Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show - Page 5

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by Gustav on 16 February 2011 - 13:02

If two out of ten examples of something represents your point....then what is the true representation of the point; the two or the other eight.??

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 16 February 2011 - 14:02

Rik, I just hate those shows. They take the dog further away from the FULL standard. It is a beauty contest............................Niesia, where are you at? I'm sure someone on here would be glad to have you out to their club.


by judron55 on 16 February 2011 - 14:02

 the reason so few Am Show line dogs are titled is because the majority of Am Show line dogs simply can't cut it, it's been bred right out of them.

ron writes: No truer statement has been said! I have worked numerous S/L dogs and the ones that show the best are imported! The American S/L I've worked eventually assumed the fetal position:-)


by afwark15 on 16 February 2011 - 14:02


your comment appeared as follows:

"Be honest – how many people out there who want to have GSD can really handle and live with the high drive GSDs? Do you think that ALL working line/ high drive puppies are ending up being worked? "

The German Shepherd was bred to be a working dog!  And in fact there are plenty of working line dogs (my own in fact) who can lay on the couch with the best of them...but when it is time to work- THEY WORK!

If all you want out of a German Shepherd (and I use 'you' loosely) is a couch potato, then you dont actually want a German Shepherd. 

If you want a dog who doesn't have drive for anything, get yourself a different breed!
Leave the German Shepherd to the people who want to work it.

Please don't sacrifice the work ethic just because you want a strutting black and tan couch potato!!!


Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 16 February 2011 - 14:02

Exactly. And let's not forget that a dog can be trained.


by sueincc on 16 February 2011 - 14:02

Malinois & Dutch Shepherd  people have all the luck.   I don't see a whole lot of people clamoring for  imitation Malinois or imitation Dutchies.  I hope they never have to deal with this. 

by CopDogs on 16 February 2011 - 16:02

Niesia your are a comedian right? trying to audition for Sat Night Live. Your state you can make an American line dog do schutzhund. This shows your total lack of dog training knowledge as well as anything about schutzhund..If you must make a dog do schutzhund then they do not have the ability. You never have to MAKE a correctly bred dog DO it they are genetically gifted and bred for a specific job. American line dogs are bred to look at and be pets.....


by Ruger1 on 16 February 2011 - 16:02

      Kinda like human models....they have never worked a day in their lives....Only bred to be pretty and kept as pets.....Some folks claim this is work.....Hmmmm?????....What one considers work another considers play.....Who is to say which is which...????......: )

   ***Can one have beauty ( conformation ) and brains ( working ability ) .....I should say so......YES....!!!!


by sueincc on 16 February 2011 - 17:02

Because dogs are not humans, Ruger, and GSDs were not developed to be nothing but beauty pageant contenders.   They are bred to a standard, which is more than just conformation,  and if they are not bred to the standard then they are not representatives of the breed.  Breeding GSDs to be nothing but giant lap dogs is not breeding to the standard and therefore does the breed a disservice. If people want a dog that looks like a GSD but doesn't act like one then they really need to get a different breed and stop screwing with GSDs.

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 16 February 2011 - 17:02

Ruger, not models, but beauty pageants. Remember North Carolina a few years ago? "Such as". I'm not saying that every contestant is dumb as a box of rocks or beauty is all they have to offer, but that is pretty much the focus. In dog shows, the dog is rarely just entered on a whim because he feels pretty and mom is proud. No, most of these dogs have been bred generation after generation to prance and win a ribbon. I had a man ask me a few years ago what I thought of his puppy. I said, "he looks like a puppy in a crate". He told me his father was a champion and that he got a good GSD. For what? This guy wasn't going to show him and he got screwed out of $5000 for a dog he could have bought from the local breeder.


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