$12-$15 Per gallon Gas predicted. How will it effect you? - Page 6

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 23 May 2008 - 18:05

Great things have been accomplished by men who chose not to use force.   Just remember everything has a price and sometimes the price is a lot.   Even some of those great men payed the price, they payed with their lives.  Lest we forget.

Just don't be guilty of doing nothing.


by BabyEagle4U on 23 May 2008 - 18:05

Two Moons,  I realize this is hard for you to swaller, but our government Congress included, the White House to the State Houses, Executive, Legislative and Judicial has not done the one task that is asked of them. "to protect, defend and preserve the United States Constitution and this republic. This has been an ongoing hijack for decades. Only now, their Govern-Mental  progress cannot be ignored. They are now at the final stages for the NWO.

The "enity" American government can no longer make a plausible argument and ignore the people. Ron Paul initiated  this expose and full corruption in less than one year to all who would listen. Need proof our government isn't paying attention ??? Google Ron Paul.

J. Edgar Hoover, ex-FBI director on the New World Order conspiracy: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

George H.W. Bush's comment: "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."

http://www.threeworldwars.com/nwo-timeline1.htm  ~ 

http://www.threeworldwars.com/nwo-timeline2.htm  ~  1980 - present

The extreme you speak about is higher education and the United States Constitution at it's finest .. the extreme you see here is only a minor example of what's really on the counter. Or maybe in the Tea Pot. Or is it the Cookie Jar. I forget.

... --- ... / ... --- ...  






by Trailrider on 24 May 2008 - 00:05

OK I have had a glass of wine and have to admit you guys are scaring the crap out of me!! My husband has been talking about this $hit for years, and personally I can "feel" the change already. The gas prices, not to mention everything else, has got people on edge. I am just glad I live in the country, I think we stand half a chance, versus city dwellers. So WTF is the answer?? Who do we vote for? I suggest Ron Paul but how can that happen?? A long time ago I decided to go hunting, to see if I could kill a deer. I knew if I could (and I did) do that, I can kill some SOB frickin' with me or mine....BTW  I can put a round in a half dollar size target at 100 yds. with an open sight 30-30 ....

by Uglydog on 24 May 2008 - 02:05

Of course, YOU find it ridiculous RPK, because you have a reasoning  impediment.

Ive mentioned the Illegal Crisis in this supposed "WAR on terror" actually a War OF terror before.

If you really want the numbers, related to war, Israel here you go.

The cost of Israel

The USA uses 20 million barrels of oil a day, and our backing of the 1973 Jewish Yom Kippur war resulted in a increase to $ 25-30 a barrel.   Oil was $3 a barrel in 1973, before Nixon airlifted aid to Israel who was losing their war. Overnight Oil went to $32 a barrel, per OPEC.

20 Mil Barrels
x 365 days

7,300 Mil Barrels
x $ 25
$ 1.825 Trillion a year. A YEAR!


You need to add in half the defense budget, 5 Gulf Fleets protecting Isreal & our Oil as a resuilt of that rogue nation that attacked our USS Liberty,  and factor in the cost of the Iraq wars. Then you could throw in the economic damage caused by their False Flags like 9/11 et.

No comparison RPK, but nice try.  I would like all illegals deported however.  They come courtesy of the same group ruinging the currnecy & controlling the Fed.   Immigration Act of 1965. Hart-Celler.   Introduced by Emmanuel "Manny" Celler. Liberal NY Senator.


by TRUgsds on 24 May 2008 - 02:05

IF gasoline got that high, it would be a little too late to make changes in my opinion.

Quite honestly, I'm starting to ready for it now.

First thing that would go are the Toys....Jet Ski's.....Motor Home....Time to sell is now....Dollar won't mean shit when the going gets tough and material things won't be worth a penny on the dollar.

Second to go is Extra's.....all the Luxury items we get used to having.....2 trucks......Summer home/camp site/property, that brand new furniture and 2,000.00 dining room set. 

Third  If it got down to cutting corners....Household diet would change along with the dogs diet, if it really came down to it, but the dogs stay. If worst ever came to worst, the things I would want around me would be my Shotgun, Rifle, 4x4, and my dogs.

by Uglydog on 24 May 2008 - 02:05

Ronald Reagans Treasury Sec & Founder of Reaganomics.

War Abroad, Poverty at Home


Paul Craig Roberts
May 23, 2008

The US Senate has voted $165 billion to fund Bush’s wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq through next spring.

As the US is Broke and deep in debt, every one of the $165 billion dollars will have to be borrowed. American consumers are also broke and deep in debt. Their zero saving rate means every one of the $165 billion dollars will have to be borrowed from foreigners.

The “world’s only superpower” is so broke it can’t even finance its own wars.

Each additional dollar that the irresponsible Bush Regime has to solicit from foreigners puts more downward pressure on the dollar’s value. During the eight wasted and extravagant years of the Bush Regime, the once mighty US dollar has lost about 60% of its value against the euro.

The dollar has lost even more of its value against gold and oil.

Before Bush began his wars of aggression, oil was $25 a barrel. Today it is $130 a barrel. Some of this rise may result from run-away speculation in the futures market. However, the main cause is the eroding value of the dollar. Oil is real, and unlike paper dollars is limited in supply. With US massive trade and budget deficits, the outpouring of dollar obligations mounts, thus driving down the value of the dollar.

Each time the dollar price of oil rises, the US trade deficit rises, requiring more foreign financing of US energy use. Bush has managed to drive the US oil import bill up from $106 billion in 2006 to approximately $500 billion 18 months later–every dollar of which has to be financed by foreigners.

