Time to Ban Raymond from this Forum - Page 3

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 16 December 2009 - 16:12

Steve was the one to stir the pot,  I'm just doing what I enjoy, interacting with humanity from a distance.
I care, and sometimes I don't.
I feel for others yet I am not my brothers keeper.
Maybe today we can push him over the edge and he can either sink or swim.
I'm not taking the blame for this thread, no sir.
We each have to take responsibility for our own lives sometimes and let the rest do the same.
I do believe Raymond gets very stressed out over this silly message board, he reminds me of another who once posted here.
Not going to mention the name.
To each his own I say, join in and participate, whine and moan and complain, go to threads that interest you, whatever.
Just don't take any of it too seriously.


by beetree on 16 December 2009 - 16:12

Banning doesn't work. Take a page from the Quakers; shunning is worse than death if you think about it.

But really, it would be better if Raymond wanted a peaceful soul because then he could start to attain one. And there is that rage against women, hard to ignore no matter where one stands. That alone will leave him fuming in the quagmire, wondering how he got there and why isn't there a way out.

I quess the question to ask Raymond is, do you have these issues in all your relationships, are you always left spewing nasties when you feel affronted? There are better coping skills out there you could learn, that a professional could help you with, should you tire of all the strife in your life. Namaste

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 16 December 2009 - 16:12

You can do better than that can't you?

I don't think the pot needs stirring, I like shit to stick to the bottom myself, adds to the flavor.

I'm in a strange mood today, caught between the Christmas spirit, and my inner evil side.
Thank goodness I have things to do today.


by steve1 on 16 December 2009 - 16:12

You Guys think differently than i do
I did not post it to stir any pot,  I have nothing against Raymond other than the way he address's Women and i do not enjoy doing it,
To me he is looking down on them as if they are inferior to Men and they are not, both sexes are the same in that respect, that is what they fought for many years past, many died for it and were tortured and humiliated to get equality
I am tired of Ray putting down the women with the language he uses, As i said in a post above earlier he can rise above it and let it go, and all he has to say on here its finished with and every thing will go with it


by sueincc on 16 December 2009 - 16:12

Other than one post I have stayed out of this pissing fight of yours rayray but when you accuse Steve of shit stirring you go too far.

Now you need to just stop all this crazy ass nonsense, RIGHT NOW.  Over the last couple of days you have started a bunch of threads calling people filthy names, threatening the board, threatening individuals and in general acted like a complete shit-for-brains troll.  YOU are the one who stirs the shit - then you have the nerve to cry "poor me" and actually lie through your teeth and said  that you started all this nonsense in defense of others???  You are delusional if you think anyone is falling for that nonsense.  It's high time you grow up,  MAN UP,  accept responsibility for your childish tantrums, apologize and move on. 

I have no doubt you have been kicked off every message board in existence, this is the only one in the world that will put up with your disgusting behavior, and you know it.  Recognizing you have a problem would be a good first step in correcting your unacceptable behavior. 

BRENT: Stay out of this one with me today, please I am in no mood. You and I have not ever had a problem, but as  far as I'm concerned in trying to placate this fool, he sees this as some sort of tacit approval of his tantrums.  You and I will have to agree to disagree on the handling of this troll.

Dawn G. Bonome

by Dawn G. Bonome on 16 December 2009 - 16:12

I hope that everything is ok with you and your dog.Your right... everyone should be banned! We have all acted like jerks, and I myself admit, to some foul lingo, at one time or another!
I thought highly of you when you stuck up for the dogs, and Tony when the Mittelwest situation was going on.

I hope that everything is well!


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 16 December 2009 - 17:12

Its alright, everyone understands.

I personally have mixed feelings about the equality of women but I'm not about to get that one started...LOL
I'm not stupid !!! 

I dunno,
its not like you or I could change someone without showing them the light.
I had a buddy once who said the wrong thing to a lady in a bar, she mopped up the floor with him...LOL



by sueincc on 16 December 2009 - 17:12

Rayray you are somebodies idea of a really piss poor  joke. 


by steve1 on 16 December 2009 - 17:12

Well Raymond takes no heed to any ones suggestions, and i am not shovelling anything, just plain common sense
Tell me Raymond what are you getting out of this by calling women bad names because someone may call you something you do not like,
you do not have to retailate the same to them all the time. But i guess it is beyond you to give way
No point in talking to you any more for you are intent on going on, and if it was not this thread you will keep alive the other one in which the language is there for all to see. The only way things go away on here including the thread on which this is based on is for everyone to stop posting and i will be the first to give way on it

Casa del Mango

by Casa del Mango on 16 December 2009 - 17:12

People can only bother you if you let them. Why would you give someone you dislike so intensely that power?


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