Shelley and the GSD Underground Railway - Page 5

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by DebiSue on 16 August 2009 - 02:08

You are more than welcome!  We all have been there or know someone who has been there.  We are all pulling for you and want you to find your happy place!  Keep smiling, keep moving and you'll get there. 


by steve1 on 17 August 2009 - 05:08

Do not let this thread go off the front page it is getting too close to the bottom of the threads, for we must not forget the reason for it being on here

Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 17 August 2009 - 13:08

Thanks Steve,
We are gaining, but we needs more funds, it is getting close...Thanks all who have been donating, Shelley's spirits are climbing up!!!!

by SitasMom on 17 August 2009 - 16:08

What you are doing takes a lot of courage.....(been there, done that) what you have to do in order to survive and don't look back.

by 1doggie2 on 17 August 2009 - 16:08

Has anyone  thought  of getting help from the cities she is in, they have shelters for women  who are running, granted she does not need a bed if a gsd is in the area. However, they maybe able to provide work on her car or other immed  needs, to get her where she needs to go.

Also, they may be able to contact the next women's group on the road and ask  that they look out for her. she  might  get help, if she is on her way to a job/home and can show it. might  even have a gas station on the way that may donate, dog  food. I am sure  they could also help in the "underground railway".
Maybe if someone has a route mapped out, could get one of us to start contacting them. I  think there is enough of  us  on the board that  can  vouch for others, to  keep  her safe.

by 1doggie2 on 17 August 2009 - 16:08

she also, might  be able to trade for help,  by giving a seminar on self defense and what  a dog  can  do for  you,  if  trained  correctly.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 17 August 2009 - 17:08



by ShelleyR on 17 August 2009 - 19:08

I don't FEEL very brave!
But I do feel a lot better than I did 10 days ago, thanks to you guys.
Public resources for childless women between the ages of 18 and 65 are all but non-existent in the Commonwealth of PA. Ditto charitible organizations as far as my research went, unless I want to give up my dogs and move into a group home for a few weeks. :-(
I guess we are expected to marry better?


by mobjack on 17 August 2009 - 23:08

Excellent ideas 1doggie2,

I wish, but I hate to say it. Not an option here unfortunately.
Public resources to help anyone in this situation here in the states are horribly limited.
There are shelters available but priority is given to women with children and those who's lives and immediate physical welfare are in jeopardy. Stays are very limited, sometimes only two or three days and then the women are expected to have family or friends to take them in. It's very rare that any kind of long term living aid is available. Unless you show up at their doorstep totally indigent, beaten, broken bones and bleeding, with little kids in tow, it just isn't going to happen.

It's partially bureaucracy and partially an extreme lack of funding. There's not enough money for diapers, baby formula, clothes and emergency medical and mental health services. These folks have a horrible job of having to pick and choose who they can help and who they just can't. Once you get out of state there is really is nothing. Most programs out there are paid for at least partially by state and federal funds. They won't or can't help out of state residents, too much political backwash. Budgets are getting cut everywhere right now, my state just closed the ONLY public mental health center in the area (that served ten counties). Our Home Delivered Meals program is almost gone, surviving on donations and limited funding. Look at California alone, 16.3 million dollars was just cut from their program's budget.

Even if she were lucky enough to have such a place available to her where she could stay for a few days or weeks, they will not take the dogs or let her keep them. She would have to either turn them into rescue, take to the pound or find someone else to take them. The theory being that if she can afford to take dogs along with her, then she has the resources (money, physical and mental) to get out on her own.

Very few places, if any, would let someone just come on in and do a seminar or anything else on self defense with a trained dog. Too much liability.

She needs us.

by 1doggie2 on 18 August 2009 - 00:08

I  am  not  suggesting she stay, just get mechanical help for the  car, donation of dog  food. correct me if  I am wrong, I gathered, employment is waiting, temp  shelter is waiting, all she has to  do is get there. I  know  whithout kids  and not bloody, not old enough (I will bet right now  she  would find this funny, someone  telling her she  is to young). This  could also  be  a story  the  the ap  wires  could  pick  up, Dog board lends helping hand. Which could  help with funding this. anyone out there that  can do a web site for  her. You have  to melt,  she left with her dogs and did not leave them behind. We all know people, and  if  we could get a "next stop" the gsd's in the area might be able  to  reach out to thier  community for  help. We all spend a fortune on  dog  food,would not  hurt  for  the store  to throw a bag in. Heck  if  we are sending  funds to  Walmart, they have chartiable donations, we can ask, when she  stops in the pick up  a  check, can  you throw her a bad  of  dog food?
Dam, is shelly not in  advertising, Shelly give us some guidence here,so we can help you!
Can somone answer me, does she have employment, when she gets where she is going?


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