GSDCA Announcement - Page 8

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by rtdmmcintyre on 10 May 2014 - 16:05

Many also volunteer when their club puts on shows  as well as much work by some when they meet together to train, also ones who spend time to involve themselves in the decision making process .  on the other hand some just want to pay their dues and let someone else do all the work and then complain that they don't like certain things.  then you have others who aren't members and who do nothing but bad mouth and since they aren't members or involve themselves in any decision making process they are speaking with out knowledge.  there are some who are members of other organizations who really enjoy the organization that they belong to and rather than seeing that different organizations may fit other individuals needs they feel compelled  to bad mouth that organization to make them feel that their's is so much better and the truth usually is that it may be better for them where as the other one may be better for some one else.


by susie on 10 May 2014 - 16:05

Joanro, please don´t tell me that the WDA Regional Directors/ helpers/board members/ President... and so on....get paid? Whom do they hire?
"Volunteering" for me starts in the clubs ( helper, track layers,the folks caring for food, the guy mawing the lawn, trainer, secretaty, club president and so on ) followed by volunteers engaged regionally, and later on nationally.

by joanro on 10 May 2014 - 17:05

I didn't "tell you", Susie. I think I posed as a question. And Reggie asked how many volunteer for the organisation, he didn't say "club". Clubs are dependant on voluteers in order to function, doesn't matter what parent organisation they are under.


by susie on 10 May 2014 - 17:05

This was your statement: The organisation hires people to run it....Don't they?

You are right, you didn´t tell me, I only read it.
Are there "hired" people within this organisation ( not club...). Doesn´t make sense for me, but I´m not the one to decide. I only asked.


by susie on 10 May 2014 - 17:05

Forgot to say - I asked, because even in German SV only the few people in the administration are "hired", but they have nothing to do with the organisation in itself, they just are employees, managing pedigrees, and administration as a whole (for 60.000 members).
Even the BSZS and BSP are run by volunteers only ( 20.000+ spectators).

by bzcz on 10 May 2014 - 19:05

WOW. Things get spun crazy out of control here on the internet.

Let's not let our "enthusiasm{" change the facts!  GSDCA is NOT going to ever run IPO in any way, shape form or fashion.

What they are attempting to do is jettison the current WDA and create a new "committee" to run IPO.

Dirty little not so secret, secret.  GSDCA's breed standard differs from the SV standard and always has.  The "committee" is how GSDCA has been able to maintain their membership in the WUSV. GSDCA is not going to change their breed standard because it is how they all make their money off of their dogs (that whole phrase tastes bad to even say it).  The hock walkers are never going to go away from GSDCA.  Too many judges and breeders reliant on the money these dogs make.  Changing the breed standard would be admitting they are wrong.  Not going to happen in my life time I'm sure.

By getting rid of a WDA that they can't control, GSDCA has to create a new committee ASAP to appease the WUSV.  GSDCA plans on controlling this new Committe by paying certain members of the committee.  That's right, one little secret that they didn't want out is that there are keymembers of this new committee who will be getting paid by GSDCA. 

Nothing's really changed with GSDCA, they just want to change the faces to a group that they can more readily control. 

Benefit the dogs?  That's the furthest thing from GSDCA'S mind.  This is a pissing match between personalities over last years WUSV championships.

by joanro on 10 May 2014 - 19:05

Susie, "don't they?" makes it a question, not a statement. :-)


by susie on 10 May 2014 - 20:05

Sorry, Joanro, I learned at school that "don´t they" in this case is a question tag, nothing else.
But I am German, I might be wrong.
Forget about my question.


by SimbaE on 11 May 2014 - 00:05

Saw this on facebook just now, WDA side of the story:


There is a flurry of curious activity occurring within the German Shepherd Dog community during the past couple of days, which includes chatter of (1) GSDCA attempts to dissolve its relationship with the WDA and (2) the resignation of a number of Board Members within the WDA. I address this message to you, a WDA member, to set your mind at ease regarding these matters. First, I want you to know that the WDA is alive and well. Second, I want to be transparent with you about what is going on.

Many of the WDA members know that GSDCA President Frank Fasano is very dissatisfied with the manner in which the WDA conducted the 2013 WUSV World Championship held in Philadelphia. His dissatisfaction is based, in major part, on decisions made by me and the WDA to rent vehicles to facilitate the transport of competitors from the stadium to the tracking fields. These vehicles were indispensable to the efficient handling of the tracking component of the World Trial and without them, serious delays would have occurred that would have caused major disruption to the event. Because of these vehicles, there were no delays. This decision regarding the rental vehicles contributed to some of the highest praises ever given for this event. In fact, both WDA and GSDCA received a tremendous amount of international praise for conducting a first-class international event. These praises continue. Sadly, disputes over the reimbursement of costs for these vehicles, among other financial issues, are driving the dispute between both organizations.

It would take many pages to explain to you all of the numerous disagreements between Mr. Fasano and myself. I will offer a synopsis by saying that the WDA is determined (1) to adhere to the International Standard for the German Shepherd Dog, (2) not to dilute that standard, and (3) not to be satisfied with a German Shepherd Dog that is less than it is meant to be. In this regard, the WDA will continue its unwavering loyalty to the WUSV and to the SV breed standard; as well as comply with the WUSV and SV protocol on the performance field as well as in the conformation show ring.