Without foreign money, the US “superpower” cannot finance its imports or its government’s operation.

When the oil price rises, Americans, who a


by Bob-O on 24 May 2008 - 03:05

We all remember the fables from our youth (provided by petroleum refiners/sellers-who else) about the origin of crude oil. This same wierd science was promoted in school classrooms both here and abroad. I seem to remember something about decaying shellfish, plankton, and.....dinosaurs! Hmmm, I seem to remember that dinosuars existed in a very different time era than did the massive amounts of the lesser creatures of the sea.


During my early childhood in Germany I remember very well reading that the world would be completely out of petroleum within twenty-five (25) years. Well, I read that during the 1960's, so the math is not hard. I think that most of you in my age bracket read the same thing. The crude oil is continually manufactured by the earth through the chemical reactions of compounds beneath its crust. The manufacture of crude is ongoing. Remember, our earth is still a molten sphere of metallic and non-metallic elements whose crust has cooled for just a few miles beneath the surface in 3 billion years. Science scares the daylights out of people.


Do we have to go a bit deeper to find large petroleum deposits? Yes we do, as there is but one (1) low-hanging fruit on any fruit tree. Do we have to go to other places? Yes we do, so we can find other proverbial trees. Is the world using more petroleum? Of course it is. Will we ever truely run out? I think as long as there is a planet earth with a sufficiently thin crust that petroleum will be below the surface long after humans have made the next evolutionary step or disappeared into history. The price is a combination of opportunity, greed, and absolute control by those with the ability to make it happen.



by Preston on 24 May 2008 - 03:05

There is one bit of good news in all the worst that can possibly happen.  History has shown that whenever there is a fascist or totalitarian takeover, all cutouts get purged as soon as the dictator or regime is in place and has the power concentrated enough.  For example, take Hitler. The "night of the longknives", google it.  He rented a train and invited all the brown shirt thugs (the brownwater security equivalent of his day and the militarized thug cops), they were provided with lots of liquor, companions and then when exhausted all were executed to the last brown shirt at the end of the night (they were spent from too much partying).  When Lenin took over, the same type thing, same for Stalin, same for Mao, same for all the african dictators, same for castro.  Why would they do this you might ask?  Apparently to get rid of anyone who knows too much and has the means to institute an organized coup de etat.  I have no doubt that the new wolrd order plans for our police, politicians, military, judges, bureacrats is to purge them all soviet style like the night of the long knives.  It will be done by foreign troops here for training under nato and un agreements.  We have 2,000 retired spetnatz not too far where I live that can be used and are very ruthless.  Is this a cooincidence, I don't think so.  It probably will also be done with "packaged pills" supposedly given to protect the "first responders", probably on the third day's dose.  Of course the main reason for the war in Irag was to get our military out of the USA so we have no protection, and then destroy through death, wounding and other kinds of attrition while keeping the Iraqi oil off of the world market to keep the oil prices higher than normal, plus to spend all our wealth and bankrupt the USA.

Experts have stated that our military is now in shambles mentally and physically with 30-40% disabled mentally and physically.  Cops better wake up and band together with their neighbors and start fighting the new world order if they want to have a chance to survive otherwise they will all probably be purged, only maybe even sooner than us the worker bees of the new system. Homeland Insecurity and fema already have told some of their personnel that when (not if) our economy collapses (for whatever reason, terrorism, epidemic or economic bustout) everything with go YOYO.  This is the code word for "you are on your own".  This is their inside position and they teach this in their seminars. Some cops are now hip to this and are planning to protect themselves and their families in a neighborhood type group, but they are afraid to talk about this openly since they fear sanction by homeland insecurity or their hired thugs.  I have been told this by someone connected to homeland insecurity and the source is impeccable. While you at it google North American Union.

by Preston on 24 May 2008 - 04:05

Top Shell Oil Executive states that there is no oil shortage and price is high because of psychological factors.  He is quoted in a Reuters article:



by Preston on 24 May 2008 - 05:05

Here's the raw truth folks.  We are being fed marketing hype that there is an oil shortage to keep the prices up.  Don't blame the Saudi's they are just doing their job the same as always and haven't raised the actual pricing much in gold and silver bullion rates.  It's the speculator agents of our oil cartels and price fixing, robber barron monopoly style.  Can you say like in antitrust laws and their lack of enforcement.  Besides we don't ned anu Saudi oil anyway.  We have more than we need in Alaska, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, California, off the coast of California and Florida and Texas and Louisiana.  Plus Canada has unbelievably large oil shale deposits and are more than willing to mine it and sell it to the USA (actually the Canadians ar our good friends and give us good pricing.  But the problem is that the value of the dollar has been deflated by our criminal govt.  Technically it is treason to debase our currency as the Congress has done the last 20 years.  I say vote em all out and get real Americans in there who will live by the US Constitution and Bill of rights and serve our country first, not the NWO or nafta, cafta, wto or euro union, but the USA first.

Abu Dhabi, 11th October 2004

Saudi Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali Al-Naimi yesterday said that Saudi Arabia was ready to meet rising demand for crude oil to ease the surge in world prices.

“My message to the world is that there is no shortage; there will be no shortage, and we are willing and ready to meet demand as it rises,” Al-Naimi told reporters on the sidelines of an oil conference in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi. “We are producing around 9.5 million barrels per day, and we plan to maintain a spare capacity of 1.5 - 2 million barrels per day for the foreseeable future,” he said.

Source: SPA



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