Need Help Homing a 3yr old male - Page 3

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by isachev on 24 November 2012 - 01:11

Not a chance!!!


by isachev on 24 November 2012 - 01:11

The surgery explains the body weight.


by ghostly on 24 November 2012 - 01:11

Hexe this has totally made Brix/ Wiley a special boy that really needs that forever home. Had my friend not passed away in August he wouldn't have to worry about going to a new home. I would have picked him up had I had enough room at my place, but since he has been a house dog for the last 2 1/2 years I felt by putting him out in my kennel would have messed him up. I think with the right owner he will do just fine

by hexe on 24 November 2012 - 03:11

ghostly, I don't mean to be rude or insensitive, but exactly why is it that the widow can't keep her husband's beloved dog?  I know you said she's moving and can't take him with her, but frankly, it's been my experience over the years that "can't take the dog with" usually really means "won't make the effort to find housing that will permit the dog", or "unwilling to pay an additional fee to have the dog", or worse yet, very often, "glad to be rid of the dog."   I've lived in hovels at times, just so I could keep my dogs with me when I found myself having to rent, and frankly, I'd live in a tent or a cardboard box before I'd give up my dogs. So I have to wonder about a widow parting with anything or anyone who was such an important family member to her late husband... 


by ghostly on 24 November 2012 - 04:11

My friends widow is moving in with her brother and said she could bring 1 but not 2 of them. At least this is what i have been told by her.

by Darcy on 24 November 2012 - 04:11


back to helping you...  and Brix.  have you contacted any rescues?   In Illinois maybe even?   We have one local rescue I trust and I will try to call/contact if you want.  She seems to ususally have showlines, but the local humane association also contacts her with GSDs with "behavioral" concerns.    She also takes in other animals  This is in WI.  i could also just pm you the contact info.  They do not have a web site and yes it is a legitimate rescue.  I am sure you have thought of all this, but really just trying to be helpful.  If I were gone, I would want my dogs in the right place and that may not be with my spouse as he has neither time nor enough patience for an active dog, maybe an old cat....but definitely not a 3yo  male GSD.


by hexe on 24 November 2012 - 05:11

This is why it is SO IMPORTANT to have placement for one's dogs PRE-ARRANGED FOR, if their spouse isn't likely to want or be suited to care for the dogs, or if like me, you're single and know your family members aren't going to step up for them.

ghostly, while it's certainly likely that kenneling Willy at your place will be a difficult transition for him, it will be a damn sight easier than the shock he'd get if the widow ends up turning him over to a shelter--and given that he's got dog-aggression issues, that behavior absolutely won't improve any in a shelter setting, and will make him 'show' more poorly to prospective adopters; GSDs typically don't do well in shelter situations to begin with, no matter how good the staff is or how ideal the set-up of the place is.  Better that he be kenneled with you, where at least you'd be able to give him some individual attention time each day, and could work to place him from there.  I'm inclined to think you'll have no help with that from the breeder, given that she herself is trying to place three adult dogs of her own [one of which is in a 'foster home' at present, according to the website] it sounds as if this is going to fall entirely on your shoulders.


by ghostly on 24 November 2012 - 05:11

Hexe, If this was to happen I would step up and take him here.  Just feel it would be better for now to keep him in the home until he finds a home or she moves.

by Darcy on 24 November 2012 - 05:11


I agree with what you say aobut the living situation entirely.  The rescues around here also do "courtesy" listings.  It means, they get the info out, aobut GSDs needing homes, but not actually a part of the rescue.



by Dawulf on 24 November 2012 - 05:11

"....I'd live in a tent or a cardboard box before I'd give up my dogs."

There needs to be more owners out there like you, Hexe!! I totally agree!


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