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by Franki on 19 May 2009 - 21:05


I think what you're reading must be the April Fool's Joke and you're they're king/queen.
People aren't blinded by hate. No one has a reason to hate the man just because he exists.

They do have reason to dislike the deceit.

Have you done any research into the truth, not as you know it but the real truth.

Go check for yourself as to what sitasmom, maggiemae, twomoons and others have to say.

They have given actual documented evidence of facts.

Again this could all go away with the unsealing of the documents listed by Sitasmom.
Why hire lawyers, pay money to keep things concealed if there is nothing to hide?

Do you know all the connections between GE+Jeffrey Immelt+MSN+MSNBC?
Do you know of the cover-ups by the New York Times concerning ACORN and voter registration that are now
coming to light.
Never has there been so much controversy over a person and their legitimacy to hold that office.
Doesn't that seem a bit odd to you? 
Are you really so duped to believe it's all about the color of the man's skin?
If so then why are people of the same color coming out and saying he's an impostor?
Uh I guess their jealous, uh yeah that's it, it can't be the color thing for them, they're jealous.

Grow up, Do Some Research and Think for Yourself,




John Kennedy

by John Kennedy on 20 May 2009 - 00:05

Hello people,

Most of the times I keep this related to dog/training. But I just have had enough of everyone knocking down our new President and forgetting about Bush.

Bush put several of my brothers in harm for his personal gain. Yes, his personal gain.

We, as Americans, should catch him and press charges of war crimes against him.

These are the five lies Bush told that Ralph Nader documented to impeach him.
Weapons of Mass Destruction. The weapons have still not been found. Nader emphasized, “Until the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam Hussein was our government’s anti-communist ally in the Middle East. We also used him to keep Iran at bay. In so doing, in the 1980s under Reagan and the first Bush, corporations were licensed by the Department of Commerce to export the materials for chemical and biological weapons that President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney later accused him of having.” Those weapons were destroyed after the Gulf War. George W. Bush’s favorite chief weapons inspector, David Kay, after returning from Iraq and leading a large team of inspectors and spending nearly half a billion dollars told the president “We were wrong.” See: David Kay testimony before Senate Armed Services Committee, 2004-01-28.
Tyler Drumheller, the former chief of the CIA’s Europe division, revealed that in the fall of 2002, George W. Bush, Vice President Cheney, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and others were told by CIA Director George Tenet that Iraq’s foreign minister — who agreed to act as a spy for the United States — had reported that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction program.

Iraq Ties to Al Qaeda. The White House made this claim even though the CIA and FBI repeatedly told the Administration that there was no tie between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. They were mortal enemies — one secular, the other fundamentalist.
Saddam Hussein was a Threat to the United States. In fact, Saddam was a tottering dictator, with an antiquated, fractured army of low morale and with Kurdish enemies in Northern Iraq and Shiite adversaries in the South of Iraq. He did not even control the air space over most of Iraq.
Saddam Hussein was a Threat to his Neighbors. In fact, Iraq was surrounded by countries with far superior military forces. Turkey, Iran and Israel were all capable of obliterating any aggressive move by the Iraqi dictator.
The Liberation of the Iraqi People. There are brutal dictators throughout the world, many supported over the years by Washington, whose people need “liberation” from their leaders. This is not a persuasive argument since for Iraq, it’s about oil. In fact, the occupation of Iraq by the United States is a magnet for increasing violence, anarchy and insurrection.


