Police dogs bit power station protesters - Page 3

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by SitasMom on 19 October 2009 - 23:10

thank you babyeagle

i know it didn't sound correct......i was just too busy go and double check, lunch was burning........


by Slamdunc on 20 October 2009 - 00:10

Sorry, but I don't think you understand the dynamics at work when a protest turns from peaceful to violent. I just deleted a much longer post adressing some of the things you mentioned, because it just isn't worth it to explain.   It's a nice world that you live in, a different world than some of us live in.  You have this whole thing all wrong, IMO. 

I think this was a shot at posting a thread which would quickly turn OT under the guise of a GSD or dog thread.  I've been called out to neighboring cities where the  KKK and Neo Nazi's had rallies and was assigned to protect those assholes from anti protest protesters.  When you do go to the next rally take Moon's advice and bring your own gloves, flak jacket and gas mask.  At least we'll be able to recognize you from the modern day activists, you guys will be the really old ones that are dressed kinda funny.

I can see this thread is going to unravel quickly.




by BabyEagle4U on 20 October 2009 - 00:10

Hey, when I go to Rallies be it known I have the Gadsden Flag and cowboy boots.  :o)~


by Slamdunc on 20 October 2009 - 01:10

I bet you look good in your flag and cowboy boots. 



by BabyEagle4U on 20 October 2009 - 01:10

Ahhh, you prolly look good too with a K9, gun and badge. 



by Slamdunc on 20 October 2009 - 01:10

Well, my dog is good looking....Me, I'm not so sure.


by CrysBuck25 on 20 October 2009 - 02:10

I'll second on the dog...He's a real looker.  Jim...I don't know, because I've never seen your pic!

BabyEagle...I hope you're wearing more than just that flag and cowboy boots!

But honestly, peaceful protesting is one thing, people.  When it turns violent, or the protesters start destroying property, then it's up to someone to defend that property.  Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you have the right to destroy someone else's property, whether you live in a democracy, a republic, or whatever else.  Simply put, you can disagree with me or my viewpoints, but if you come to my house and start shattering windows, spraypainting my walls, or otherwise destroying my property, you can bet YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW, and you will face retribution for it, one way or another.

It's called vandalism.  And it's a crime.  If they got bit by police dogs, maybe they should have stuck to holding up signs and not destroying the property.  How many of those loons sleep in tents, eat only veggies and grass, and don't use electricity or cars?  I bet they all have cars and live in houses with electricity.  So it all comes down to breaking the law, and the punsihment for that crime.


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 20 October 2009 - 03:10

So ya think it was a trick on the part of sitasmom,  Jim?
Clever girl.....    I think the post was boring and not very worthy of any kind of serious comment from the get go.
So what, someone got bit tearing down a fence, her pet peeve is the power plant, the fuel, and the Global warming burr thats under her saddle.......LOL.

The vest and mask is riot gear, not what you wear to a rally or (peaceful) protest.    A rare event by the way.
Maggie if ya weren't there, I doubt you'd understand what it was like.   An explanation would be fruitless.
I think Jim understands how quickly things can change, and how it can come to pass.

As for the dogs, I assume they did their jobs correctly.   After all it is about the dogs isn't it....:)

Melissa and Jim, you guys should exchange pictures....:), sometime.



by Slamdunc on 20 October 2009 - 04:10

Hey Moons,
I agree with you, you are spot on on this one.



by windwalker18 on 20 October 2009 - 05:10

Another point of view....

At least it was DOGS not guns!!

A few protesters may have some holes to plug up for their destructive behavior... but nobody's dead!!

One of the wonderful things about the police/military using dogs.  It's a strong use of non lethal force when the other option might have been someone being killed...


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