Don't look if you hate puppies - Page 7

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by Jenni78 on 03 January 2014 - 12:01

In all seriousness, you don't buy a puppy on impulse because he's so stinkin' cute! You buy a puppy on a number of factors, when you're actually looking for another dog. Or at least that's what I try to tell other people to do. LOL

Someone will buy him........even if I have to take him to the Walmart parking lot with a "German Shepard Puppy's- $450" sign. Wink Smile


by LadyFrost on 03 January 2014 - 13:01

I agree, and i am not a puppy kind of person, i prefer them post teething stage.. i am sure i would survive the stage if i really wanted too...LOL...
so, thanks for a was fun. :)
Besides you never know how things may work out....and I shall be around..LOL


by Jenni78 on 03 January 2014 - 14:01

I don't like puppies much either, but you can't breed 8 year old dogs, unfortunately, so you have to start with puppies!  My pups aren't too bad, typically, esp. if you spend a lot of time with them. Housebreaking is easy and they're not TOO bad about teething if you give them enough to chew. I find they're more destructive out of boredom than "puppy-ness." These rascals are already screaming to tell me they have to go outside, so housebreaking should be a breeze. There are definitely days, though, where I say I HATE PUPPIES! LOL


by kitkat3478 on 03 January 2014 - 14:01

LadyFrost- it's not everyday you get the opportunity to get a well bred,"Blue German Shepherd",esp since I stopped breeding
If I did not get my Bomber girl, I would be at jenn's door...for real!
I don't have no one to answer to but myself, and my dogs, and in all fairness to them, I can't do another one.
I truly am green with envy over them pups, and whoever ends up with them is going to be very lucky!
(And yes,you can find blue ones all day long, well bred is the key word here)(I guarantee there are NO little monster genes waiting to. Jump out)


by Jenni78 on 07 January 2014 - 16:01


by Dawulf on 07 January 2014 - 16:01

I have never seen such beautiful blue eyes on a GSD! I love the serious looks of them... They will be very impressive as adults.

by suzyc on 11 January 2014 - 22:01

What do you mean when you call them "blue"?  Does that refer to the eye color or the hair?  If it's the hair, is being "blue" good, bad, or no big deal?


by Dawulf on 11 January 2014 - 22:01

Blue is a dilution of the black pigment... notice how some of the pups look more greyish than its siblings? It is considered a fault in the GSD breed, so they would be disqualified from conformation shows, however they can still
compete in any other sport.

This pic Jen posted is a good example between the color differences. :)


by Jenni78 on 11 January 2014 - 22:01

Blue is banned by the SV, so no breed surveys for a blue pup. Thus, if a person wants to breed (under SV rules) they don't buy a blue! 

The gene itself, like black or long stock coat, is a recessive that both parents must carry in order to produce blue pups. I was totally stunned by these guys! They were such an outcross that it never crossed my mind I'd get something like blue. You should've seen me, flipping lights on at 1am when the first one appeared, all gray. I thought it was dead and decaying when I saw it still in the sac, on its way out. Then the feisty little guy started thrashing about and I about had a stroke, realizing he was BLUE. LOL! 


by Jenni78 on 11 January 2014 - 22:01

To clarify my above post, black is not a fault; long stock coat was, but it's not now (clear as mud, right?). I was referring to mode of inheritance when I compared blue to black or LSC, not trying to say that black or LSC are faults. 

My blues will all be sold on limited registration, which means they're fully registered GSDs for anyone who wants to train in any venue, but offspring from them cannot be registered. 


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