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by Rainhaus on 21 July 2008 - 23:07

Hmm I guess I will get no answer.Put this in your thinking caps folks.What is the blood supply like for the soldiers?

by Preston on 22 July 2008 - 02:07

A fairly good summary of US history sincve WWII:



by RatPackKing on 22 July 2008 - 03:07


JERUSALEM – The 9-11 attacks were carried out because of a lack of "empathy" for others' suffering on the part of al-Qaida, whose terrorist ideology "grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair," Sen. Barack Obama explained in largely unreported comments eight days after the mega-terror attacks that rocked the nation. Obama went on to imply the September 11th attacks were in part a result of U.S. policy, lecturing the American military to minimize civilian casualties in the Middle East and urging action opposing "bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle-Eastern descent." "Even as I hope for some measure of peace and comfort to the bereaved families, I must also hope that we, as a nation, draw some measure of wisdom from this tragedy," Obama wrote in a piece about 9-11 published on Sept. 19, 2001, in Chicago's Hyde Park Herald

Yes, it's dated but telling nonetheless. It has been overwhelmingly disproven that radical Islam, particularly the sort that engages in terrorism, is a byproduct of socio-economic condition or religious or racial oppression. The enemy we face is determined to conquer the world, remake it in their fashion, spread the words of the prophet and all non-believers will submit or die. To say otherwise is to apologize for the most heinous and despictable acts against humanity, to ignore historical fact and it displays an unplumbable depth of naivite. This man is less qualified to be commander-in-chief than you Ugly

by Preston on 22 July 2008 - 03:07

RPK, there actually is no such thing as al-Qaida and never was.  Translated it literally means "the list" and it is merely a list of names of mindcontrolled dupes used to create a false army straw dog to declare war on.    The so-called war on terror is a ruse just as was the phony war on poverty and the phony war on drugs, which actually created more poverty and more drugs.  Folks who believe there is an al-qaida are chumps and dupes. 

There are many different muslim terrorist groups, all started by western intel (mostly UK) run out of the "city of London", created in the UK and exported around the world to create chaos and perform gladio style terrorist acts such as done in Italy and NYC at the twin towers on 9-11.  For background research the "muslim brotherhood" started by nazi's and paid for by wall street and UK int'l merchant banksters.   Knowledgeable CIA officers have stated publicly that the mujaheedan were financed and trained by the CIA with operative osama bin laden (trade name tim ossman) being the middle man.  If you really want to know the truth and think you can handle it emotionally, buy and read webster tarpley's highly respected book 9-11 Synthetic Terror.  Tarpley is the world's foremost expert on terrorism. 

Here is the govt's stick for the uninformed to be aware of.  In order for the govt to obtain the power and money they need to build up a large militarized internal police, our govt must institute these gladio style inside job terrorist acts.  Create fear, get a legislative reaction to pass draconiam acts like the so-caled "patriot act" (actually unconstitutional treason) and provide the funding necessary to buld a police state so that the public can be beat down when the economy fails, which is a planned end state.   Do a google search on the subject "Operation Northwoods", open your mind up and learn how things really are.

by Uglydog on 22 July 2008 - 04:07

Preston..I could be mistaken, but I believe that the word "Al Quaeda" translated in Arabic, means 'the toilet.'   Yes it is a farce. Likely the Israeli Mossad, CIA & M16 (British).   We all know of the Brit SAS troops arrested in Iraq by Iraqui Police, wearing Arab guard, parked Outside of a Market,  & with explosives in their trunk.    They were busted out by 12+ Tanks & helicopters, many Iraqui police were killed in that bustout.  That story can be archived in the BBC & Guardian.

RPK...You read off the Faux News sound clips.   WHO ARE THE FOREIGN FIGHTERS in Iraq?   Its the USA, you Dumbass

We have established 4-5 permamanant bases in Iraq from which to target Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Lebanon.   They are the Resisitance FIghters. We OCUPY them. We Assasinate their leaders of democracies.  We destablizie currencies. We set up foreign Thug puppet governments,  that are brutal.   We have 700 Military bases in 130 nations. We keep 35,000 US troops guarding Koreas border,  but not our own.  And idiots like you believe everything the 'Idiot box' & Pundit  tells you. 

We have OPEN BORDERS & are being Invaded. 3,0000 Illegals daily & dont do a damn thing about it.  50,000 Us Citizens have been killed SINCE 911 By illegals, you fool..     We have radicalized some muslims in the Middle East because we have invaded & Occupy their land.  We support the worst terror state of all, in Israel.  And some resist Occupation & take exception to this Canard of a 'foreign policy', to them we are the ones trying to 'take over the world'.

