animal cruelty ? - Page 13

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by Mystere on 12 February 2010 - 08:02

Amazing how some folks just keep repeating the same behavior from junior high with no progress beyond it whatsoever. Magpie: Your posts are often simply recycled sophomoric drivel on thread after thread. The first few posts you made here can be found as recycles on just about any thread since. And, they are all just reflective of nothing so much as an insecure and under-achieving 14 year old in junior high: name calling, "blah,blah, blah" as a full sentence, "go away," throwing out weight, hormones (acne much?), and appearance. Yes, Magpie, you once called another female poster you've never met or seen ugly, while claiming to be pretty yourself . How much more junior high could you get? Talk about arrested development! Was junior high really your greatest acheivement that you continue to re-live it, even as a retiree? Sad. You and Raymond together are like Heckle and Jeckle, the Mischievious Magpies. Jim: Thanks for the laugh for the night. I am sure the birds will give me my first laugh of the day in the morning posts. Night all!


by 4pack on 12 February 2010 - 08:02

"Thanks Maggie and Raymond.. It is good to know that there are atleast two people with common sense to understand where I was comming from.

Now, that is hysterical. LMAO Sorry, but what they have I wouldn't label as common sense. They may agree with you on this but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. I wouldn't call it common sense."

What is hysterical Jim, I was going to quote the same thing and reply with something close to what you wrote. You know what they say about the company you keep...


by 4pack on 12 February 2010 - 08:02

Mystere, you just ruined that cartoon forever for me. I think Mags and RayRay are a married couple or dual personalities. JMHO

I'm so glad I was gone all day and missed this lovely debate today. The only reason I even looked, was I got a PM about it. Thanx alot Terry! I could be in bed asleep by now.


by MaggieMae on 12 February 2010 - 08:02

I've been busy reading a very interesting Thread -- Country of Origin - Who Breeds the Better Dog while you have been over on this Thread posting you little joke above.      

Barney -- You are typically either "tooting you own horn" or you are whining, complaining to Oli about the Board.  You are a colossal bore.    I bet you annoy the SH** out of your fellow officers.


by MaggieMae on 12 February 2010 - 08:02

Nia - You have always been, and always will be. a Nothing / Zero.   You and your "little group" are completely interchangeable; there is not an original thought in your heads combined.

Yes, 4Pack - you know what they say about the company YOU keep.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 12 February 2010 - 11:02

Dodie, your post was asking for trouble.  You did imply that there were those on here that agreed with dog fighing, or that didn't care about  their dogs. 

You also  took a stab at farmers.   Well, I was born and raised on a farm, and I can tell you, our opinion of you city folk isn't much better. You are literally biting the hand that  feeds you.  If you keep it up, you will be importing your food from overseas at much higher prices for much less quality.  It is going to bite you in the ass dear, you can be sure of it.

For the rest of you, take a look at your posts again, and you will see the name calling and put downs certainly comes from both sides.


by Mystere on 12 February 2010 - 15:02

Red Sable: You definitely have a point about the "sensibilities" of city folks with respect to farming and farm animals. I shop for high quality meat and expect to enjoy it. But, at the same time, I don't want to think about how it "got there." I don't actually seek out veal (OMG- I like veal scallopine!!) but on the (increasingly) rare times I find it, I buy it. I just don't think about how it "got there " ditto with Spencer steaks, filet mignon, burgers, liver... Then, I put out of my mind where the dogs' chicken hearts, beef hearts, turkey necks, etc come from. Why? Because if some farmer hadn't produced it, marketed it, some else butchered it and packaged it, I would have to be a vegetarian. I could not possibly produce/raise it, or process it myself. So, thank you Farmers for the delicious meat bounty you place at my disposal in the supermarkets. I am sure somebody likes the lamb and duck, too. :-)


by Dodie on 12 February 2010 - 15:02

Red Sable,

 I was not making a stab against Farmers.. The only thing I don't agree with is to doctor up dogs by yourslef like you are a vet.  That is all.   I do enjoy meat, do care to know how it is done either.  I just know that I cuold never slaugher an animal.  If I had to, I probably would never eat meat again.    I do think it is time for all the name calling to stop.  I said I was sorry if it offended  anybody and where it was comming from.  Now I think it's time to move on.   Talk about people needing medication.   

by George the Retard on 12 February 2010 - 15:02


the biggest name callers on this site are the very people you thanked.



by raymond on 12 February 2010 - 15:02

Well what can one expect when the world is full of idoits ! some people with a little bit of character will always be labeled morons by the majority of earths inhabitants! Nothing of substance to say only insults of needing geritol or to old or off meds or ignorant or  need money to buy meds or drinking to much or oh incorrect spelling and grammar! got not one freakin thing of substance to say or any debateable points!  Like one girl her tooting her horn about the humanitarian deed of rescueing a dog whn after shifting thorigh all her bull shit it was all about profitt!   and those perpertrators tell a few to not do as they do but as they say! Trash. sueincc' nia,, and well 4pack is got another men and back to her old tricks. wonder where wazzup is.  I think Beetree said it perfectly when she said "you think that because someone owns a gsd which is a noble creature that those who own it are like it"" a paraphrase. Beetree you are soooooo right! Not all those who own such a noble creature are like it! the dozen or so here are deserving of a cockroach as pets because that is what they are! So Dodie try to laugh at those wretched people ! All they got is the poop that is in em! Oh I forgot ninja181 1 Perhaps we need Steve leigh back aboard to really put those pieces of trash in theri place! Hey yall check my spellin please!


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