Shelley and the GSD Underground Railway - Page 3

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by TIG on 13 August 2009 - 06:08


Re my club one problem- No Sch club no GSDCA breed club - nada. Most are 2- 5 hours away from me. Back when gas was cheap and plentiful, I used to drive 150 or 225 miles one way for helper work. So no I unfortunately have nothing planned. And I have not been able to send any money to Shelley either being long term unemployed myself and struggling. What I have done is to offer what skills I have. I have suggested a way she can earn her way across country and you guys might be able to help on several levels beyond the great good you were already doing. I  PM'd her with a list of resources available to her (having been a ref librarian in one former life) and how to access them some of which she had not thought of or did not know about. I have  suggested a club she can contact because I know they bring in guest trainers on a regular basis. I have offered to help furnish her house when she gets here.

Also by the time Shelley would get to me (in the middle of the great Central Valley) she's almost within hailing distance of her promised land (tho how anyone can consider it such with routine temps of 110 degrees is just beyond this easterner) and I will of course make sure she has the wherewithal to get there and have invited her to join me for dinner. So no, not much :( but we do what we can do and we hope each bit makes a difference. 

I hope the fact that I have no club to utilize will not stop anyone else from trying not only to help Shelley but benefiting their club with a great guest speaker, seminar, clinic or expert private training.

Shelley don't give up hope. He may have just moved stuff to storage, the basement, kennel etc so you will think it's all gone. He might have even done it at the suggestion of his lawyer to "safeguard" it tho it sounds like he would be too dumb to get that. Good advice above tho, focus on the future which WILL be bright and beautiful. Every morning and every evening, say a small prayer and thank God for each of the five lives with you and their individual uniqueness and what they bring to your life. It's a good reminder of what's important and the gifts that you have been given. I also have another favorite short prayer - I thank God for the blessings, gifts and miracles he gives me - those I see and especially the ones I don't. 

The one thing I know with a certainty is that in the end, you will have a new life that is much much better than the old and you will be safe and your dogs will be safe. Head for that horizen and forget about the rear view mirror.


by Mystere on 13 August 2009 - 07:08

You are right about one thing, TIG: personal attacks on a thread like this are unworthy. You are the one who made it, not me. I simply asked a simple question- not turning any screws at all. Thanks for the response-it speaks volumes that does not belong. Sorry, JMHO. I won't bother to respond to this thread again. Thanks for your ideas, though. There were some very good ones. To answer your question, my club has nothing planned with Shelley. There is no reason to believe she has any intention of being anywhere remotely in the vicinity, unless I hear from her otherwise. In that case, something may be discussed.


by steve1 on 13 August 2009 - 11:08

Not much point anyone arguing the finer points on this thread for it will not do any good or will it help Shelley,
She knows what she wants to do but needs help to be able to do it, for those who can help her financially is great and i hope they are a lot, and for some who are not able too then thats it, they are just just the same people as before no better certainly no worse,
 The thing most important is to get Shelley to where she wants to be with a roof over her head with her and the Pups safe, nothing else is worth talking about and nothing else matters


by Mystere on 13 August 2009 - 13:08

Agreed, Steve! :-)


by ShelleyR on 13 August 2009 - 13:08

Getting there. My heartfelt thanks to all who are helping in any wya, and there are monay. I know most do not want the specifics of their help posted in public, and most do not want whatever they donated back, but would prefer I "pay it forward" one day when I am in a position to do so, which I certainly will.  I don't plan to stay in this posiiton forever!

Yeah. Its only "stuff". Maybe some of its packed away somewhere, maybe not. The bike on the dumpster thing is not a good sign. Hard to hide 27 kennel panels and a couple dozen dog houses, crates, etc. too. But maybe. Either way I will be okay... eventually.

I took my wedding ring off last night. Stowed it in the bottom of my suitcase in a fempro wrapper. The time has come to put away childish things. I wish I had the one I bought for him. Probably get me gas at least to Nebraska or Wyoming!

It may be  hot now, but winter is right around the corned in some places.
Thanks again all,


by DebiSue on 13 August 2009 - 16:08


So sorry to hear the rotten news about your things.  Just try to do a big shrug and shrug the material things away.  Let them go and you will instantly feel lighter.  Sometimes we think we own things only to find out that they own us.  I am soooo guilty of that myself.  Take some deep breaths and shake it off.  Anger is good as long as you don't let it eat away at you and make you bitter.  (Guilty again)  Don't let the bastard control you in this way.  If someone calls with "news" about him, the place, your stuff...tell them you don't want to hear about it.  It's past, leave it there.  Do a little happy dance that you are gone from there, never going back and continue moving forward.  Sell that ring at the next pawn shop and put it to good use.  It's just a symbol of the past and needs to go.  I know it's hard but we're here for you.  Sending cyber hugs your way.



by animules on 13 August 2009 - 17:08

Wow, I hope all is well.  I know you don't want to get into specifics of where you are but Ihope you will at least let us know you're making headway west?  Do drive careful!


by ShelleyR on 13 August 2009 - 18:08

Well at least now I know why the SOB calls, leaves messages about "someone at the house wanting a dog" and such. He wants me to come back just long enough to see the look on my face and tears in my eyes when I witness what he has done. He wants to gloat and rub my nose in it. Its not half as fun hurting somebody long-distance I guess.

Not in this lifetime, Bub.
Now that the initial shock has worn off I'd like him to know what he can do with those 27 kennel panels I hauled across the country all by myself ten years ago.

I would have had a lot more in the van if I hadn't stopped to take a few pix (with 3 different digital cameras) on my way out that afternoon. Nice thing about digital photography is that the date/time stamps remain with the original files with most cameras and software applications.
Sucks for him though.

1 of 127 -   07-10-09

2 of 127 -  07-10-09


by DebiSue on 13 August 2009 - 21:08

What kind of message do you have on your cell?  I hope it's something like, "Hi, this is Shelley, on the adventure of a lifetime.  If you are a friend leave me a message and I'll get back to you.  If you have doubts about my feelings for you, well, I don't have any feelings for you so you can hang up now because I don't give a rat's a** if I ever hear your voice again."


by ShelleyR on 13 August 2009 - 23:08

Anyone interested in going to a CSN concert tomorrow? I have two tickets WITH backstage paases to Wolf Trap (nr Washington DC), courtesy of DC, waiting at the box office.
Apparently I was once a fairly "memorable" woman.


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