O.T. What did you do for fun as a kid? Pre Nintendo... - Page 9

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by skullirylla on 27 March 2010 - 19:03

BOB ?  I was raised up by
 (near) a lake off the dead end street in my neighborhood ,Everyday the kids in the hood were down there, I was know as the "turtle king" .being I caught as many as possible,but would release them at summers end , there was the farmers field that was right off the lake and actually part of the tract of land there , we would have peach fights ,strawberrie fights ,hide n seek in the cornfields , coped my first "feel" in the woods down there , now the old farmers field is gone 1 ,ooo,ooo $ homes are there now,.. the lake was drained and a new dam was built for ?? but it was so sad to see the huge bass floppin around in the mud during the process ,and the advertising done to sell these multi $$ homes was appaling  huge sailboats cruising across what was pictured as this grand lake with ton's of room ,..hell you couldn't even have a motorboat on this lake ,it was so small , but I guess thats marketing , anyhow there are a few of the old trees still standing ones I carved my name in as a boy where we built our tree forts ,used tire tubes to bungee jump from the higher limb's  IT'S STILL THERE BUT NOT QUITE THE SAME , time changes everything ,but I  will alway's have my memories of where I spent most of my free time as a kid ,..was that what you were asking ?  p.s. I still collect turtles I have a northeast box turtle that walks around the house eat's bluberries strawberries ,earthworm's ,I guess somethings you never outgrow?


by DebiSue on 27 March 2010 - 22:03

Oh wow, lemme think.  We lived in the country so we had numerous tree houses and we made forts out of hay bales.  We had our dogs and any dogs that got dumped out there too.  We had cats, rabbits, chickens, pigs, cattle and horses.  I had a shetland pony, Flickers who would drag us off under tree branches when he got tired of us.  I upgraded to a mixed grade gelding, Smokey who would let us ride him into a pond, he would sit down on command and let us use his back for a slide.  My last horse was 1/4 Standardbred and 3/4 Quarter horse.  She looked like a greyhound but I thought she was beautiful and I would ride her bareback, sun up to sun down some days. 
We had chores to do, we took turns milking the cows by hand, always feeding/watering the stock, separating the milk, churning butter and general cleaning.  I used to go out with grandpa on his ford tractor to check the cows.  I was always terrified of falling off, especially when he would hit some deep muddy ruts and the big tires would fling mud and the tractor would sway sideways.  My only warning was, "hold on!" and the jerk of the tractor going up another gear.  I never did fall off and when I think about it now I have to wonder why none of us 9 grandkids never did. 
We kids would spend all day outside.  Yes we caught polywogs and dragonflies (grandpa called them snake feeders) and lightning bugs, butterflies and honeybees.  We also caught snakes, lizards and salamanders.  If you put a plastic bread bag over the end of the clothesline pole and bang on it with a stick, you could catch sparrows, sometimes wasps!  We had 640 acres to explore and we knew every inch.  Somewhere out there we buried a few jars of grandma's canned peaches in case of a nuclear attack.  We played cowboys and indians and named every landmark accordingly, Table rock, a huge piece of limestone with grass growing from a hole in its center, Fossil rock another limestone boulder encrusted with small sea critters and Indian rock, yet another large piece of limestone with odd grooves cut into it that look as if formed by someone's fingers.  Here we would drop our voices and speak in (what we thought sounded like) Indian tongue while tracing our fingers in the markings as if translating an important message from the tribe.  Not so far fetched considering they found a pair of child's moccasins when digging a well when my mother was a small child and the numerous arrowheads found over the years on the property.  We would swim in the ponds or the gullies after a good rain and come home so muddy my mom would use the garden hose to rinse us off before letting us in the house. The only running water we had in the house was the kitchen sink.  We had an outhouse until I was 12 and a tin washtub for bathing until Dad got the bathroom installed.    
A kid's life was an adventure back then.  We were poor, we worked hard, we played hard.  I never have developed a liking for video games.  I can't see the point in them, I guess.


by GSDtravels on 27 March 2010 - 22:03

DebiSue -

Somewhere out there we buried a few jars of grandma's canned peaches in case of a nuclear attack.

