Michael Vick wants to own another dog? - Page 8

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by Wahrheit on 19 December 2010 - 18:12

The comments above by Ace952 are telling. To rejoice at the rare times when the criminal justice system fails, to rejoice because you find it funny when someone is pissing people off and making lots of money who is the kind of person that can do the kinds of things he did to the dogs (I doubt you bothered to really learn what he did) says a lot about the kind of person you are. You apparently have few morals.......moral people abide by the law, but don't "rejoice" in this kind of activity. 

It is one thing to disagree and argue that "ok, the guy served his sentence and if a judge allows him to have a dog, you are fine with that. Most people are not fine with it, and IF the criminal justice system had the teeth it needs to deal with cases like this, we would not even be talking about this. Sadly, it does not and most here will do little to help change that. But It is quite another thing to make the argument you do above. And in the case of your other sorry excuse for a human being, remember, he was found liable in a civil court, not to mention he is now in jail for other crimes..............

So you, to use your word, "rejoice" at the kind of person these guys are? Says a lot about you. Pathetic!!


by Ace952 on 19 December 2010 - 19:12

Yes I rejoice in that he is doing good.  He did a crime and served his time.
He has since done community service, been humble and taken all of the NASTY comments people have made about him, his family, etc.  Many of you all have went above and beyond what it is called for.

Yes I will like many others rejoice in him being a positive person and showing that he won't let one horrible act doom his future and linger over his head as many of you all want to do.

I have lived long enough to see other people commit crimes against PEOPLE and get off with no jail time and there are no rally's, cries of outrage or anything else..


by BabyEagle4U on 19 December 2010 - 19:12

Half-Time NYG LOL


by CrysBuck25 on 19 December 2010 - 20:12

All I can say is, if some of you are going to excuse what he did, the dog fighting, the electrocutions, the drownings, whatever else he may have done to the dogs, and say he has served his time, then that's fine, because he did.  However, I hope that I never again see those of you championing Vick ever say anything negative about other dog abusers, such as Janice Bartmess.  The only difference between Janice Bartmess and Michael Vick is the amount of money they make and what they do for a living.  Janice only starved dogs and kept them in filthy conditions, but Vick tortured and killed dogs, as well as fighting them.

So if time/fines served/paid equals a new start, then let's not hear anything else about any dog abuser that wants to get on with their lives.  It's not fair to divide by class.  That's prejudice.

Just my opinion,if he's ever again allowed to have a dog, I wouldn't sell him one, not if he offered me ten million dollars for it.  His wife and kids must live under the same penalties he did because they cannot own a dog with him in the home, and that's the way it is. The kids will not always be little kids, and someday, they can get their own dogs. Vick's dog ownership is in the court's hands, and not ours.

Karma can be such a pain, though.



by raymond on 19 December 2010 - 20:12

Ok people here are the facts about vick! He is a top level footbal competetor who makes his masters tons of money! His masters being the football owners and advertisers and he satisfies the fans! As evidenced by be4u ! He is a black man which is being played by the celebretary community by the excuses of his ethnic backround justifying his actions! The authorities were reluctant to prosecute him but were left no choice because of the outcry from the animal rights community! He lied 100 % to authorities and was only allowed to confess because his parteners all turned on him in plea bargain deals! Micheal vick knew full well what he was doing and lied to avoid prosecution and played the race card to soften his punishment! Many celebritries supported  no prosecution because of his ethnic(race ) backround! Rest assured any other black man who was caught in vicks position would be sent off to prison for far more time than vick did! Vick escaped Justice because of  his racial backround and his celebrity status! Today it is politically incorrect to insure justice is done ! Look at the injustice being done to law abiding citizens! It is extremely hard to find a job becasue of all the undocumented or illegal aliens in this country! Outlaws are considered politically correct! Micheal Vick is a hero not becasue he is a dog murderer but  because he is a footbasll star making his masters millions!


by DebiSue on 19 December 2010 - 20:12

KISS...MV is a POS.  Always has been, always will be.  Jail time doesn't change what he has done.  It doesn't matter what anyone thinks.  It doesn't matter who you compare him to.  It doesn't matter what he does from here on out.  He is a POS.  Pure and simple.  I'm not sure how anyone finds anything to argue about when it comes to him.  What one has done may be past but what one does defines one's self.  What one will do is only a "possibility".  It's all conjecture at this point.  I have no desire to give the likes of MV any credit for the future.  He had his opportunity to make something of himself (something real, someone to look up to, not some phony, baloney "star" athlete) and he showed us what a pathetic POS he truly is.  Take away his football career and the ridiculous amount of money they pay him to play a game and see what he does with himself.  I don't care how "talented" a person is.  When a person does harm to an animal that would worship the ground he walks on, an animal that would protect him by giving up its life, an animal as loyal to a beggar as to a king, that person will remain a POS until his rotting corpse is in the ground.  And you will never convince me that someone who treats animals like MV treated those dogs can be a kind, considerate, loving husband and father.  Do the math.  It does not compute.  POS, POS, POS.  I don't care for professional sports.  Those people are not my idea of role models.  Granted, some of them are but they would have been good souls even if they were grease monkeys in some garage instead of on the pedestal the loser public puts them on.  My father was my hero.  He didn't play sports.  He spent his lifetime earing a living, going to work every day and spending his spare time with his family.  And he loved animals.  He would not have sat idly by and allowed a POS like MV to torture a defenseless animal.  Too bad daddy wasn't on that jury.       


