AltOstland - Page 14

Pedigree Database

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by AlliGSD911 on 08 June 2008 - 15:06

That litter in question is actually advirtised on someone else's website that I've noticed does business w/Judy.  Maybe she has some idea???

by dexter Carmichael on 08 June 2008 - 18:06


fill in the dots should only take you a week.

So now you know? if only you did you would realise just how far from truth your assumptions are, not that you could deal with being wrong, so carry presuming if it makes feel you better, and carry being a puppet for that kennel you subservient  grovelling none entity.

by Czech DDR Lover on 08 June 2008 - 19:06

I haven't been on AltOstlands' site, but is Ruby a different female from that litter, or did the name get changed from Reba to Ruby?  Is she still listed on AltO's site as Ruby there?

Change history for Ruby vom Alt-Ostland

Note that each line represents what the user changed from. So each modification row will have the user information and what the pedigree data was before he/she changed the imformation.

Change date Who changed Sex Name Registry Reg. Number Work titles D.O.B. Father Mother
Current Current entry Female Ruby vom Alt-Ostland       26-OCT-07 UCI INT CH V(US) Yake vom Schwarzhorn Voxi vom Haus Iris
31 jan 2008 18:14:06 altostland Female Ruby vom Alt-Ostland         No information available No information available

by Czech DDR Lover on 08 June 2008 - 19:06


If Ruby vom Alt Olstland is a different pup from Reba and not one in the same, and if the pup Reba has been sold,  injured and now unsellable, or is deceased, maybe ask Alt Ostland if she would supply the pup Ruby to you as replacement.?

by dawgma on 08 June 2008 - 19:06


You said "you subservient  grovelling none entity."    I think that should read  'non entity'  but who am I to correct you.

You joined june 4th 2008 and your only posts have been on this subject, maybe you're in the group with many usernames ? how conveniant for you.

I think now you are guilty of trying to make this your topic. ps I love it when you use big words.


by Czech DDR Lover on 08 June 2008 - 21:06

Susan, unfortunately even if you can locate the dog, It has been made clear to me, by a scam which was pulled on me and that I am trying to force restitution onto the seller,  that the only way to force the issue to get your dog sent is through the legal system.  Few here posting on the database will be able to do much for you in that regard. I have a post on another thread here on the database about how long it should take to get foreign registration papers, asking for information as to how best to take someone to court on your own by representing one's self...without hiring an attorney and having to throw away attorney's fees after money paid the scammer that you know they have already, long ago spent ; knowing they have no real possessions which you can squeeze them for, in order to get your money back...

but I really haven't gotten much in the way of response to that question. 
Why?  Is it because it isn't them that got stung on the dog transaction?  
Once they do, they will realize the importance of having this information so they will know how to deal with their own experience of being scammed, needing help getting the dog, the papers for the dog, or their money back. 

by Czech DDR Lover on 08 June 2008 - 21:06

My scam was not done to me by Alt Ostland...I have never had any dealings with Judy.
But one thing I know is that her deals never have the agreement in writing..
Doing business this way is almost always a huge problem, because people simply forget, especially when working with lots of different sales of dogs to a large number of clients. 
In my case my scam  was a paper problem and total lmisrepresentation of the dog I was purchasing..the problem was that I didn't get papers, at all...a year ago this month.. But  I got the dog, who was stated to be a breeding female...she was not, and the seller knew it. So I have been caring for this dog for over a year... But the paper problem, that is yet a mystery, and in contacting the SV, there seems to be no backup for scams involving dog sales. Dog seems to be registered, titled, and hold show rating, but can't get any information about her papers because I am not listed as owner...
Neiother is the seller, who imported the dog a year before I purchased her...You would think she would have had to register the dog right away.  A Bescheinagung was apparently issued...

Trying to contact those "superbeings" at the Registries, (SV, AKC, CKC, etc. ,) who are responsible for the tracking, housing and record-keeping of the records on our dogs, you would think that they would be the ones to contact to try to get these frauds and scams resolved,  but it appears they dont' care much about doing that. 
Unless you have a court order or judgement against the person, or can get the local police who have jurisdiction in the scammer's state /county to go there and investigate and if dog is there, with proof of your ownership of said dog, confiscate it and hand it over to you, or even better yet, arrest the offender and haul them off to jail, (if it were only that easy)  there isn't much that you will find you can do without a court papertrail. 

by Czech DDR Lover on 08 June 2008 - 21:06

In a perfect world, it would be excellent if we would all do our share to insure every dog sale we do goes as it should. 
But it isn't a perfect world, and many have succumbed to the ease in which dogs can be sold to eager buyers, largely thanks to the Internet. 

The unfortunate truth is that the scammers know all the ins and outs of their scammer world; how to hide their true identity, how to never give out their location, holding on to papers rather than supply them to the rightful owners who just bought that dog from them, (for heaven knows what reasons,) how to funnel money on dogs that they have sold and that never have their name added to the papertrail in any way...These polished scammers had this all researched long before you finalized the transaction with them.   Most of us who are honest business persons couldn't even think up the creativity of most of these scams, much less that these things might well occur within the sales transaction you are considering.


by Czech DDR Lover on 08 June 2008 - 22:06

But again, I ask on this thread...
do any of you have direct knowledge and advice as to how one would file charges and then represent themselves in taking these types of scammers to court in order to obtain judgement...without throwing more money away to have an attorney represent you in court? 
I would imagine it would be just a matter of getting proper paper documents in order to get things filed, sent officially to the scammer, and then show up in court. 
Anyone out there brave enough to accurately and specifically lay out the procedure of how to do this??  And how to find and get proper forms to do so?

Do any of you know of a person(s)  responsible as a direct link at AKC or the SV who you can report such infractions of fraud to, and who will actually investigate the matter and hold the perpetrator accountable because these sellers/breeders have violated the bylaws of their membership ethics and registration codes??

In my state small claims court will not work...because the defendant must live within the same county which you, the plaintiff,  files against them in...
yes, that's COUNTY, not COUNTRY> 
So it must be heard in Civil court I guess? 

Won't we all benefit from knowing that type of information.


by Pharaoh on 08 June 2008 - 22:06



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