Female handlers ruining the breed -- my rebuttal. - Page 5

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by Blitzen on 21 March 2012 - 15:03

Susie is a guy?


by 4pack on 21 March 2012 - 16:03

No Blitzen. Jeff O who started all of the female bashing on the kennel blindeness thread, among other threads is who I was talking about.

by Dobermannman on 21 March 2012 - 17:03

I can live with Jeff O's poor training and breeding practices and female bashing and shit stirring BUT the way he forces people to respond to his posts is unforgivable ;-)

Thomas Barriano


by Ace952 on 21 March 2012 - 17:03

by Dobermannman on 21 March 2012 - 17:03


Post: 142 of 143
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2009 03:24 pm
...... BUT the way he forces people to respond to his posts is unforgivable ;-)

Thomas Barriano

No one "forces" anyone to respond.  Everyone is responsible for their own actions and it is easy to just ignore.  If someone has THAT much control over you to "force" you to respond then there are bigger issues.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 21 March 2012 - 17:03

Thomas was being sarcastic I'm sure.

I know of many women who focus on the showring, worried more about looks and prefer easier dogs, but jeez, I know of many men too.  I'd say  both sexes are equally guilty.

Personally, I like a tough dog, a dog with grit.  I can not stand the spooks or soft willy nilly ones. 

by Blitzen on 21 March 2012 - 18:03

Oh you meant Jeff? That makes sense now. Many of his posts take me back in time to the 50's when women knew their place. It's 2012 now and we are equal....get over it.

I saw some very strong women handlers at Statesville last weekend. 2 with WL's stood out. One lady with a very serious black bitch, the other a young gal with a very good looking sable male she trained herself; he was used as the demo dog. I imagine most would recognize these handlers and dogs if I knew their names. I'd put these ladies up against any male.



by alboe2009 on 21 March 2012 - 19:03

A lot of information...... Saying this in the nicest way but (and it's not just Germans) but lots of other countries don't speak like the majority of Americans, (or should say America) Spent five years in Germany and it's hard to explain unless you are there or in another country.  Might use the wrong EXACT word(s) but hopefully you get the idea. Europeans are more direct, matter of factly, say it the way it is, frank, to the point. America, (man, this is a little hard to articulate) some will say kind of what they mean but not all, slang gets involved and then the word/thought or meaning is misconstrued. Just being in a different region and the context of a word or phrase could be different then another location over there.

IMO, and I'm no expert on the breed but society as a whole has weakened our breed. And other breeds as well. Not just for dogs but as humans also, as a society the word WORK alone has changed even within my lifetime. Everything associated with life or living has also changed.  We could type pages and pages of why things have changed in our dogs/breed but it's not a handler being a woman. I won't comment one way or the other on what could be JO true underlying goal could possibly be, while infuriating so many? I for one believe in facts, information, statistics, percentages. BUT, you can't always believe those either. HUMAN ERROR! Fudge ability factor etc., etc. To me this topic, (not the rebuttal) is a futile subject. Too many factors out of our control at this point in time that took years to make it what it is today. We'll never as a whole be on the same page to right the wrongs of so many. We can only pay attention and come together to make sure the breed doesn't become worse. (Need to stop ranting...........) So my original point (and nothing against 4pack but I thought she was German also, I could be wrong?) but maybe, and I'm saying just maybe things were taken out of context. And another point, however one deems to run, control or raise their dogs in my eyes is totally up to them. As long as the owner gets the results he/she wants/wishes for. Inside/outside whatever. I'm a former LEO and I have seen so much crime that either could have been diverted, deterred or prevented just by the fact of having a dog or dogs present, (now, I'm not saying a dog will prevent all crimes so let's not go there and start that one!) but for me my dogs are part of the family and are with me and my son, 16 mos old, pretty much most of 24/7, some of the time in the kennels. And they're with us at night, wherever they want to be. (The girls are on the bed) The males near doorways or steps. My phone screen shows Anastacia, (Czech) laying right next to VJ sleeping while he's sleeping, (he's @ 3 mos) and they all stay near him and pay attention to him. I don't consider my dogs to be humans, at times they are more than human. They are my family, my companions, my (and my son's) protectors, best friends and tools to work with. I have always had dogs and many different breeds and I treat them all the same. I honestly believe that children, (not each and every one but the majority) that have the responsibility of raising animals,  helps mold and prepare them to be better responsible parent(s).


by 4pack on 21 March 2012 - 21:03

Though I do have a lot of German in my breeding, I am American. I only lived in Germany for a year in Mannheim.

Oh and Thomas I'll reply to whatever I feel like replying to. You and your buddy Jeff are in the same jackass boat.

by Dobermannman on 21 March 2012 - 21:03

"Thomas was being sarcastic I'm sure."

Hi Red Sable

You would have thought the ;-) would have given it away?
Some people are so busy looking to disagree they don't even read what's written before replying

Thomas Barriano

by Dobermannman on 21 March 2012 - 22:03

"Oh and Thomas I'll reply to whatever I feel like replying to. You and your buddy Jeff are in the same jackass boat."

Oh come on now Foreplay you've gone and hurt my feelings.
Nothing more annoying then some anonymous Internet expert with poor reading comprehension skills.
Did I remember that you're in Law Enforcement? You must be one of Voodoo Lou Castles Students of internet blowhardability (5K posts  just on one list?)
In the meantime I'll have to ask Jeff to stop rocking the Jackass boat BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Thomas Barriano
Dubheasa Germania (11/05/99-08/11/08) SchH III M R Brevet AKC WD III AWD 1 STP 1 CD WAC TT
Ascomannis Jago (06/20/03) SchH III AKC WD III AWD I TT WAC
Belatucadrus (08/14/05) DS BH TT MR I
Flannchadh von der Bavarianburg (5/21/08) BH STP I


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