IZZY 5 months old today New Pic,s of her in her Protection Harness - Page 6

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by steve1 on 19 October 2009 - 11:10

The Harness is made by K9 i bought it at a stand where they were holding a trial for the Belgian Nationals next Sunday
Windwalker that Ikon is one laid back Pup you have there looks great

Moons i weighed Izzy this morning she weighed in at 44 lb so i think about right for 5 months old
I checked her teeth also and ahe has a Doble tootheach side the rest are replaced, but i felt a little wobble on one so that will soon go out now
I will keep her off Biting until the Gums have hardened or set, so about a month or so and we can really get going with her
In the meantime tracking she is like an express train head down and away must slow her down now, plus her Obed can be worked on 5 minutes i think three times a day is enough for her to focus at her age, then she will not lose interest
Yes, she is a sports Dog but still she is treated as any other Dog plenty of walks and time with me but training is three times a week at the club and she looks forwards to jumping in the trailor to go, she will have a full life but a varied one the only difference to a lot of dogs is she lives outdoors and thats the way it has been with me for 60 years with dogs but i think just the same about them as the next Guy


by CrysBuck25 on 19 October 2009 - 23:10

Steve, I love the new pics.  Izzy has such an expression on her face!  I have to say, I still agree with my original opinion that she's a stunning young dog!  I enjoy seeing new pics of her and hearing what she is doing...Sure makes my work with my girl (basic obedience stuff) look like child's play, but I'm not training for what you're training for, so I'm content. 

What a noble breed we love!



by steve1 on 20 October 2009 - 07:10

I need an outlet from the racing pigeons, They are hard work through beginning of April to 2nd week of August
Planning, training, Feeding, once we come to June we have an all Europe International Long distance race every week so i am training and feeding say 4 to6 birds for this week basket Tuesdays and also changing the feed for the next little group the week after and so on through the season plus the right amount of work for each pigeon they all differ, its a fine art and a lot of thought and concentration goes into it just the same as a human athlete,
So the Schutzund and training of Izzy and Goran is a bonus, I forget about the pigeons once i take her out and go to the club Our days in the Summer are long from 4.30 - 5O'Clock in the mornings until 11.30 at night that takes in the pigeons, house, Garden, Dog Training 7 days a week every week and still i have to leave the odd thing out,
But Its a great way to live you never have time to think of any problems other than the above, I love it but its getting harder as i get older specially with the pigeons the brain works that much slower now but i still think i am on top off my game with it. once i start to struggle and go backwards with them i know it will be time to call it a day, i will not finish 57 years in the sport struggling and a loser that will not happen, But a few more years yet i hope As for Izzy time will tell by the end of this year i will know for sure how we will go, and come next June her BH and ScH1 by  end August - September. Note i was a bit qiuck on the dates. that is what i will be aiming for, but see how things go for the next few months, i may be disappointed but i think it will be okay

by malshep on 20 October 2009 - 10:10

Goodness Steve do I have to kick you in the .......  there is going to be no disappointments, there is no backwards you tough old bird.  I am not letting my arthritis hold this old lady back ( remember what breed I am training ) if I can do it so can you :)))))
Think positive, you do not want to be on the same trial field with me someday and have me show you up.  You may have to buy me dinner. Have fun training :))) you have a wonderful Izzy.


by steve1 on 20 October 2009 - 14:10

Yes, if it does not work then you can kick me in the rear end,I have no doubts about the Pup not being good enough and not even myself but at the end of the day it is the training which will make or break the dog, However i do not think i am daft enough to pass up the chance i have
It will be a privilege to buy you dinner should we ever meet and who knows strange things do happen


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