UK Show Scene - Is it time for change? - Page 13

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by Kerry-anne on 24 July 2008 - 12:07

 arbeiter    i like the word 'as' 

Hey Karen, another thing men should learn;  ** women are always right and we always get what we want in the end!**



by beepy on 24 July 2008 - 13:07

SueB - Before decisions can be made discussion is required and further investigation made.

Nothing can be done in 1 meeting, it takes time and effort to put forward some of the suggestions made on this thread.  All I was suggesting is that the subject get raised, and get people who dont read this forum aware of what is being suggested and get more input.

It is all very well for people to make suggestions but those who currently run the shows and provide the massive amount of support behind them need to be involved in any changes.  Whilst I dont organise GSD shows I have been behind similar shows and am fully aware of the rules, regulations and policy that are required.  I imagine that some people on the forum havent had to utilise the organisational skills needed for these events and probably also havent had to comply with all the paperwork and fine detail needed by the kennel club and insurance firms before these things can go forward.

For change to happen people have to bring forward discussion, brainstorm and then start the process for change.


by Videx on 24 July 2008 - 13:07

beepy: I have circulated my above suggestions by email. Kerry: I have suggested a 2 day show in Northern Ireland EVERY year, and a 2day show in England EVERY year.Now N. Ireland & Scotland may wish to share it and alternate beween each country as a venue. England & Wales may wish to alternate with each other, and of course venues can vary.

Sue B

by Sue B on 24 July 2008 - 13:07


Beepy , You said:- "SueB - Before decisions can be made discussion is required and further investigation made." 

Believe me I agree with you absolutely and am not against any of the things suggested here, far from it. All I am trying so desperately to get across to all of you, especially those who may have no concept of what BC Meetings are or can be like, is that even when correctly Itemised Proposals are submitted to the BC Agenda and so subsequently discussed by all the Clubs prior to attending the meeting, there is still no guarentee that these items will even get Discussed, never mind voted on, and thats when every club has already had their chance to discuss the agenda and make individual Club decisions ready for the meeting.  ALL the ABOVE suggestions have previously been correctly submitted onto BC Agenda and None of them allowed to be discussed, never mind voted upon. A lot of time, effort and expense was put into the submission of those proposals, followed by a lot of discussion and decision making within Club Committee's but upon attending the meeting not ONE Club was even allowed to Speak on these proposals, never mind have them discussed or voted on. Where's the democracy in that? IMO it was totally O.of.O. and should never have been allowed to take place, Clubs had the right , if only they had the 'bottle' to stand up for peoples 'right; to be heard. But NO, unfortunately once again the minority , dictatorship ruled, hence just another one of the reasons I have needed to Walk Away.

Until you all STOP TALKING and START DOING , Nothing will ever change. Sure discuss them at this meeting, hope that in 4 months time when the next meeting takes place someone will have bothered to put them back as Items on the Agenda and then just hope and pray they are allowed to get discussed, voted on then acted upon. BEWARE however, I feel another, 'on a hiding to nowhere',  Working Party coming on !!  

Cynical Sue, Yes Videx you're right - learnt from having to deal with more than 20yrs of hypocracy.


Sue B (as cynical as necessary)



by Videx on 24 July 2008 - 15:07

Has anyone else got any more negativity they want to spew out on this thread? In the "best interest of our Breed" OF COURSE. - why not challenge DP or criticise videx or do both - or write any other attention grabbing comments - it gets you noticed!

Sue B

by Sue B on 24 July 2008 - 16:07

"OF COURSE. - why not challenge DP or criticise videx or do both - "  

In the hope of bringing some light hearted sentiment to this thread amidst the paranoia.

And especially for all you WT and Sch enthusiasts :  With Regards, Enjoy !!!

Sue B

Ps - Love the one with 'Helper' using tree as a Hide, and get that sleeve !!  Then again the 2nd photo brings a brand new meaning to being back stabbed !!



Sue B

by Sue B on 24 July 2008 - 16:07

Of course the photo's above were just another of my flamboyant attempts to bring attention to myself. !!


Sue B (cynical as necessary)

by arbeiter on 24 July 2008 - 17:07


" as " nothing wrong with the word, just trying to help you with constructing  more interesting sentences.


i thought you had no time for the breed council-now you want them to do your biding.

sue b:

           if things on the breed council agenda were  ignored, why didn't anyone suggest taking a vote on the relevant points ?

Sue B

by Sue B on 24 July 2008 - 18:07

arbeiter - Believe me,  I tried. At the meeting in question, on behalf of my club, I tried to suggest, by way of proposal that Clubs be allowed to vote on the agenda points, but the Chairman would not allow the proposal to be put to the floor for a seconder.  What do you do then ? I kept raising my objection on a point of order. Eventually the Chairman declared it was now too late to discuss the items but suggested a Working Party be set up to discuss them. I understand this Working Party convened one hour before the start of the next BC Meeting (4mths later) and from what I can gather the decision made on those Agenda items was,  (I think I have this right) that there was 'nothing too decide'.  Work that one out if you can, it still leaves me baffled???.  


Sue B



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