Looking for a great "B" name for a female working dog - Page 7

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by Mystere on 14 April 2008 - 21:04

And thank you also for showing your true colors, Fiona. I would expect nothing more from you and you certainly did not disappoint, including your racist references. PLEASE do stay in the backwoods where you can pass for intelligent. And get some medication--those posts fully demonstrate the need. LOL


by sueincc on 14 April 2008 - 22:04

I like Bella.  It might be well used, but with good reason, it rolls nicely off the tongue.  I too would love to hear how the rest of the world mangles gaelic pronunciation, Nia - I think as usual, you are right on the money.

by radarsmom on 15 April 2008 - 00:04

I still like Bling, but for those of you who enjoyed "How Green Was My Valley," how about Bronwyn?  "Winnie" for short?


by Hailey on 15 April 2008 - 01:04

Eichenluft--you are my hero!  I concur with you 100%!  My Banshee got her name because of course she had to have a "B" name and for the fact that when I brought her home she screamed for 2 solid days--missing her siblings. 

KariM--Banshee is an excellent name for a workingline female.



by Sharon9624 on 15 April 2008 - 02:04

Bengelchen means little brat in German

by C Simmons on 15 April 2008 - 04:04

I'm with radarsmom.  I like "Bling" as in bling bling.


by jc.carroll on 15 April 2008 - 14:04


It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it has a solid ring to it.

by FionaDunne on 16 April 2008 - 23:04

Mystere and Molly:  What the hell makes either of you think that an international board is limited or should be limited to only English/American names and spellings?  Where the hell do you two get off?


What I posted originially was information for the OP giving her a choice.  Is it possible that <<gasp>> a German or other European nation judge would possibly be judging the dog in the future? You may be ignorant.  Not everyone is.  It wasn't until you opened your mouth and piped up with,

Can't wait to see the German (or American for that matter) confronted with and attempting to pronounce names with Gaelic spelling. LOL

did I respond further with an explanation - this after ignoring your previous post of:

...strikes terror in the hearts of those who know what those nasty, Irish creatures were supposed to be capable of. ... .

Then, as if in a further attempt to show your ignorance and idiocy, you post this:

And thank you also for showing your true colors, Fiona. I would expect nothing more from you and you certainly did not disappoint, including your racist references. PLEASE do stay in the backwoods where you can pass for intelligent.

Nor did you disappoint, Mystere, about your own racism or your ignorance.  So, for Halloween, are you going to be the pot or the kettle?  Do everyone a favor and take your own advice.  Clearly, the backwoods are about the only place you can pass for intelligent.


You might benefit from that spelling in the future.  At the rate you pump out dogs you'll be burning through "B" names in no time and will have to resort to other than English/American in no time.  What are you up to now?  Still can't answer the questions that were asked before?  Should I post them again for you? 

Now, if you two pieces of work want to look at who ruined the thread you take a good, hard look at yourselves. 

This (certainly not backwoods and previously) Californian - relocated to Tennessee - can only say to the two of you, in keeping with what I'd submitted earlier,

Póg mo thóin Éireannach.

I guarantee that the more educated here and the Europeans on this board, and those living in most major European countries, won't have to look that up to translate.  The likes of you two will.

Oh, and one other thing.  How many pups have you purchased from Molly, Mystere?  How many did you return?  How many times have you recomm


by Bucko on 16 April 2008 - 23:04


An exhortation for jumping into the fray with courage.



by FionaDunne on 16 April 2008 - 23:04

(to continue)

How many times have you recommended her as a breeder of working dogs that perform?  How many times have you denounced her?  Do tell?

Talk about a sudden marriage made in hell.

You two deserve each other.


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