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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 30 July 2008 - 04:07


by StinkyK9 on 30 July 2008 - 07:07

Sorry...  I deleted the links...   I don't know this person, and will continue to follow the story.... 

I did google the name and it was interesting the links that were provided.....








by 4pack on 30 July 2008 - 13:07

He also studded out Tas to numerous people who didn't get papers on their litters and he used a pic of my dog I posted here and put it on his site with a new name, claiming it was a pup out of his breedings. He's never trained a dog in another country or even been out of the states, more than likely. He's so broke he has to bum cigarettes from people I hear, not sure how he can get food stamps and be a world traveler, trainer and trialer of world class dogs????? Love the exotic animals and celebrity clients! What a crock of shit! Publicly outted, not once, but twice for cheating on his wife with woman he swindled and brainwashed. Oh yeah he's a real standup guy.  


by MI_GSD on 30 July 2008 - 13:07

From his website:

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (CsV)


LMAO!  He's probably palming off mutts from the pound as Wolfdogs now.

Same old Tim.  This is why we love him so.


by 4pack on 30 July 2008 - 14:07

No doubt he stole that pic from another website. It sure isn't him working that wolfdog! Oh I need a good laugh today. Anybody have the link to the craigslist add? I can't find it. Or the myspace page.


by MI_GSD on 30 July 2008 - 14:07

I just found it on the Dayton Ohio craigslist but it already had been flagged for removal and removed.


by 4pack on 30 July 2008 - 14:07

Cool. I'd love to know just how many work behind the scenes, keeping a vigilant lookout for scumbags like him and give a heads up to the GP. Ther is a whole crew of newbie that don't have a clue about him. Wish someone had warned me away before I did business with him. I googled his name earlier for shits and giglles. Came up with some old threads, he was taking 13 dogs to the WUSV in 06 and a bunch of other rediculously easy to verify as lies crap, he has spewed.

Some people lie and some are just absolutly shameless. Tim must not even care that we all know he is full of shit. He says anything just to snare a few more before his cover gets blown. Usually by then he has a handfull of people brainwashed to his BS and they will deny all the truths being thrust at them, refusing to believe it. How many people have stood by him until their pockets were empty or their dogs ruined? Then they will come back and tell their inside knowledge. It's a real fun process for all!

by crazyhorse on 30 July 2008 - 15:07

Tim is also telling people he does German shepherd rescue! 

He is telling people on craigslist he does german shepherd rescue. I am calling all people who place ads looking to place their German shepherd to stay far away from this person. I am also steering them the right direction who truly does German shepherd rescue in Ohio.

Yes, Tim you pissed me off! You lying SOB

But again you really don’t know me (or do you) as you are telling people.




by MI_GSD on 30 July 2008 - 15:07

You might find this thread on another board interesting.  It seems he is working with a rescue but I'm not sure in what capacity.




by JustLurkin on 30 July 2008 - 18:07

This M.F. and his cronies are back again? 

Damned if I don't remember that mess real well. 

Helser is so good, so "renowned"

Reply to: comm-774812744@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-07-29, 2:03PM EDT

Craig's list? 

Run! Run far, fast and hard! 

Why T.F. isn't this poor excuse for human skin not in jail for a lot of years.  At minimum 84. 



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