off (actual costs). That would be health certificate, crate and air freight. The anti-breeding activists wanted to see them all neutered or dead, but no way was I going to have that, if there was anything I could do about it. So, one little win for me.. I got to live with my dogs for one more year, while all this dragged out.. and, in the end, the dogs went free and with a chance to continue their lineage elsewhere. I'm happy to say that some did very well..

The AR (animal rights) activists are liars.. They tell you it's all about "greed" and "exploitation"... They tell you that breeders are all evil, bad people. That's not true. At least, it's not true all the time. Most that do do it for money are butt poor and struggling, or they are a lot more hardcore than I am.


by DDR-DSH on 11 April 2010 - 23:04

The thing you all ought to know by now, is that I am not going to back down in fhe face of insults, even threats. Doesn't matter to me. I've lost too much, already. This whole thing has completely fucked up my retirement, and any hopes I had of enjoying it. I have a hard time, now.. But, it's OK.. Because I have the truth. I know the truth. I also know very well what the AR activists want.. Some of us like to say / think that they are crazy.. Some are! But, the core figures are at the hub of truly RICH and yes.. GREEDY organizations, the like of which are shaking down other industries.. No matter what your personal beliefs are.. whether dog breeding is right or wrong, and whether it is right to have it outlawed or so heavily regulated that all are forced out except for the insiders (who will get a free pass, like the child abusers in the SYSTEM.. CPS.. There are some.. which is a multi-billion dollar industry, by the way).

The one thing that they MUST do is to turn public opinion against breeders and breeding of purebred dogs. Any sort of argument will do. Best to find those that feed hate and anger! So, they love to get their meathooks into people who are old, confused, feeble.. and who have assets, typically. They really go after older people. We've seen a steady pattern of this.

You will notice one thing, consistently.. There is always the hate. These are hateful people! They hate intensely, and they LOVE to hate! It makes them feel powerful! They feel right, and they feel safe.. In other words, BULLIES!!! There is never any forgiveness, never any sympathy, never any understanding. It's always hate, hate, hate. They hate everyone and everything that they think they have a chance to beat up on. They are cowards, typically hiding behind a keyboard or working in mobs. THIS is the face of "compassion", today.. " ... But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel".. Proverbs, 12:10

by wrestleman on 12 April 2010 - 00:04

This is the same lady who claimed in the early 90's late 80's to have had a kennel full of dogs that all died due to a lighting strike . Most where older DDR line dogs. I was not there have no idea of what happened. She was always a collector of dogs and pups. I knew someone who visited her then and she had many in airline crates. I thought she had just disappeared never new of this stuff the evidence certainly lead to a conviction and it seems she got off mostly scott free for something that was horrible.

by beetree on 12 April 2010 - 00:04

....and still a collector....


by Psycht on 12 April 2010 - 01:04

As someone who just got done prosecuting a case involving a dog hoarder/breeder (seizure of approximately 250 dogs of one breed) last year, I recommend this site for information regarding animal hoarding:

The article titled ANIMAL HOARDING: Structuring Interdisciplinary Responses to Help People, Animals, and Communities at Risk AKA the "Angel Report" is a must read for those interested in this issue.  One of the issues in animal hoarding is mental illness and the inability to recognize the harm caused to the animals which is often coupled with the belief that people "are out to get the them". 

This was the situation in the case I had.  The individual believed that animal control infected their dogs with parvo, that the national breed club/other breeders was out to get them, and that the care given to the animals during the pendancy of the case was substandard to the care that they gave the animals, etc.  These are difficult (and expensive) cases to prosecute for many many reasons.

The individual in my case ended up with a 20 year suspended sentence and a limitation of the amount of animals that she could have (3 altered dogs etc) as well as mental health treatment and counseling.  This individual will be 80 when they are through with their sentence.  Without treatment and supervision, animal hoarders have a nearly 100% recidivism rate.  The best that can be done IMO is to try and get them the mental health help and structure a sentence that puts strict limitation on the amount of animals they can possess so as to try and ensure that the hoarding situation is not repeated in the future. 

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled free for all ;-)


by NoCurs on 12 April 2010 - 02:04

Funny how these types ALWAYS cry that THEY are the VICTIM.  Oh, how horrible it all was for THEM!  ALways.  Somehow it is ALWAYS not their fault - ever. No, they made NONE of the decisions.  Brought none of the dogs into the situation., etc etc etc.  In order for animal control to actually make a case, it HAS to be bad. This I know.

Anyone convicted of animal cruelty is not supposed to be able to register dogs with AKC. Has anyone looked into this? I doubt the AKC bothers to follow these cases. I'll make sure they know if necessary.

One last sad thought:  so many people support "sanctuaries" and "no kill" shelters and to be honest what are they really other than well funded collectors?  There is little difference. The dogs are still living a life of "permanent boarding" without purpose, without a "one" person. So sad. Make sure you don't support collecting in ANY form!

For someone who doesn't care what people think, DDR, you are sure going out of your way to do a lot of explaining/excuse making.  No one here is going to buy it - because there IS no excuse. 


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