OT: McCain Running Mate: Ringer or Not? - Page 3

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Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 31 August 2008 - 15:08

McCain ain't getting any younger. If he falls off that hook into the drink someday she just might be president.


by autobahn on 31 August 2008 - 15:08

He is just trying to get the women's vote.


by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 16:08

 I love the hero McCain wants to help with this Hurricane. Someone should ask him "Where were you during Katrina?" Answer, I was partying with my bitch Bush while a city was drowning.


This guy gets away with murder. McCain said if he was President during Katrina. He would have went straight to New Orleans. Nobody asked him why he didn't stop his birthday party that GWB was attending and say Mr. President let's go. But, he didn't. They dicked around for days while we suffered in the aftermath. Why didn't John McCain do something like Joe Scarbrough (sp) he brought water, food, clothes and didn't bring TV cameras. He wasn't running for President yet?


by DesertRangers on 31 August 2008 - 16:08

Don't blame the Federal GOvn. for the failures of the LA. governor and the mayor.  Also you might consider blaming all the local residents who were helpless unless told what to do. I live in Hurricane country and my family and friends will get out of harms way, i will make sure of it.  We also have elderly neighbors and we take care of them, put up their storm windows and providing transportation.  We the people need to take care of each other instead of waiting helplessly for the government to do so.



by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 16:08

 You damn well better blame the federal government. FEMA fuck everything up. The cocksuckers knew god damn well people were in the superdome and the convention center shelters of last resort and didn't do a god damn thing for 5 days. If friends of mine from Florida and Alabama can get there the next day so should federal help.If our military can provide  water food electricity to victims half way around the world after the tsunami. Then God DAMN IT that can do it for our citizens. Those men, women and children that suffered for 5 days should haunt George sit on my thumb Bush. 

I too live in hurricane country I'm 65 miles from the coast. We had Katrina, Fredrick and Camille come thru my hometown. So, don't pull that BS with me. When a storm of that magnitude hits the LOCAL and STATE governments are overwhelmed. We are talking about the closest thing to a nuclear bomb. 



by Ceph on 31 August 2008 - 16:08

Trace - the majority of the military that aided Katrina wasnt in the general vicinity of the damage.  Most of them were deployed.  And it takes time to get those soldiers deployed.  I know for my unit we have people living four and five hours away...so thats two or so hours to get your stuff together, four and five hours to meet at the armory, then an hour so to make sure everyones got their stuff squared away and then however many hours it takes to drive down there.

None of us our gods...we cant snap our fingers and say poof and magically appear.



by RatPackKing on 31 August 2008 - 17:08

Staying on topic

What we are seeing right now on the internet is the far left attempting to tear down and destroy by any means necessary the compelling story of a down home All American Christian woman who grew up and made something of her life and who now stands in line to become the next vice president of the United States. There's not much to "pick at" in Sarah Palin's distinguished record, so what do they do? They attempt to degrade her and dimish her accomplishments on the basis of her sex ... and her faith. So much for "tolerance" and "respect" for differing views ... especially those coming from a conservative Christian woman. It's well known that far leftists hate Christians anyway because they represent a moral standard the far left will never ever meet, and amongst political junkies, it's well known that they also hate strong conservative women (Michelle Malkin can tell you a few stories about that). But we've never had a strong conservative woman on a national ticket, so now the country - and the world - will get to see exactly the type of people the far left are


carry on.


by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 17:08

 It doen't take 5 days. When news crews, church groups, individuals from as far as Maine beat FEMA. You tell me there wasn't private or military helicopters to airlift supplies. The fact you could drive straight to the convention center and superdome. Why did GWB appoint Brownie to FEMA. He was a republican butt boy they wanted to pay back, They damn sure didn't hire him for his experience in running a rescue effort , Within 30 minute drive from my house we had 38 people killed by the wind. We had down power-lines and trees everwhere within hours my fellow rednecks were clearing the streets and highways. It was 5 days before the first FEMA people showed up. My area went without electricity for 11 days the residents outside this small town went 3 to 4 weeks. A local police officer was arrested for diverting a load a FEMA ice to a local hospital. Thankfully local jury 2 years later said good job not guilty.  We didn't wait for the government. We made do but I can tell you the local police made the Fema people take their cute FEMA t- shirts off because he couldn't protect them.

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 31 August 2008 - 17:08

He is just trying to get the women's vote.

...and who isn't?


by Ceph on 31 August 2008 - 17:08

Trace - It's really easy for individuals who dont have necissary gear, a meeting place, and uniforms to get together. Are you in the military? Do you have any experince trying to bring 100+ individuals and all their gear together? There are some units in the military that are speed-deployment units...but the majority of the military is not...even more so the Guard units...because they dont live together. ~Cate


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