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by Uglydog on 20 July 2008 - 19:07

US Occupation Forces kill a 17 year old, the son of an Iraq Governor, at his home.


by Uglydog on 20 July 2008 - 19:07

May 19, 2008

McCain's Flight Instructor says he is unfit to serve as Commander...

I was John McCain's Navy Flight Instructor --- in formation tactics
and air-to-air-gunnery. I could write a book about this man. Suffice
to state, I Shudder (and I'm Fearless) at the Nightmare thought of
this man becoming our next President and Commander in Chief.

I am not alone as to this man's former shipmates, instructors and senior
officers --- as to who and what this man is really all about.
Although politics is really theater and the best performing actor
gets to stay on the main stage --- sorta like American Idol only
much more dangerous to all living things --- .....

Thanx for having the guts to put the real deal information on the
site re: John Sidney McCain III --- since the mainstream media is
much too lazy to put the real story on McCain out there for the rest
of their lazy consumers.

Best regards,

CDR Jerry K. Loeb, USN (Ret.)
Palm Desert, CA


by keepthefaith on 20 July 2008 - 20:07

I don't agree with the conspiracy aspects of this article but it does elaborate on the inter-relationship of the dollar devaluation and oil.


Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 20 July 2008 - 21:07

I'm one of the 2/3 of unhappy people.

I didn't read most of what was posted, but know that things can always be better.

Your(op) stats are BS.

94.5% employment?  After your unemployment eligibility runs out, you are no longer considered unemployed.

Yes I am grateful to not live in a 3rd world country, but being happy with a steaming pile of crap because it has corn and nuts mixed in is insane. 


by RatPackKing on 20 July 2008 - 21:07

Random Thought

People seem to think it's bad that other countries hate America, but wouldn't it be nice if Mexico hated America more?

MEXICAN 1: Let's illegal sneak into America.

MEXICAN 2: No. I hate that country.


Problem solved!

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 20 July 2008 - 21:07

The ironic thing is that Americans pay to go to Mexico and many Mexicans crawl under the fence for free.


by RatPackKing on 20 July 2008 - 22:07

While I certainly appreciate Reuters writing these two stories, I wonder why they did not get wider play in the Credentialed Media. First, from July 12th


Iraq's combat troops will be almost fully formed by the middle of 2009, according to the senior U.S. Army officer who led the training of Iraqi security forces.

On to July 16

Iraq hopes to have security control of all its provinces by the year-end, the national security adviser said on Wednesday, underscoring the government's growing confidence in its own forces.

I wonder if the paper of record could step up and tell us these kinds of things, along with the rest of the CM's. They have done all they can to force a surrender in Iraq, along with their little helpers in the left-o-sphere and, oh yes, the treason lobby in Congress. Now that things are coming to fruition - and, remind me, which presidential candidate wants to just surrender, and which one has been pushing for a complete win? - most of the Credentialed Media has ignored Iraq


by BabyEagle4U on 20 July 2008 - 22:07   Iraqi woman speaks about American misconceptions about Iraq

by Uglydog on 21 July 2008 - 01:07

Rat..youre an idiot. The same people that told us Iraq would "be a cakewalk", Mission Accomoplished" Greeted as liberators" are now telling us Iraq troops might be ready in a year....You dumber & more naive than I thought.

Wiemar, Germany Gold and Silver Prices
  German Mark prices of Silver and Gold..... from January 1919 to November 1923:

Jan. 1919 Silver -12 Gold 170
May. 1919 Silver- 17 Gold 267
Sept. 1919 Silver -31 Gold 499
Jan. 1920 Silver -84 Gold 1,340
May 1920 Silver- 60 Gold 966
Sept. 1921 Silver- 80 Gold 2,175
Jan. 1922 Silver-249 Gold 3,976
May. 1922 Silver- 375 Gold 6,012
Sept. 1922 Silver- 1899 Gold 30,381
Jan. 1923 Silver- 23,277 Gold 372,447
May. 1923 Silver- 44,397 Gold 710,355
June 5, 1923 Silver -80,953 Gold 1,295,256
July 3, 1923 Silver -207,239 Gold 3,315,831
Aug. 7, 1923 Silver- 4,273,874 Gold 68,382,000
Sept. 4, 1923 Silver -16,839,937 Gold 269,429,000
Oct. 2, 1923 Silver -414,484,000 Gold 6,631,749,000
Oct. 9, 1923 Silver -1,554,309,000 Gold 24,868,950,000
Oct. 16, 1923 Silver- 5,319,567,000 Gold 84,969,072,000
Oct. 23, 1923 Silver -7,253,460,000 Gold 1,160,552,662,000
Oct. 30, 1923 Silver- 8,419,200,000 Gold 1,347,070,000,000
Nov. 5, 1923 Silver- 54,375,000,000 Gold 8,700,000,000,000
Nov. 13, 1923 Silver- 108,750,000,000 Gold 17,400,000,000,000
Nov. 30, 1923 Silver -543,750,000,000 Gold 87,000,000,000,000

These numbers are from an article at Le Metropole Cafe


by keepthefaith on 21 July 2008 - 02:07

Ugly, I have to agree with you. Anyone who believes the party line about how well things are proceeding in Iraq and when the Iraqi troops will be ready to take-over is a sucker, given the track record to this point. We have heard this bull for the past 5 years.

Bush actually said that the economy was in good shape at his recent press conference with continued growth, productivity increases, etc.  totally oblivious of what is happening to the average person. I don't know if Obama or McCain will do any better than Bush but it would be hard to do any worse.

We have a troubled economy and things are a lot worse for individuals because of irresponsible spending and predatory lending practices as evident in this article:

Don Corleone, you say you disagree with DR's OP without any specifics?





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