OT - What Really Counts -Think of Haiti - Page 20

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by beetree on 26 January 2010 - 23:01


Your subtleties will be lost on Raymondo, they always are. He has no desire to connect to people because his narcissistic nature won't let him.

I thought your post was quite thoughtfully written.


by raymond on 27 January 2010 - 19:01

Sorry to say beetree but those  subtleties were not lost!  they actually were void of any meaning! You must try to understand that to take a quote out of context and attempt to apply it to your purpose is futile! To refuse to direct a comment to the one who the comment  is about is cowardly ! To resolve one"s destiny to go down with the rest of the rats on the ship is also cowardly!  Yes many feel comfortable behind the keyboard issueing rhetoric that is meaningless! Have you decided a topic fro intellegant discussion?????? Perhaps the fact that 40% of the funds spent by the haitian govt came from private missionaries!

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 27 January 2010 - 19:01

"Have you decided a topic fro intellegant discussion?"

Ironic musing of the day.


by Ninja181 on 27 January 2010 - 19:01


by hodie on 27 January 2010 - 21:01

 How about moronic musing of the day....seems to fit better. Not that it is even worth discussing.


by raymond on 28 January 2010 - 17:01

Yes I find it extremely ironic that instead of offering something of substance and intellegence to talk about! All you seem to be able to offer are insults and spell checks!! Perhaps we could talk about the lecture the annointed one delivered last night??? What a moron!!!  Well keith do you have anything of importance to discuss since beetree seems to be left speechless! LOL LOL LOL LOL`

by hodie on 28 January 2010 - 21:01

You are out of line on the thread once again RayRay. Go start your own thread and if you post here, post something about the subject, tough and that is for you to do. It is pathetic that an American has such disdain for his President. And maybe a spell check would be appropriate since you cannot seem to spell even words from your own native language?

by beetree on 28 January 2010 - 21:01

Hodie, I saw Dr Phil just the other day and they showed his son who I think produces the show "The Doctors" and those Dr's went to Haiti with two chartered planes filled with supplies. They thought they were prepared but the situation was overwhelming even for them. Can you imagine having to be told not to eat anything in front of people? And one thing they were asked was what was most needed for someone who is treated and was about to leave. They said shoes and basic clothes items because these people leave with nothing and go back to nothing.  And then the bed will be filled again. So they need cots still. Lots. Still very dire for so many. On the brighter side, so many are still helping in so many ways. Everywhere I go people are raising funds for Haiti. Haiti will not be forgotten by the Americans, IMHO.

by hodie on 28 January 2010 - 22:01

My friend in Haiti gives me regular updates. The situation remains dire, and the long term very dark for the people for a variety of reasons. The people of the WORLD, including the US cannot forget Haitians. Perhaps a million people have no where to live, food and water only from relief agencies, not enough basic medical care (*forget about the followup that must be done for thousands who have severe injuries) or clothes and shoes. We must all continue to do what we can, once the situation stabilizes. That won't likely happen for many months more.


by raymond on 28 January 2010 - 23:01

Still waiting for something of substance instead of nothing but insults????And Mr. Obama is destroying this country! People are finally seeing that fact!  shall I start a thread and it not be hijacked?? think not!!


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