by MaggieMae on 19 December 2010 - 20:12

Ace -- It just amazes me that you will "celebrate M. Vick and O.J". -- one tortured and killed dogs and the other killed two people -- but that apparently means little to you.   Your own words/thoughts have clearly demonstrated the sickness that has taken hold and is pervasive in our society.

Celebrities are put on a pedestal in our society.   Hollywood / Sports figures / Politicians / Very wealthy people are given a Pass.   Why?  

Just because Vick and OJ played Football and provided entertainment  to their fans, they are still idolized by many who don't give a damn about the vileness of their character and the horrible acts they committed.    

I'll stop right here -- I have so much more that I could say to you, but it would be a waste of my time.  


by GSDsRock on 19 December 2010 - 21:12

From the book "The Lost Dogs" written by Jim Gorant, the senior editor of Sports Illustrated:

“As that dog lay on the ground, fighting for air, Quanis Phillips grabbed its front legs and Michael Vick grabbed its back legs. They swung the dog over their head like a jump rope then slammed it to the ground. The first impact didn't kill it. So, Phillips and Vick slammed it again. The two men kept at it, alternating back and forth, pounding the creature against the ground until, at last, the little red dog was dead.”



"What Michael Vick did was not just dog fighting," said Marthina McClay of Our Pack, a pit bull rescue group in Santa Clara, and the owner of one of the Vick dogs, Leo. "It went so far beyond that, and most people who defend him are uninformed. They don't really realize what Michael Vick did."

"The details that got to me then and stay with me today involve the swimming pool that was used to kill some of the dogs," Reynolds wrote on her blog. "Jumper cables were clipped onto the ears of underperforming dogs, then, just like with a car, the cables were connected to the terminals of car batteries before lifting and tossing the shamed dogs into the water."

She continued, "We don't know how many suffered this premeditated murder, but the damage to the pool walls tells a story. It seems that while they were scrambling to escape, they scratched and clawed at the pool liner and bit at the dented aluminum sides like a hungry dog on a tin can.

"I wear some pretty thick skin during our work with dogs, but I can't shake my minds-eye image of a little black dog splashing frantically in bloody water ... screaming in pain and terror ... brown eyes saucer wide and tiny black white-toed feet clawing at anything, desperate to get a hold. This death did not come quickly. The rescuer in me keeps trying to think of a way to go back in time and somehow stop this torture and pull the little dog to safety. I think I'll be looking for ways to pull that dog out for the rest of my life."

Vick did all that and more to his dogs, and even threw family pets into the pit with fighters and laughed while they were mauled, according to a witness who testified to federal investigators.

TessJ10, you believe in the redemption of people like this. Fine, if you only put yourself at risk. But you have no right to put others, including dogs who have no choice in the matter, at risk. Suppose a serial killer convicted of torturing women to death gets out of jail after a few years because he’s a wealthy celebrity and strings are pulled for him. If you think he’s been redeemed and you want to cozy up to him, I have no problem with that. But if you want to set up a dating service for him, l have a problem with that. If you want to rip into the devastated families of the women he killed for being “vindictive” by not forgiving him and not encouraging him to date their remaining female family members, l have a problem with that too.

I have never understood the psychology of people who weep and moan over criminals like Vick, but have little to say when it comes to expressing sympathy for their victims. Feeling sympathy for the victims instead of the criminals is not vindictiveness. It’s basic human decency.

Nor do I understand the view that if a guy is a great athlete, nothing else matters. If Vick had raped and tortured a four-year-old girl to death, he’d still have lots of supporters telling the rest of us what vindictive haters we are and, hey, give the poor guy a break.


by raymond on 19 December 2010 - 21:12

I thank God almighty that he will repay Micheal vick for what he has done to many innocent creatures! I do regret that I can not be the one to arrange the meeting between them! But rest assured that those who condone his actions and support his actions now will also be held accountable before God for the lack of foresight they have exibitted . those who do not rebuke one for the error of theri ways become a partaker in the crimes they commmit! So those of you who would say let bygones be bygones  concerning micheal vick will ultimately suffer the same punishment he will at the hands or God!


by BabyEagle4U on 19 December 2010 - 21:12

OMG. Did U see that !!! LMAO YeeeeeHawwwwwww


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