$12-$15 Per gallon Gas predicted. How will it effect you? - Page 7

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by Preston on 24 May 2008 - 05:05

An article on oil that is very good news.  There is no oil shortage according to top Rusiian Geologists, who state that the conventional teaching the last 100 years that oil is a fossil fuel (that is decayed plant fossils) is clearly false and that oil is merely another mineral like water, and is created from heat and pressure and flows in deep underground streams.  And the fact that Russia just became the world's largest oil producer late last year proves that this theory turns out to be true. The so called oil shortage is a scam produced as a marketing ploy to destroy the middle class and transfer all our wealth to the oil cartels.  The high fuel prices are nothing but a major political problem caused by fraud.  It's another "king's new clothes" problem where all the pundits keep telling the king how nice his new clothes are when there aren't any, because they know that inorder to be alllowed at the trough to feed they must play the game.



Two Moons

by Two Moons on 24 May 2008 - 06:05


None of this is hard to swaller, well almost none.   I never believe everything I hear and I trust no one.

I'm very sure I understand whats going on and what's yet to come.   I don't see any real solutions,  and Ron Paul is not my messiah.   

I hear a lot of talk about load up the guns and barracade the doors and windows.   That won't accomplish anything.

We the people hold the power to change things, as soon as we get pissed off enough to get up and out and join together in a common cause like changing the system and replacing the players.     Violence won't accomplish this, it will take intelligence and sacrafice and leadership from someone. (not Ron Paul)  But someone.

Oil, coal, gold, no matter how much there is we will use it all up sooner or later no matter what.   Time for some new idea's.

Maybe where we are heading is something we need to open our eyes.  Maybe it's evolution.   It can always get worst.

I'll sleep on it.


by Preston on 24 May 2008 - 07:05

This will be my last post on this issue on the partial or complete erosion of our oil based economy, which will be guarenteed to in some serious way impact dog sports in the near future.  At a minimum, less shows, less participants, maybe the fewer shows will be larger,and many other changes like less dog breeding, less puppies, less dog sales and importation, less dogs sent back to Germany for expert training, etc., etc.    I can give you an fairly accurate idea of what forces are arrayed against the common man by our govt that has (according to well respected retired intel officials) declared a secret war against the citizenry to govern them with a fascistic and global based regime.

Our intel agencies total on the books budget is approximately 62 Billion dollars per year as of 2005 (last good numbers available) or about $800 per family unit per year. (Note this does not include the regular defense budget or off-the-book black ops income, and let your imagination run on the source for this as it has been alleged to have something to do with coca leaves and poppies).  Approximately 70% of this 62 Billion dollar budget is outsourced to private intel contractors who are in most cases above the law and can commit serious felonies with impunity as long as they have a signed finding and letter of immunity for any laws that could be broken during the fulfilling of their national security mission.  Even without a signed finding or a "bos hog letter", if they flash their black ns* card or their get-out-of-jail-free card the local cops will usually back off quickly with their tail between their legs.  And besides, almost every police dept has now signed secret agreements with the ci* at lange+++ that they agree to give up jursidiction on any matter that the feds say is a national security matter, that way they get machine guns, armored vehicles and lots of high tech weaponry from the feds for free and access to some of the most sophisticated wire tap and surveillance equipment.  Now the intel agencies and the private intel contractors are supposedly fighting the war on terror, which translated means they have declared a covert war on the US citizens to use very sophisticated means to control and subjugate them them, which means provoke a lot of societal beakdown and victimless crimes as well as serious crimes to keep the private corp prisons full.  These means include  unbelievably sophisticated mind kontrol of many kinds, social, chemical, electronic including pulsed beam microwaves, coordinated scalar waves, gwen systems, sophisticated economic, psychological and social methodologies including complex psyops and culture war, mass media war, etc.  Over 75% of all top journalists and editors are owned or directly controlled by intel one way or the other. 

The worst type of control used is "the fine art of human comprimise" ops, which include very sophisticated "honey traps" using scopolomine and rohypnol type sprays and products and even worse ways to take over and control high level officials and politricians and diplomats who would otherwise be mostly good citizens. Now in addition to this there are hundred of tax free non-profit foundations (think tanks) financed by the large int'l corporations and dedicated to supplanting and directing this mindwar and economic war against the people. President Eisenhower was an insider, but before he left office he had a belly full of this stuff and did his best to warn the people in his last speeches, as did Barry Goldwater.  Jack and Bobby would have never put up with this stuff and now you know why they were assassinated.  The oil companies as many of the defense contractors were all deputized under national security as agents of national security in the USA and abroad.  You


by DesertRangers on 24 May 2008 - 14:05

As I have been in the oil business for many years I can assure you we have plenty of oil and natural gas reserves in the USA.  However, at least 50% has been put off limits for drilling by both our States and Federal government due to the left wing environmental people. Right or wrong or in-different does not matter as these actions have lead us to this point. This is not caused by the President, not Bush, Not Clinton etc,,but but by our leaders in congress catering to the left .