40,000 Persian Jews live in Iran today, in Peace by choice. So do 250,000 Christians. Iraq was home to 125,000 Jews  until 1948 & Over 1 million Christians still today.   20% of Iraquis are intermarried..Sunni/Shiite.  We have created a Civil war to Divide & Conquer them. Balkanize & Steal their oil for Israel.

Turn off you tube. Spend some time on the net.  I'll recommend afew. Probably wont help, as your too stupid to actually investigate any truth other than what youre told.  A good little Sheep who OBEYS PROPOGANDA...

Websites: RENSE, WHAT REALLY HAPPENED, INFOWARS, Judicial Inc Biz, Blacklisted News, Real Jew News.


by BabyEagle4U on 22 July 2008 - 04:07

"We have radicalized some muslims in the Middle East because we have invaded & occupied their land."

 Funny thing is the paper trail goes to the same corrupt people.  WAKE UP !!!!

by Uglydog on 22 July 2008 - 15:07

It is an undisputed, empirical fact that 5 Israelis were arrested on 9-11 for videotaping the actual impact of the jetliners as they hit the World Trade Centers and laughing and clapping each other on the back in a congratulatory manner while filming the event.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is Classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's Classified information."   US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring.

The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1)

Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2)


 It is also an absolute fact that on January 2, 2004 an Israli Dual Citizen named Asher Karni was arrested at Denver's International Airport for having Sold [past tense] more than 60 nuclear weapon detonators to Pakistan, a country that is without a doubt the most unstable Islamic Republic in the world.

Despite having committed what might be the greatest terrorist incident in modern memory, Karni remains unknown to most Americans, largely because the controlled US mainstream media has suppressed the story. Karni was sentenced to three years for selling nuclear weapon detonators to Pakistan.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 22 July 2008 - 18:07

The seed's are planted with deliberate intent, and now the garden grow's, my final comment.

A beautiful end of a perfect day.

by Rainhaus on 23 July 2008 - 03:07

Thanks Brent. To this day.The original test..went north east in particles carried by the air.So much cancer happened..mutations when they gave birth.Water sources not fit to drink and so much more.You all talking about politics which frankly is meaningless in the coming days.Have fun and educate on the level that you are in your life...with blinders on.Nite.

by Almodovar on 23 July 2008 - 11:07

Speaking of radical Islam, RPK, you said: “To say otherwise is to apologize for the most heinous and despicable acts against humanity, to ignore historical fact …” Simplistic reductionism entertains, but despite personally disliking Islam (as for West’s institutionalized religions) I can’t see how it has any particular monopoly on human atrocity. In fact, I think the evil lies within man himself - his own worst enemy - not with any particular religion, nationalism, capitalism, political ideology, the Constitution, or other pretext suiting the moment or times.

A few quick “historical facts”: within living memory we experienced WW1’s pointless slaughter; Japan’s massacre of about 30 million Chinese civilians (with many buried alive); WW2’s Jewish Holocaust and the large-scale fire-bombing of German cities (with innumerable innocents incinerated where they stood or melted into lard within bomb shelters – housewives, children, old men and all), including myriad other atrocities, and as topped off of course by Nagasaki and Hiroshima. (“Why, oh why, couldn’t they first have warned them by exploding a nuclear bomb on some deserted atoll!” Einstein exclaimed upon hearing the news. Pearl Harbor, of course, had already taken care of that!) Not to raise Korean War’s “despicable acts”, Vietnamese villagers learning first-hand the horror of napalm on human skin, or the million Afghans left dead in the wake of Russia’s contribution.

The English overcame South African Boer freedom fighters by interning the families into their ‘newly invented’ concentration camps (in reality, Americans had already dedicated similar ‘holding camps’ for some of the remaining Indian tribes in the few years leading up to the Land Rushes.) And we’re all familiar with the carnage inflicted by the American Civil War, if not that during the preceding Napoleonic Wars. Going back further, say to the Inquisition and Crusades etc, requires a book-length post!   
BabyEagle recalled the American Indian’s fate. Of all the numerous treaties was a single one ever honored? After the earlier colonizers, Spanish, French, English, or what may you, fairly well destroyed the Eastern and Southern tribes via introduced diseases and bloodier means, widespread acceptance of self-fulfilling Manifest Destiny doctrine combined with purposed buffalo extermination, reduced remnant and once-proud Plains Tribes to the status of starving, thence government-dependent beggars, with last tribal lands’ appropriation a fait accompli.

Islam didn’t figure much in any of the above, RPK, and it wasn't Iraq that invaded the US!


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