Pedigree Dogs Exposed Filmmaker Releases Extended Footage of German Shepherds - Page 4

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by Wildmoor on 27 January 2009 - 01:01

Hi Sunsilver
George may not be around tomorrow/today as shes having a operation.
I am not sure where the footage was taken but Manchester CH show is an all breeds show.


by Sunsilver on 27 January 2009 - 01:01

Thank you, Wildmoor!

I wish George the best of luck with the surgery tomorrow...


by Xeph on 27 January 2009 - 01:01

How can you judge movement at ALL from the crappy way those dogs were exhibited?!  You couldn't see ANYTHING!


by Sunsilver on 27 January 2009 - 02:01

Yes, most of them had no clue how to properly show the dog and make it gait nicely. 

Before I went in my first show, I spent a lot of time practising with my pup, gaiting and stacking. Looks like very few of the handlers bothered with this.

Now you can see why the American GSD people use pro handlers.


by pod on 27 January 2009 - 02:01

Any judge who doesn't recognise this as abnormal construction really should go back to basics in learning canine anatomy, for the sake of the breed.  It appears sickle hocks are becoming the norm in the GSD ring.

Sunsilver, this is a general all-breed champoinship show, held every year in January.

To be fair on the judge, she does make heavy criticism of hocks and movement thoughout her critique.

As David Payne seems to have been an exhibitor at this event, perhaps he could enlighten us as to which class this is.


by SchHBabe on 27 January 2009 - 02:01

Does anyone have the links to the original Pedigree Dogs Exposed series on YouTube? I saw the link to only the first part, but there are 6 in total in the series. I tried to search YouTube myself but could not find any of them anymore. -Yvette


by SchHBabe on 27 January 2009 - 02:01

Just for record, I did search the PDB and found the original thread but the link does not work. It does bring me to YouTube but then it stops saying the video has been "removed". Surprise surprise. Looks like somebody with deep pockets got ticked off. I wonder why...

by dave on 27 January 2009 - 03:01

The worst type of judge is an inexperienced one that spots the obvious fault and then cant see past it we cannot assume that the dogs selectively filmed were the best of the best because the bbc filmed them but we can assume that these animals are somebodies pride and joy that they have every right to go out of a weekend and show would the talented judges on this thread be happy if their owners now decided that a gsd is not for them just because it is a little unsound


by Hailey on 27 January 2009 - 03:01

IMHO a judge that rewards the type confirmation that is exhibited on the film is simply gutless.  He or she hasn't the honor or integrity to simply say, "no, this dog is clearly crippled, and I refuse to condone it."  It's almost as if they cave to peer, not almost.  It is.  They are puppets to the political pressures of big breeders.  They are shameless.  What a sad state of affairs. 


by Kalibeck on 27 January 2009 - 04:01

All I can say is my Kalie is 5/8 West German Showlines & 3/8 American Showlines...& she can walk, trot, run, jump, & stand up on her back legs & walk like a human when she wants to! She is happy, healthy, playfull, & could be used to any purpose, she happens to be a companion to my husband & I. The dogs in the background don't seem to be walking like that. Do they train the dogs to crouch when they walk? It's very un-natural looking, & none of the West German Showline dogs I have met move like that when they are just hanging around at home, so I guess i wonder why anyone would want an animal to move that way....or teach them to do it, it's certainly not attractive....! Kalie will naturally stack on occassion, & she looks so beautiful when she does that, not roach at all, not overangulated, either. I can't help but think that the trainers/handlers make them look this way for shows. But what do I know? jmho jackie harris (g'night now!)


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