Ibrahim - Page 4

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yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 22 July 2014 - 20:07

Hope Ibrahim is ok    Hope he will see our posts and get us a message


This could very well be us in this country very soon if we do not get some leadership and start watching what is coming thru our






by Kalibeck on 06 August 2014 - 03:08

Ibrahim, are you ok? Prayers to you for your safety. I've been thinking of you with every newscast... jackie harris


by susie on 06 August 2014 - 17:08

Are you okay, Ibrahim?


by cage on 06 August 2014 - 20:08

Ibrahim posted on Facebook 3 hours ago so I believe he and his family are o.k. He frequently posts pictures of what´s going on in Gaza, it is horrible what´s happening there - innocent children and civilians dying everyday.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 06 August 2014 - 20:08

Our hearts are anxious for all this mess to end...So glad to hear Ibrahim is ok at this time..

He knows we are all on here waiting to hear from him..

Cage:  My best friends son was 1 mile from the site where our Top Army General was killed..HE is a Dr. there in hospital and had to treat the others that were shot..in Afghanistan near Kobel..

Our families are holding our breath....daily

and with the Ebola virus deadly all around, we cannot have him home any faster, but he needs to keep a big alert and eyes in the back of his head and his alertness to fluids and hygene...remember two men that fell prey to it, one the DR. trying to find a cure and a Dr. treating the patients with it..so  our boy being a Dr.puts him in double jeopardy..



by Kalibeck on 07 August 2014 - 22:08

Thanks Cage. jh


by susie on 10 August 2014 - 19:08

How are you doing?

by SitasMom on 11 August 2014 - 18:08

Unfortunately, the middle east is a complete mess. Muslim extremists are gaining power, they require to convert or die. If history repeats itself (yet again), the Christian (before Christian it was Jewish) extremists will eventually take power and do the same thing in a hundred years. This has been going on for generations, such a tragic lost of life, and all in the name of "Religion", and power.

Ibrahim, I pray you and your loved ones can weather the storm and stay safe.

by Ibrahim on 15 August 2014 - 14:08

Hi everyone, I am safe, my family too. I thank each and all of you and I am so happy to know you care, I know I can rely on you for a shelter if things go worse, but I shall not leave my home whatever happens, I may come for a visit one day but not as a refugee, my parents and entire family fled from Pelestine in 1967 and took a refuge in Jordan, I shall not do the same for my only daughter.

Middle East is in a turmoil, reason is foolishness and hatred, in the last few weeks me and my friends have been visiting injured people from Gaza being treated in Jordanian hospitals, also Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Jordan, I feel good that I do something to help and soothe those people.

Israel in itself is a source of trouble in this region, but she knows there are limits, biggest source of trouble is the extremists who do not recognize any limits, they torture, slaughter, and destroy to no limits at all. People from all religions and races are being killed or tortured by those extremists, ISIS being the worst of those extremists/terrorists. ISIS: Islamic state in Iraq and Syria.

No body knows for sure who is really behind this group, what we know is Qatar and Saudi Arabia supported these people with money, Turkey allowed fighters of this group pass to Syria and Iraq. People (think) USA at least is content they fight against Syrian army and destroyed whole cities and villages in Syria and Iraq and they also think USA will not allow this group to seize lands in Iraqi Kurdistan as that part has many American and European investments.

But to be truthful nothing is certain to us except these people are bloody killers and expanding like a virus, next on their declared agenda is Jordan and Saudi Arabia.




by Jenni78 on 15 August 2014 - 15:08

Glad you are alright and sorry for your circumstances. 


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