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by Uglydog on 01 August 2008 - 18:08

BS Hodie

You owe me an apology. To Hell with yours. 

I malign people that Wont take a stand, are Inept, Rationalize criminal behavior with Inaction & therefore Defend it with the  proverbial ..." We have a process."  

This person is a Criminal.  An 84 count criminal.  A Habitual offender.  A disgrace, imo.   And  a recent Criminal Offender while a USA member.

Theres No screening process for USA to hold a Club position, except a felon check for Officers. That says alot and needs to be changed.

BTW-There are 6-8 Victims in the package prepared for the Helser BOI.   Im only helping with it,  as Im actively not a member.   It was sent by one that is, & wishes to remain anonymous.  Im disgusted that these hoops must be jumped through,  just to begin an inquiry.

Criminals in some organizations, have more rights than the victims.  That's what  is sad.  I care about them & the dogs moreso  than myself,   & thats why Ive gone to this trouble.  You can bet for the half dozen or so that have come forward, another 4-5xs that number, have been soured, likely forever.

Good day all.


by hodie on 01 August 2008 - 18:08

By your own admission Ugly you are a convicted criminal too.......

You have gone to this trouble for ulterior motives and even the blind can see that, regardless of the criminal status of the person in question.

by Uglydog on 01 August 2008 - 19:08

BS Hodie

My case was expunged.  You can research the record, have at it.  In the same county as Helser. The difference  between us is that I have not attained so much as a traffic ticket since,  I graduated college, studied for law school, and pay my taxes as a model citizen.

 I did plead No contest in an assault case,  but  I was Defending myself.  I cant help the fact that I broke the Perps Arm, Nose & jaw. I mightve overdone it a little.   I knew him & played football with him in fact, & it was 20 years ago.

And to clarify, My Motive is Justice & Victims rights.

Yours is personally motivated & defensive of an organization with a warped, antiquated,  errant policy that seemingly cares more for its club 'persona' & money,  than the victims in the club, and the general public.


by Avorow on 01 August 2008 - 19:08

Ugly, Okay, we get it. You dislike USA and you dislike Tim Helser. You are not a member, obviously have no intention of becoming one and train in a different venue. Good for you. Now you can smugly say that in Uglyworld there are only perfect happy people who have never had a criminal offense, have never been involved in a business deal gone bad and, most importantly, have never crossed or had differing opinions of you. In USA we have proceedures and bylaws that govern our clubs. We follow those because they give structure to our club. Do we get it right everytime? NO. But we do make the attempt. Should USA disregard it's own rules, take you at your word and just expell the people you don't like? Oh wait, you are not a member so we should do this why? I am glad to hear that you have finally gotten your complaint filed per the instructions. If the requirements are met, I too feel that the BOI will address it, in spite of you and your rants. If the events that the BOI can act upon are within the correct timeframe that is...I suspect that your stalling may have put it out of reach for them. So we will soon get still another complaint about how unfairly you were treated. Please, go train your dogs, enjoy your life and let USA and it's members deal with USA issues.

by Uglydog on 01 August 2008 - 19:08

Correction. I dislike the POSITION of USA,  to not background check  Local Club Presidents/Treasurers,  & screen them from the general public & take proper action, especially when they are Habitual Criminal offenders.  See the Difference? I doubt it.   Youre correct about me disliking Helser, however.

I may consider becoming a member of SchH USA in the future,  when such policies are enacted.  There are 3 clubs within a reasonable driving distance.   If not, I would opt to trial in IPO & PSA.

This Has Nothing to do with me not ' liking somone'  but Everything to do with SchH USA Not  Policing members, grievances, & active Criminals in the organization, on their own initiative or others,  especially when they are repeat criminal  offenders & charged with animal crimes & violations.

If I angered some, so be it.  I speak from the heart & with truth. That is why Im asserive and brash.  If I can prevent one person & their dog from having to go what I went through, & others as well, Ive done what I set out to do.

Lastly Avarow.   I'll assume youre Semi illiterate because you fail to comprehend what was typed.  Ill try again, My dues were embezzled.  That is why I presume,  that Im not a member.    Dues were paid, & in cash, as acknowledged by Helser.  We settled on USA Dues & 1/4 worth of annual training  fees or $150 at the time.   I filled out paperwork for the club. It was a requirement to be a member of the club. He made that clear.   I did MY part.   Now, The BOI will have it on Monday & about 80 pages to sort through. Mine is just a few pages of the 80 attached.

Now its up to SchH USA to do there part. They will do as they see fit or more grievances will be aired publicly on boards such as these, by future victims, I assume.

And For the last time, I did not file the complaint, you Donkey, another club member did,  and it IS within the one year filing period. Im not a member & cant file anything.

Good day


by Avorow on 01 August 2008 - 21:08

Uglydog, I wonder why you have resorted to name calling, weak nerves perhaps? I have in no way denigrated you, simply disagreed with you. I can also assure you that I am perfectly literate and read the post from gsdDanny01 that stated you were reponsible for the payment of dues to USA, not Helser. The money you gave him was to train your dogs in a non USA club. You have misrepresented several things in this thread and been called out on them. You have managed to get the complaint filed, you say that it is in the proper timeframe, drop it now and let the BOI deal with it. It would be even better if could do so without offending still more people than you have. On a last note, why don't you join USA and start a club of your own? You could run criminal backround checks on everybody who wanted to join your club. That could be part of your by laws. Good luck with that.


by grimmdog on 01 August 2008 - 22:08

His affiliate club status was revoked some time back because he did not meet the necessary requirements. That part was very simple and Mark handled it quickly and efficiently. His training group is in no way being looked at as a USA recognized club and hasn't been for some time.

The BOI never received anything on him by a member of USA, which is one of the requirements.

I have since spoken to one individual that has stated they are sending in their dues and paying the fee and submitting something to the BOI. If there is merit to something that falls within by-laws then it will be handled by the BOI. I am not a member of that body politic.

I am more than clear on all that has occurred and I'd like to see something done on situations like this. There are rules to these things we must adhere to. I don't like things like this occurring in a sport and an organization that I love. If it was NATE USA then the hammer would have already come down, but it's not and these steps must be followed through.

On a side note to Bill, that video was shared privately as asked with other officers of the organization.


                                        Nate Harves
                                        Assistant Mideast Regional Director


by 4pack on 01 August 2008 - 22:08

I'd love to know what's on this secret video. Who took it and what does it prove?

by Bob McKown on 01 August 2008 - 23:08


 I bet it is proof that aleins have landed and are living in Columbus Ohio in the form of Tim Helser!!!!!  quick call Mulder and Scully it,s a conspiracey a cover up I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay guys how long are we going to play on this merry go round? Ugly is not at this time a member of USA by choise, If Helser is still a member and the file has been sent lets leave it up to the board to make the right call. lets everyone cool off here take a cold shower drink a marqurita chill and let it run it,s coarse.

Oh Nate:

         I like the idea of Nate USA it,s just the Blood oath I,m sure that would make me quizzy...  


by grimmdog on 02 August 2008 - 01:08


You always were a big softy.  :)



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