I will now share some indisputable truths with you. It is true that:

(1) a number of the WDA Board Members have recently resigned;
(2) these individuals will be missed;
(3) the GSDCA has voted to disassociate itself from the WDA;
(4) the GSDCA plans on creating a working dog group of its own (i.e., a GSDCA-controlled version of the WDA);
(5) the SV and the WUSV recognize clearly that the general GSDCA membership does not actively adhere to the international breed standard;
(6) the GSDCA needs to "create" a working dog group of its own, separate from the regular GSDCA membership body, in order to make any claim that it is adhering to the international standard;
(7) the SV and WUSV recognize that the WDA does adhere to the international standard;
(8) the SV and WUSV will continue to support WDA programs which include Trials, Shows, Breed Surveys, Hip & Elbow Certifications and issuance of score books (i.e., nothing that is currently in place will be denied);
(9) the WDA will no longer be held hostage by the GSDCA, nor be bullied as has happened in the past;
(10) to the best of my knowledge and belief, the most damaging issues leading up to the GSDCA & WDA separation are initiated by Mr. Fasano and not by either me or the WDA;
(11) I did authorize the rental vehicles for the World Championship;
(12) Mr. Fasano attempted to cut the WUSV Championship one day short without consulting the WUSV;
(13) the WUSV issued a written censure to Mr. Fasano for this attempt to shorten the WUSV World championship;
(14) the GSDCA owes thousands of dollars to both the WDA and to me personally for unreimbursed expenses relating to the WUSV Championship;
(15) the WDA will re-structure the Board of Directors and continue with business as usual;
(16) the WDA is alive and well; and
(17) the WDA is proud to have you as a member, someone who shares a common goal of furthering the German Shepherd Dog as the breed it was created to be, meant to be, and needs to be.

Expect the misstatements and the personal agenda of Frank Fasano to attack the WDA and to stop the WDA from promoting the German Shepherd Dog in a manner that is consistent with the SV‑Style programs and the SV Breed Standard to continue and to escalate.

Keep things in perspective. Know that these pressures and the false allegations coming from Mr. Fasano and the GSDCA are not new. It, however, continues on a whole new level because the bullying tactics of past years are not effective against either me or the current WDA Board of Directors. Recall that on June 30, 2010, just six months after assuming office for the two-year term commencing on January 1, 2010, Danny Spreitler succumbed to the pressures from the GSDCA and resigned as WDA President. In his resignation message to the membership, Mr. Spreitler wrote:

"Today I announce my resignation as President of the GSDCA-WDA. ... . At this time, when so many great things are happening around me, I find myself mired in the political strife of the GSDCA-WDA and the GSDCA. And to what end is the political strife going to benefit our great breed? It will not. I was elected because I would fight for the membership. Now I find that I am so politically correct that I quit fighting for all the wrong reasons. I can no longer be part of the lies and deceit. ... . One day soon, the lies must stop. The GSDCA will never adhere to the world standard of the German Shepherd. Never will the German Shepherd be a working breed in the GSDCA. In all honesty, in the United States there are two breeds of German Shepherd - the world standard and the GSDCA standard. Only one has been around for over a hundred years."

The current Board and I will not be bullied. We are firm in our position to protect the WDA and its membership from power-mongers and the people who use their positions for personal gain. We will work with the WUSV/SV to continue WDA Member participation in WUSV and SV programs. We will not abandon our membership and we will not compromise our organization. We are guided by a strong moral compass and by the important principles of integrity, honesty and fairness which are at the core of our value system. The current Board Members will not sell out. We will not be bought.

Our membership has earned the right to represent this country at both the 2014 WUSV World Championship and the 2014 WUSV Universal Sieger Championship. Our members are entitled to participate in a fair, well-organized selection process for these two events. Our members are further entitled to exhibit their German Shepherd Dogs in SV-Style performance events, shows and breed surveys that are designed to maintain and improve the international breed standard for the German Shepherd Dog; after all, our dog is the "Total German Shepherd Dog".

Please do not be discouraged by the misinformation, rumors and accusations that are posted on the internet by all the non-WDA members. They have an agenda that is not consistent with the best interests and welfare of our membership or the German Shepherd Dog breed. If you have questions, please contact me or any one of the current Board Members. We are united in support of the SV breed standard and the SV programs. We will gladly share with you the truth.

Finally, I am proud to be the President of the WDA. I am trying to do my best. I am proud to be surrounded by a Board of Directors who use their knowledge, experience, and integrity to make the best decisions for the WDA. We ask you to please have patience and faith in the WDA. The best days of the WDA are yet to come and we hope that you will be a part of it.

We thank you for your loyalty and perseverance as we, together, work to deliver the best in services to our membership and to those who are faithful to the true German Shepherd Dog.

Do not fear what the nay-sayers may proclaim. The WDA will move forward as a true advocate of the German Shepherd Dog.




by Dog1 on 11 May 2014 - 01:05

I see problems with #8 and #16. The rest is pretty much dribble.


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