Lets talk trolls. :-) - Page 20

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by MaggieMae on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

This is all so sick......over and over and over......can't or won't move on with your lives....you are in a rut and can't get out.....I haven't "whispered" anything into Max's ear.....he has "eyes" and can see what is going on here.    Maybe "Group Therapy" would help..............Have a good day !!


by MAINLYMAX on 25 March 2011 - 18:03


         I said something about Bush once and Maggie jumped me.

But she never hated me for it. ...I saw the movie W and began to see her side.

I personally just don't give people that much credit to begin with. That they could disrupt,

an already strange and beautiful life that  I have been given.

If this is the case, I would say anyone who thinks Maggie has this kind of power over

them really needs to take their spiritual side off the back burner and do some praying.

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

Over and over yes Maggie your behavior is over and over and I think you need one on one therapy.

Do you attack all abused children as adults or only the ones you do not like?


by Mystere on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

 Might I point out one more thing?   Many, if not most of us, know the identity and  real name of the person behind the screen-name.  Some others are not "recognized" by many, but at least some one on this forum knows their actual name, where they live, etc.   NO ONE KNOWS WHO MAGGIE IS.   No one even knows if MaggieMae is actually a woman, or just someone using the title of their favorite Rod Stewart song. 

Because so many of us are "known," personal information is also known. Some maliciously share /have shared that information with "anonymous" entities, such as MaggieMae.  NO ONE, other than MaggieMae, has ever used that type of personal information to  personally attack someone on this forum by using it for name-calling, or just kicking personal shit in  someone's face. Sock Puppet is absolutely accurate on that score.  It cannot be disputed.

  Meanwhile, Maggs remains absolutely anonymous, essentially striking from the darkness.  Could her actual identity be determined?  Of course, if one really wanted to find out.  Apparently, no one cares quite that much, or, at least, has not been pushed to do so thus far.  That, of course, could change.

This is taking up entirely too much of my time.   I am with Beetree--Max must learn what "hot" means on his own.  It has been pointed out to him.

1 The exception would be a small group of individuals related by blood, marriage and/or divorce, who  a year or so ago often waged their intra-familial warfare on this forum.

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

This is a huge waste of my time.

Maggie you may be able to erase the past by deleting your words, but you cannot take what you have done and said away. People remember.

Take your personal attacks someplace else. Like the Jerry Springer show.


by MaggieMae on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

YOU and YOUR PALS have turned the Board into the Jerry Springer Show.....personally, I think it plays like an SNL skit.   This entire thread is just a waste of Bandwidth .... like Triodegirl said -- she posted about the murder of a K9 Officer and got TWO responses -- and look at this ridiculous mess on this Thread !!   Do all of you live in the Past ..... is there no FUTURE for you ??    Do you interact with others in your lives -- off the Board -- in this manner?   Maybe this isn't SNL but, instead,  the Twilight Zone and you are caught in a "Time Warp" and are doomed to behave this way for the rest of your lives................YIKES !!


by MAINLYMAX on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

I have been reading these post for 3 years, give or take ...for those

who care...

I see a trend here, and it was there 3 years ago as well.

Anger,hostility. Mindless accusations.........over and over.

Is this all you can offer?



          I did not know I had only been here 7 months.

How long would it take to see what is holding this website back?

There are thousands of people who could come in here and raise

it up to the most popular website on the Internet...did you think

they don't post  here because of me??? 


by sueincc on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

You can easily end this Maggie,  quit trying to stir the shit between people on this board, quit trying to rewrite the past, all throughout this thread you have continued to lie, quit with your cheap shot sniping remarks about Slamdunc or anyone else you don't like,  and quit blaming others for the miserable bed you find yourself in, that is entirely of your own design,  and in return we won't have to keep reminding you that you are a sniveling, coward and a  lieing sack of shit. Easy peasy !!

by beetree on 25 March 2011 - 19:03

Let's see, I'd put my money on Maggs being a big deterrent. Why not ask her about what she kept posting about  Hodie? Who is surprised here, that Hodie doesn't post here anymore!  Was it because of me!?!  LOL

This is going nowhere, enjoy your hero role, Max, I promise I'll do my best NOT to say I told you so, at  the  appropriate time.

I'm OUT. Enough Troll feeding for me.

by Donald Deluxe on 25 March 2011 - 19:03

LMFAO at the troll citing triodegirl's complaint about the murder of a K9 officer not receiving attention, barely a week after the troll was on here attacking a K9 officer.  It apparently has zero sense of irony.




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