John Kennedy

by John Kennedy on 20 May 2009 - 00:05

SECRET AND STRICTLY PERSONAL - UK EYES ONLY Top secret document leaked in Britain is the smoking gun. 2002-07-23. It describes an elaborate plan by George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair to hoodwink the planet into supporting an attack on Iraq knowing full well the evidence for war was a phony. Greg Palast explains its significance.
Bush used a forged document to back up his claims, — the Niger Uranium document. He knew the document was forged since he sent retired Ambassador Joseph Wilson in 2002-02 to Niger to check. A document to sell yellowcake would require the signature of the prime minister, the forgoing minister and the minister of mines. Nobody had signed such a document and further all the yellowcake had been presold to the Japanese and Europeans. There was no way that huge quantity of 500 tons could have been shunted. Wilson wrote about this in an op-ed in the New York Times 2003-07-06. Someone in the Bush camp (presumably Karl Rove) retaliated by outing Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA agent, thus endangering her life and the lives of operatives who worked with her. Jeff Gannon and Bob Novak published the outing and refused to name the source.
There were no WMDs. Even FOX news announced the formal end to the search. The final CIA Duelfer report said there never were any, and none were moved to Syria (another Bush lie). It was not just that Bush said he had evidence of WMDs, he claimed solid proof. If he had solid proof, where are they? There were no drones, no nuclear centrifuges, no gas, no biologicals, no nukes, no plutonium, no uranium, absolutely nothing! In his 2003-01-28 State Of the Union Speech, Bush talked specifically of “38,000 litres (10,038.54 US gallons) of botulinum toxin — enough to subject millions of people to death by respiratory failure” and “500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.”. He also claimed he knew where this stuff was.
Bush hired John Bolton to massage the data, and see to it that nobody else saw the raw intelligence. See Chain Of Command.
Bush ignored the advice of the CIA. See Chain Of Command.
Senator Sam Levin released formerly classified documents that undercut top Bush pre-Iraq war claims of a link between Saddam Hussein’s regime and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.
“These documents are additional compelling evidence that the intelligence community did not believe there was a cooperative relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda, despite public comments by the highest ranking officials in our government to the contrary.”
~ Carl Levin (born: 1934-06-28 age: 74) , Senator, 2005-04-16
The Atomic Energy Commission said Saddam had no nuclear program. The could tell because sensitive instruments checking rivers and ground water would detect one if there were. See Chain Of Command.
Weapons inspectors including American inspectors, declared Iraq had no weapons.
His traditional allies did not believe his solid proof. That includes Canada, Mexico, France, Germany and Russia. If none of these military allies bought it, how could it have been so solid? Surely you don’t take chances with someone about to nuke you with drones, yet still America’s allies insisted Bush’s was bluffing. France denounced Bush’s claim as completely fraudulent in the UN. Others were more diplomatic.
The UN had repeatedly searched Iraq and found nothing. There were American members on that U.N. team whom Bush could have told where to look if he actually knew anything. They still found nothing.
Bush used the vague term WMD instead of being specific about just what is was he suspected Saddam of having. If he truly knew he could have said, “Saddam has X kilograms of sarin poison gas” or “enough plutonium for three Hiroshima sized nuclear bombs.” But he didn’t, thus covering his ass so that if he

John Kennedy

by John Kennedy on 20 May 2009 - 00:05

Jail Bush.

Crimes should not go unpunished.




by RatPackKing on 20 May 2009 - 01:05

Dear John,

Who knew, in the days and weeks that followed 9/11, that the Democratic party would have become so deeply invested in a US defeat at the hands of terrorists like those who attacked us that they would say anything, do anything to ensure victory for the kind of people who murdered nearly 3,000 people that day? Who would have believed that more than 40% of Democrats would think the US government actively planned 9/11, or at least allowed it to happen?

The critics can keep their head in the sand, if they wish, but when President Bush stated that Saddam's Iraq was a growing threat, he was speaking the absolute truth. Taking out Saddam's regime has greatly reduced the ability of terrorist's to strike at us and thus made the United States, and the world, a safer place.

Before 9/11, bin Laden referred to America as the "weak horse" and a "paper tiger." He told his followers that Americans could not stand the sight of their own blood, and would crumble if his followers could only hold out long enough. With half the country desperate to forget about war and get back to American Idol, it's painful -- but necessary -- to admit that he may have been half right.



by MaggieMae on 20 May 2009 - 01:05


John Kennedy

by John Kennedy on 20 May 2009 - 01:05


Yes, it makes the world a safer place for Saddam to ousted but I do not believe he had anything to do with 9-11.

I would feel a lot better if the people of Iraq took him out and not us. He was a growing threat, Yes, but Bin Laden should have came first so he wouldn't have slipped thru our hands as he did.


If George Washington was still alive he would have pistol whip us all for not rebelling against Bush.


by MaggieMae on 20 May 2009 - 01:05


John Kennedy

by John Kennedy on 20 May 2009 - 01:05


where are the WMD?

tell me or shut up.

My brothers, one of whom was shot...., 2 cousinins, and countless friends seen what is going on over there.

Sgt. Kennedy (Chris)
Sgt. Thomas (Dustin)
Sgt. Williams (Steve)
Pvt. Black (Ben)
Sgt. Arnold (Aaron)
and countless others

The war might have been needed. Most of the people over there love Americans. I sent cereal over there cuz the kids over loved that. I sent balls and many other items to help our soldiers out and help relax some tensions.

but what I am saying is that the American people were lied to....that is wrong.

John Kennedy

by John Kennedy on 20 May 2009 - 02:05


Bush didn't keep us alive,.....our brothers, sisters,moms,dads,sons,daughters,aunts,uncles, and our friends kept us safe.

Do your research, Bush was a drunk, AWOL from the military, claimed bankrupty in his early life,

A man can not be judge by his past actions alone but also by his actions in the future.


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