It is amusing to hear talk about a tax break, stop filling the national reserve etc.. these are all moves to fool the average un-informned dummy  in America.

We need to open up the GOM, both the East and West Coasts, Alaska and the Rockies to drilling.  I can tell you for a fact animals love drilling rigs and platforms, go out into the GOM and see where the people are fishing! Hurricane Katrina hit the rigs hard and not one ounce of oil or gas was released, technology today is awesome and the oil companies do not accept even the smalled of leaks, they do a excellent job in protecting the environment. ( accidents can and will occur at times but goes with the territory)

We have to make a choice, do we want oil bad enough to allow drilling where ever needed? Or do we want to pay high prices for gasoline? Not one new refrinery has been allowed to be built in over 30 years to produce gas for cars! People need to make a choice.  It is easy to be politically correct but then don't complain about the price of fuel. Alernative fuel is a nice thought but we are many years away from that even having a small impact on fuel consumption.

So quit whining about the president and about the profits of oil companies and call your leaders in congress and tell them to open up the drilling!  Otherwise just drive less or whatever!




by 4pack on 24 May 2008 - 16:05

Two Moons your right people do need to ralley together but are too lazy to get up and do it on their own. If it ain't broke don't get up off your ass and fix it, right?  Will take a disaster or worse, to get us fighting together. $15 a gallon gas is a disaster. Obama for Prez, thats a disaster in itself. When things happen slowly over time we learn to accept them, it's when there is a sharp smack upside our heads, we take notice. When we can't pay our bills, when we can't eat, can't get our kids to school, get booted from our homes, have our belongings stripped from us, we take notice. God don't make the American man uncomfortable enough to step up, he's so lazy, that is the only way top get him up, make him. We are so spoiled at this point and lied to by govt and the media, we won't get up until they take the bread out of our mouths and we "have to" heave off of our fat asses.

Then it will be war. Violence will happen, it's the human way. NO ammount of talking can make a politician speak the truth or do what's right, you have to force their hand or force them out. They have their filthy hands in the bread basket and won't remove it until we chop it clean off. They have been taking bribes and side money for so long, they are dependent on it. That's how they send their kids to college and buy the wife a bigger diamond. They are fat and lazy too, why work for the people when they can sit back and let things go unnoticed, or even help sweep them under the rug? This whole country is a mess and it will take a bigger mess, to bring her crawling out of it.

by Blitzen on 24 May 2008 - 16:05

Geez, I'm thinking about tying on the big one tonight. This has go to be the most depressing thread I've read. The worst part is I'm afraid much of it is true.


by 4pack on 24 May 2008 - 17:05

It does kinda give off the warm fuzzies don't it? My new moto is self sufficient, I learn a new survival skill every day online. Today I'll be buying fruit and veggy seed packets to store with my food in the garage. Objective, learn how to build a trap for small game. Yesterday I learned how to field dress a deer, age the meat, skin it, debone and cut it up and dry for jerky. That's something I wanted to learn long ago, but got lazy.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 24 May 2008 - 19:05


Well I slept on it.   Got up this morning to SSDD as usual.   Starts out with car trouble, the big kind where you need a new car and a large hole dug somewhere for the one in the driveway.    You check your finance's and see your screwed rather abruptly, your supplier is out of dog food and you will have to drive a 100 miles or feed something off the wall from wallyworld,  and you remember  what was on your mind last night and SSDD is the best you can come up with.

Overwhelming is my next thought and suddenly I just don't give a shit.  I think I'll go burn one and call it a day.




by blueshep on 24 May 2008 - 22:05

Are we sure wheat and corn are bad for dogs? That 55 pound bag of Purina dog chow  for $15.00 is looking kinda good.

Just kidding!  but it is tempting when I see other people feeding it and there dogs look good.


by Trailrider on 24 May 2008 - 22:05

4pack when you buy the seeds make sure they aren't the hybrid variety. The seeds from hybrids do not grow anything similar to the veggie. I let some carrots got to seed one year just for giggles and they produced a weird root that was just a skinny looking grey thing. I don't believe there are to many non-hybrids anymore, Golden Bantam corn is one I remember, if its still around. Also the two deer I did kill, I gutted, drug out, (one to the house, one to the truck) hung, skinned, butchered and froze. I also have made alot of jerky but have to admit I like the seasoning mixes in the store better than home seasoned...lately I have used an electric dehydrator. In the past we had 2' x 2' screen trays that the edge rested on the warming shelf of the old cook stove and the other tray end was suspended by a wire to the ceiling. I have gotten more civilized in my old age but I do still have my old cook stove out in the shop. My son usually gets an elk every year for us now.


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