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by ShelleyR on 18 July 2009 - 13:07

Texas is tempting, love Texas!  but not till later in the year when it cools off a bit.  We see what the next few weeks brings before I make any addtional vacation plans. :-)

Out to get my dogs out now! Training is calling us.



by ShelleyR on 19 July 2009 - 01:07

Okay... so the smallest articles I could find in my hastily packed van were a couple of old change purses, about 4x regulation SchH trial size, and a couple of dirty ankle socks.
So what? LOLOL
The old fart still has it, and he is proud of it!
...and so am I!  


Q- Why aren't there any pix of the dog actually TRACKING???
A- Because nobody else was there but me and my dog. (and my I-phone)
THAT'S why!
No. I did not set up the pictures. I just dropped the line, stepped away, and snapped the shots before picking up the article. Scared the crap out of me when the phone actually RANG just as my dog downed on the third article. Didn't bother him any, but I nearly jumped out of my own skin. The longer the line the better for Shelley's dogs. Ha ha ha ha.

by malshep on 19 July 2009 - 16:07

Hi Shelley, you sound rested. Your I-phone takes good pictures. Have a great day.


by ShelleyR on 19 July 2009 - 17:07

Surrounded by drop-dead beautiful tracking, and I pick the nastiest field I can find for my dog. All that dead grass, dry, bare spots, the tire ruts where someone has been spinning doughnuts in the field, reminds me of home.  (Ha ha ha)

I am finally re-learning how to kick back and relax, but its a slow process. I didn't realize how exhausting walking on eggshells was till I got to a place where the earth under one's feet is solid as... earth!

Its actually hard to UNlearn The Eggshell Walk. What do you mean I don't have to watch my back even when I am sleeping? WAY cool! I'd forgotten how normal people live.
Now I know how a rescue dog feels.

I do not miss being surrounded by drunks. I DO miss my sweet cherry little cigars sometimes, but not so much as I did 5-6 weeks ago. The beautiful, light, cheerful room I am staying in is a blessing in itself. God bless my super-excellent (incredibly tolerant and understanding) friends.

Motrin break over. Back out to the training field!


Red Sable

by Red Sable on 19 July 2009 - 22:07

How sad that you had to live like that.   I'm so glad you are amongst great people and are the living life  you deserve.  You have one gorgeous dog there and incredible friends.  Great pics, please keep them coming!

Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 20 July 2009 - 19:07

Hey Shelley,
We will see how good the "kids" do if you ever get this far west...  Remember, I have biiiiig horse turds in my pasture that is sure to distract any dog....try setting a track in that!!!! LOL
Glad you are having a great time, it is not very muggy here at all, took the dogs to the river swimming yesterday, loved it....
Take care and keep in touch, been busy...


by ShelleyR on 20 July 2009 - 23:07

I SHOULD HAVE taken at least a couple of dogs to the river not far from here today, but lazing around under a tree with a light read and trying to think of some clever name for Everything-Leftover-From-The Weekend chopped, minced, rated or shredded, simmered in a soup pot for a couple of hours, won out over hooking up and loading the dog trailer.
+ I just applied this month's does of Frontline this morning, not thinking, so I have to wait a day or so before I get them thoroughly wet. (which should coincide perfectly with finishing the book I started this morning.)  I wish they made once-a-month insect repellent for humans. I am being eaten alive lately.

I wish The Wonderful West was closer to The [insert choice of adjective here] East. 
But thern it wouldn't BE The Wonderful West, and where would that leave the Mid-West and the South?
Have I confused anyone besides myself yet with this drivvel?
Amerika. What a country!

I have a difficult choice tonight: Train dogs with a trio of excellent helpers, or attend an Al-Anon Meeting not far from here.
Dog training vs. Mental Health?
Leash, collars, and ball-on-a-string wins again. I'll worry about mental health some other time.


by 1doggie2 on 21 July 2009 - 00:07

Shelly the mental health is important. When living with issues, they break you. It is better to get help, so you can rebuild yourself and that takes time and guidence.


by ShelleyR on 21 July 2009 - 03:07

I'm thinking tracking is the best therapy for Shelley.
It might be amazing how far a V score in FH could go towards improving my mental health.

For 12 Steps, read: 1200 steps... + 3 hrs. aging, 6 turns, 4 articles, at least one change of terrain and a road to cross.
Now that's what I call intense therapy!

Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 21 July 2009 - 04:07

Dog training is the best mental health therapy I can think of...

hmmmm, frontline, darn, I don't have to use any bug poison on my dogs here,

I DON'T HAVE ANY MOSQUITOS HERE, AND I LEAVE MY DOORS WIDE OPEN AT NIGHT TO LET THE NICE COOL MOUNTAIN AIR IN THE HOUSE, then it stays nice and cool in the daytime, because it is a log house...I know I am spoiled!!!!

Enjoy, Steph


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