TOO funny!  ROFLMAO!  Sounds like you grew up in a magical place, what fun. 


by DebiSue on 27 March 2010 - 22:03

Our family still owns the property and I will go there sometimes when I just need to get away from adult responsibilities.  Once in a blue moon the sand hill plums make it past the late frost and I will lay beneath the canopy with my foot on a trunk and shake it so the plums rain down on me.  One year I collected 180 pounds of them.  They make the best jelly in the world.  Those who grew up with it crave it like nothing else.  It was and still is a magical place for me.  My brothers both live on opposite ends of the property and I own the land in between.  My cousins own the 360 across the dirt road so the whole 640 is still in the family and I can go explore anytime I want to.   

by wrestleman on 28 March 2010 - 02:03

Seems like we where never inside no matter the weather. I can remember playing football with neighborhood kids in the snow or rain we loved it more mud.LOL I can remember watching Johnny Quest, Lost in Space, Disney and Wild Kingdom on Sunday nights. Oh and the Jettsons loved them and Huckleberry Hound.Still watch Andy Griffith every time its on and I am home as well as Beverly Hillbilly's. Best I can remember mom was always saying you kids go outside and play and we did. I can't remember ever playing inside much at all.


by VomRuiz on 28 March 2010 - 07:03

Love reading about everyone's childhood memories...

I just thought of something else we didn't have as kids... ADD or ADHD (and if we did the medicine for it was a good ole fashoined butt whipping,  usually with a belt or a paddle, as some others mentioned)... maybe because we were outside playing all the time and burned off our energy?

It occured to me today when I asked my three year old son if he'd like to go outside and play, and he immediately began jumping up and down, yelling and screaming, excited as could be. I laughed at his excitement about such a simple thing!
It was almost mind numbing to think that to make my child that happy, all I had to to was open the door! It didn't cost me a dime either :-)

So for a split second I laughed and thought my three year old must have ADHD, with the way he was jumping around, hootin' and hollerin'...  When in fact he was just being a child, and a happy one! So the medicine was a few hours of running around in the sunshine, chasing butterflies, collecting rocks, playing with the dogs. And that medicine worked. By bedtime he was tuckered out and actually wanted to go to bed!

It seems like every other child nowadays is diagnosed with some form of attention deficit, with or without hyperactivity. I'm no doctor or psychiatrist, and I suppose a lot of kids must benefit from drugs (?)....but before putting your child on medicine, if you haven't tried it, I'd recommend a healthy dose of fresh air and exercise every day :-)

P.S. I thought I'd attach a few pictures, my son was running with a piece of rope about 10' long and I was chasing him trying to catch the end of it. It wasn't as easy as it sounds. That kid is FAST (believe it or not the only reason I did catch the rope was because my kid tripped, HA!, I still got it, I even got a picture of how disappointed he was when he lost). I think anyone can see how much that silly game had him laughing hysterically, even when he wiped out...

by Bob McKown on 28 March 2010 - 12:03


                               Mutual of Omaha,s wild kingdom ...man it,s been 30 years since i,ve even thought of that...Hahhahaha. Did you ever notice it was Jim and there guide who always got dirty or did any thing dangerous and Marlin just stood back and sold insurance. 

by crhuerta on 28 March 2010 - 13:03

Wild Kingdom.....LOVED IT!...remember...FAMILY CLASSICS on Sunday???  We sat down every Sunday as a small family, to watch it.......what great memories!
Oh....don't forget the "Thriller Shows" either.......Creature Feature, Night Stalker, Elvira, Night Gallery....anyone remember those??
Gosh....what a great time in life!
ABBOTT & COSTELLO....hahahahahaha!

by MBPlayer on 28 March 2010 - 15:03

Wild Kingdom before the Crocodile Hunter.lol What about Happy Day's, Welcome Back Carter, CHIP's, Three's Company, What's Happening, Good Times or the Westerns Fist Full of Dollars, Hang'em High. Used/still do like Clint Eastwood also Charles Bronson, Bruce Lee. Bugs Bunny, Woody WoodPecker, Chilly Willy and Tom and Jerry, they don't even have cartoons like the old ones. Some Elmer Fudd or Sylvester and Tweety, Yosemite Sam!!!!LOL  Crazy how times/things have changed in the last 30 yrs.


by BabyEagle4U on 28 March 2010 - 17:03

I know. How about the past 60 years. 

 .. Here's a cartoon a friend sent me from 1948 ..  www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php  hope ya can see it.


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