Friends of the German Shepherd Dog World: My dog Ilay vom Nordkristall - Page 8

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by mobjack on 07 October 2010 - 12:10

You are most welcome. I hope your letter does not fall of deaf ears. I abhor the AKC and some of their practices but in the USA that is all we have.

The woman Mary would not have needed a Bescheinigung to have Ilay transfered to her name with the AKC. Ilay was imported to the USA and registered to Yvonne as the owner in 2008. That is clear from the AKC paperwork. The Bescheinigung would have been needed at that time. Since Ilay was already an AKC registered dog (to Yvonne) all that was needed to do the transfer is the signatures on the back of the AKC registration paper.

If I am not mistaken, since Ilay was registered with the AKC in 2008, they will consider his registration with the SV null and void as of that time. They will not care what the SV has on record today. There is very little that can or will be done unless Yvonne complains to the AKC and can prove that the POA signature was fraudulent. Now that the transfer has been completed, they may in fact do nothing unless it is first settled in court.

If I am wrong with any of the above information, I hope someone will please correct me.



by Oskar1 on 07 October 2010 - 13:10

Thanks again Mobjack, it is sometimes hard to understand these different rules.
I tend to think the same way as you - AKC will stick their head in the sand, and pretend it is a private matter. Neverless, with Mrs. Gattone being a judge within the AKC, this ordeal could very well bite back. I guess we all have to wait what the outcome will be.


by Rik on 07 October 2010 - 13:10

Ulli, you have never hidden who you are, neither has Steve. And neither have I. My point is that there two sides to every controversy.

The rest of the story as far as I know will be determined in court.. And that is the full extent of my knowledge other than what I have been told firsthand.

I am satisfied with however it turns out as it is really none of my business. It's these gutless people who hide behind a keyboard writing fiction that fueled my response.

Yvonne does not hide who she is, her sister does not hide who she is and who Mary is certainly not hidden.

Am I biased, yes, I can not help but be. I have known Mary for 25 years and consider her a friend. I have had many dealings with her and have never found her to be lacking in integrity. Neither has there ever been accusations against her character till now.

mobjack provided a very accurate description of the AC and their policies. They are a registration organization only.

Rick Atchley


by maywood on 07 October 2010 - 15:10

Rik, I could care less what morons like you think of my posts.  It is obvious you don’t read the posts thoroughly here anyway.  All you’re trying to do is create a little “smoke screen” since you seem to be nothing more than Mary Gattone’s little bitch.

Fact still remains, Yvonne sent Ilay Nordkristall to the US to provide stud services for 1 year.  This was extended for an additional year.  Now the agreed time is up and she wants her dog back.  End of story.

Since Mary Gattone is actually the one who is hiding in all of this and getting away with the goods let’s just speculate some more:  Mary Gattone fell in love with Ilay Nordkristall during that time frame and doesn’t want to give him back.  She is using whatever excuse she can to justify in her own mind reasons not to give him back.  After all he is a very valuable dog and she just cannot return him to the “horrible conditions” from which he came.  Rather than paying for him, she decided to take the illegal route of stealing by using her POA powers in a manner not granted to her by Yvonne.  Now she thinks she is the rightful owner since she was able to forge and misrepresent on a piece of paper.  Am I getting warm yet?

Ms. Gattone, I will be sending you a letter while you’re sitting in your jail cell and this is how it will read “I TOLD YOU SO!”  So once again, I will repeat, do yourself, Ilay, and everyone else a big favor and return Ilay Nordkristal to his rightful owner immediately before it is too late.

Dawn G. Bonome

by Dawn G. Bonome on 07 October 2010 - 15:10

It's just too bad that she as a breeder of American Line Shepherds, and AKC judge who knows the ropes inside and out of the AKC, M. Gattone had to steal, and forge a signature, and take advantage of a woman who does NOT KNOW ANYTHING about the AKC  in order to have a good dog for breeding on her premises since she could not produce one here in America with her AMERICAN LINES!!!

Maywood.... you are right, M Gatone will be singing the blues in Sing Sing! Forgery/ Stealing IS A CRIME!!

Rik.... you can swear all you want at people. If you are her friend for years... and you agree with stealing and forgery, then birds of a feather flock together and maybe you should be a jail roommate with the HIGHLY ESTEEMED M. Gattone!

by undercover on 07 October 2010 - 16:10

Peyton place..........................................

Maywood, are you the little bitch of Yvonne.....

MODERATOR COMMENT: Few writing here probably know very much about this situation, except what is written here. Each side has supporters. But, the thread is slowly starting to spiral out of control with people calling names and insulting others. If it continues, the entire thread will be deleted. If you wish to discuss it, try to do so with facts and without being so nasty. Better yet, take it private, or drop it. Put your money where your mouth is and support one of the players if you choose, but don't turn this into the ugly type of threads which brought moderators back to the board. None of us enjoy moderating or deleting anything, believe it or not.


by maywood on 08 October 2010 - 14:10

Yvonne, don’t forget to remind your attorney about the lost stud fees you would now be enjoying if Mary Gattone had stuck to her end of the bargain.  You never know, you may be the new owner of a house in Georgia, USA if you play your cards right.

Ms. Gattone, time is money, tick-tock, tick-tock.  Being stubborn and holding on to Ilay could end up costing you a small fortune.  Tick-tock, tick-tock.


by Oskar1 on 08 October 2010 - 21:10

Mr. / Mrs. Moderator
thank you very much for your input. I whole haertedly agree with you, that it becomes very unpleasent when profanity kicks in, and personal attacks are used. If that would be the point to delete a whole thread, I dont know, but it would certainly trigger some thoughts.
Anyways, thank you for being so open minded.

Maywood & Dawn
I know you mean only good, but please keep it civil. Rick allready showed his willingness to step back, by not using any foul language in his last post and admitting that he is biased, because he knows Mary over a long time. I bet it would be awfull hard for any of us, to admit that someone who we know that long, is involved in somekind of wrongdoing. So i truely believe we should give him a break.

Neverless, I think this whole deal is a scam, at a proportion I have not seen yet in the dog world. But  we will have to be patiend. I think Maywood you are right, this really could have an impact on some personal lives, if not resolved wright now. We will see.
All the Best

by gucci on 09 October 2010 - 02:10



by Rik on 09 October 2010 - 04:10

Ulli, appreciate the comments. I can assure you that I need no breaks from anyone hiding behind a keyboard. too cowardly to back up their comments with their name.

I have stated that I do have a bias. That however does not extend into a judgment of who is right or who is wrong. If yvonne is right, I hope she gets the dog back and they spend many happy years together.

If Mary is correct, then the same wish to her. The place to decide this at this time is court.And I doubt there is any chance of it being settled here. I also doubt very seriously it would ever have been brought up here were Mary not such a high profile in the GSD world in the U.S. But whichever way it goes, it will not affect my friendship with Mary.

I guess I have come across as advocating Mary. That is not my intent at all. I can assure all that she is a big girl and requires no assistance in handling her affairs.

Rick Atchley


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