Keep an eye on the puppies you sell! - Page 4

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by EchoMeadows on 20 September 2006 - 03:09

Jose, I have to admit as well, You have brought many here together tonite with this post. It's nice to see everyone coming to the Understanding of the complete GSD. It's nice to see everyone offering up they're opinions so openly and seeing they're opinions being accepted so graciously. I would say good job everyone, this honestly is one of the more productive posts I've seen in a while, Where "newbies" weren't called byb's but were simply offered encouragement and strength in sound advice and opinons. Everyone gets round of applause !!! and a very big Thank YOU !!!!

by immyjay on 20 September 2006 - 04:09


by jdh on 20 September 2006 - 04:09

On the subject of dogs that exceed expectations in maturity: Ulk Arlett was sold to Italy as a pup or young dog. Margit van Dorssen had to convince the owner to return him. If my memory is correct the following year he was VA and two years later was Sieger. He became one of the most important sires of our time.

by GSD Breeder on 20 September 2006 - 05:09

I also agree with all those who submitted their comments and feelings on this topic. Being in the GSD breed for over 30 yrs. myself; I have always loved and admired our breed, and have been lucky enough to have had very many sound, beautiful, devoted GSDs. I absolutely keep in touch with the people, or person who may purchase any of my dogs, or pups. I also try to pass on much important inf., and facts to them to help assure a healthy, happy, stable, safe home and environment, and life for any dog, or pup that leaves my home. My dogs mean everything to me, as do all pups produced from our dogs; so I take a great interest and care as to who, and where, they end up! As a breeder; hobby, or otherwise; the major factors, or first priorities should always be placed on health, soundness, temperament, stability, and so forth. The movement, beauty, correctness of structure and conformation, etc.,although important in it's own right, should be secondary. The whole idea of breeding is to better improve the breed; to produce overall sound, healthy, and stable specimens of the breed. One could go on and on on this subject matter; and on the magnifigence of the breed itself in so many aspects; but everyone has made very good points, and therefore, with all these comments, opinions, and experience, the correct message is hopefully, coming across! GSDBreeder.


by weissblau on 20 October 2006 - 21:10

I am going to like this message board.I be lurking for a while and give my 2 cents worth every so often is there a spell check anywhere?


by 4pack on 20 October 2006 - 21:10

Ha Ha Ha we have another comic on the board. Frikin' sweet!

by Dawnmarie on 20 October 2006 - 22:10

out of the litters i have had... i keep in contact with every home except one... and that one i tried to get the puppy back because they lied to me and it caused ill feelings... the courts here in CT see the puppies as "things" not "life" so i couldnt get him back.. i know the family loved him BUT they were STUPID... first time buyers who lied on their application, got another male first and then got mine and didnt tell me about it.. and long story short is the older one was almost killing mine they didnt crate them, they let them "play together in their own room" like brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway... i cant even talk about it it rips my gut out one day i may hear something.... i have a 3 page questionnaire before even speaking to anyone, i go over it, call references then i make calls to have them come over...i always keep in touch, i give free classes at my house for puppy k every saturday and then they have to complete a formal obedience class before one year they have lots to commit to and those people wanna keep in touch, they want to learn etc....they commit to crate training, feeding better food etc... or they dont get a puppy from me :) this last litter 8 weeks old this little guy was very sweet and just had the floppy ears... his structure was "not bad" but he didnt have the presence as the others... UNTIL ONE DAY.... i actually just got him back becuase the lady is having problems with her older female and i saw him and went OH MY GOD look at him!!!!!!!!! lol they are like 14 weeks i think but i like him more now than the pick male :) just never know... moral to my story is i dont close the door... i have people calling here i would say 3 times a week keeping in touch or calling to problem solve or asking my advice which i am happy to be here for!


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