The PPD? - Page 4

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Carole Field

by Carole Field on 30 May 2013 - 10:05

PERSONAL PROTECTION DOG (PPD) is a title offered by K9 Pro Sports (  This might be what some of the advertisers are claiming.


by Wustenbergerland on 30 May 2013 - 10:05

Personal protection dogs are special trained dogs for protecting you and your family from problems created by thieves or bad people with the command of its boss.


by kitkat3478 on 30 May 2013 - 12:05

I Would not claim my dog PPD, but ain't that sort of the reason we habe German Shepherds? To personally protect us...
I know if an intruder came into my home, uninvited, and refused to leave, there would be a pro lem for that person.
Most of the feedback I get from puppy people is that their dogs are very protective of the children.
THAT is a German Shrpherd. It is their natural instinct to protect.
If you have to buy one already trained, or you can't count on your dog, something is not right.

by destiny4u on 01 June 2013 - 07:06

kitkat you are right gsds should be able to protect on their own. PP is just a way to enhance it, make them experts in combat. Its a lot of fun and the dog enjoys the figh (certain dogs im talking about).

But I would never get a fully trained pp dog. That is just dangerous.  You don't know much about it.  You will see as you advance your own dog in training its head gets bigger and bigger.  A fully trained pp dog going into a new house just sounds like disaster unless you know the source well. Many breeders offer started younger dogs, or titled dogs which i don't consider the same thing. JMHO  I don't think what hardly any people offer are fully trained pp dogs anyway.  Everytime I hear of someone buying one its just a fearful dog that has had the crap scared out of him and has fear aggression issues. Or something else is really messed up with the dog. I forgot the site but i met a couple of people that bought dogs off this one huge site and thats all they got were fearful rescues. I felt so sorry for the poor dogs. Most people are still so stupid they can't figure out they got ripped off until you point everything out to them.

by Hutchins on 01 June 2013 - 10:06

Thanks Carol for the link. 

So PPD IS actually a title according to this article.  Glad that was cleared up.  Makes things quite different now!!

Once again, THANKS CAROL.  Thumbs Up


by susie on 01 June 2013 - 10:06

Carol and Hutchins - WHO IS K9 PRO ? They claim to be an "international organization" .
Never before heard about this institution ?!? Where do their rules come from? And WHO does proof the dogs?
I´m lost.


by Slamdunc on 01 June 2013 - 11:06

Nonacona/Hutchins wrote

So PPD IS actually a title according to this article.  Glad that was cleared up.  Makes things quite different now!!

Nonacona, you do understand to use a title you have to actually earn it, right?   Just because K9 pros sports offers an exercise which is called PPD doesn't really mean all that much.  It is clearly a sport, and a dog sport organization that has a pretty basic level called "PPD."  They also have a "patrol dog" title which is really comical.  Nonacona why don't you just add "PD" for patrol dog after all your dogs names.  Why stop at "PPD?"  

I'd be interested to find out how many active members K9 pro sports has and how many dogs have been "titled" as ppd or pd, and I use the term "titled" loosesly.  There are probably a few people that take the K9 pro sports seriously and really do a nice job with their dogs.  I would say that "sport" is in the name of the organization.  Thus I would not consider any of these dogs truly trained for personal protection.  None of these dogs that have a "PD" title are actually trained and certified as a patrol dog because of that "PD" level, and certainly would not be suitable to work as a Patrol Dog within the requirements of that "title."  I would bet anyone with a decent dog with a SchH 1 could easily pass any of these levels with a small amount of work.  

While I do admire anyone that gets out and works their dog in any venue, things like this open the door for those disingenuous breeders to scam unsuspecting buyers.  This thread is another perfect example of how breeders that really do not title or truly work their dogs will try to get over.  

If some one is truly in need of a personal protection dog please avoid any one that uses or advertises the letters "PPD" after the dog's name or in an advertisement.  Reputable trainers will not do that!  

Nonacona or Hutchins, please provide those videos of you training your dogs to their fullest ability.......Again, that would end all of the speculation.  I'm sure you are proud of your dogs and their accomplishments, please post some work with your dogs.  


by GSDNewbie on 01 June 2013 - 11:06

Information is all over the internet. Anyone can post anything behind these monitors. Posting something does not make it true, just because it is there to read. You have to look at motive, and facts behind posted words.  A big clue to legitamacy, ask yourself.  is someone making money off of it?  to investigate deeper. 

Some countries probably do have a legit ppd title program. Here in the states, it seems to be a knockoff gimick to claim you should buy puppies from/ dog even though the dog has not been titled because we "say" the dog is showing it's work ability because it is a PPD and there is no judging to award it to prove it......

Posted before seeing Slams post: High five to slam!!! You said what I was trying to say.

by Paul Garrison on 01 June 2013 - 16:06

People are as honest about their dogs as they are about their children.  My kid can do this or that, or my kid would never do that. Few have what it takes to say exactly what the facts are. Some because they really can not see it , some are just blind and some love their dog or child in a way they can not see the facts or truth.

My definition of a PPD is different then most. In my wanted ad for a dog (look it up) I was shocked at the response I received. All of the dogs I looked at were not at all what I was looking for and the ad was very clear.  Now part of the problem was I had not ever tried to read a dog from a video, and there is a learning curve there. Not one of the dogs demonstrated what the seller said they were like. Do I think they lied to me? NO I think some of them thought more of their dog then they should, and some we unable to read the dog correctly, and others can only see the good in things. Not all of the dogs I looked at were crap, some were very nice just not what I was looking for.

What do I think of (The PPD) ? Less then any other claim of training. Prof is in the pudding. I have seen some great PD dogs in my life and a few went through my kennel, but I was watching K9 cops a while back and saw two of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen pretending to be patrol dogs. (Prof is in the pudding) I have seen some great Sch titled dogs, but I have seen more that were crap. Prof is in the pudding. Just because one says "this is a protection dog" does not make it so. Sch used to prove a dog, then it became a game now its has changed to IPO and has very little to do with protection dogs. IPO is not a bad thing, it's just not what it used to be and neither are the dogs. I miss the dogs of the 60's and 70's.

by Gustav on 01 June 2013 - 18:06

Wink Smile


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