32 Days After Start of Heat - What Could This Be? - Page 3

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by hexe on 20 February 2016 - 08:02

Eska's been on the antibiotics that are most commonly used to treat pyo, and I'm pretty sure SS caught it early in its development, so I'm not too surprised that there's no white cells in the discharge. Given more time and no antibiotics, there'd be more white cells in that discharge than anyone would want to see. Too often these cases are initially blown off as a split heat, or just some residual discharge from the estrus, and by the time the infection is diagnosed the dog is at serious risk of being septicemic.

So I'm inclined to think that SS has been lucky in this case, and Eska should get through the treatment protocol and come out on the other side unscathed.


by Hundmutter on 20 February 2016 - 08:02

That is reassuring, Hexe; I've got 'everything crossed'
for Eska !


by susie on 20 February 2016 - 10:02


by Colemeadowretreat on 21 February 2016 - 00:02

Is it kinda brownish, it could be pyametra, probably spelled wrong! Excess thirsty, not that hungry, get her fast to your vet! Or you could loose her!


by Hundmutter on 21 February 2016 - 07:02

To the last poster, sorry but how about reading the whole thred
before you comment, please ? Gggrrrrrrrrr.


Look, Colemeadowretreat, I really don't want to 'put off'

new posters, but I did get cross when I saw your post -

welcome to PDB and I realise you were trying to help in

what might be an urgent situation - but a skim through

the two pages of Sunsilver's problem shows the bitch

Eska is ALREADY at the Vet's, awaiting an op, and yes

Pyo has (finally) been diagnosed, and no, the discharge

just looked like blood, no fancy colours.


by Spooks on 21 February 2016 - 10:02

My girl had a closed Pyo 4 years ago, so much harder to detect. She started her season on 7 March and Pyo was diagnosed 9 April - so that was only just under 5 weeks. Previously the vet had told me from 1st day of season up until 9 weeks was the most susceptible time for bitches to get it, mostly it would be nearer to 9 weeks.

I was paranoid after every season keeping a lookout for Pyo. I knew most of the things to look out for as I had done since 2006 when she went in to be spayed and the operation aborted because of the adverse reaction she had when given the anaesthetic.

Took her to my vet immediately when I suspected Pyo and they diagnosed it and referred her to Liverpool because they had a top class cardiology dept. there which could deal with any emergency with her heart. On the way to Liverpool, a journey of about 65 miles, she started to lose an evil smelling brownish discharge.

The x-ray they took when we arrived there showed a massive, swollen, pus filled uterus which was starting to squash other organs. An operation was carried out immediately, thankfully it was successful as it could have been quite a dangerous procedure removing the uterus without it tearing open. She was back home the next day as she had recovered so quickly and still with me now.


by jdiaz1791 on 21 February 2016 - 12:02

I would do a cervical culture , and yes, if 32 days and bleeding, it should be a split heat. Good luck

by beetree on 21 February 2016 - 16:02


As a public service to this site, here is a link to this related topic thread, that is running concurrent to this one, just to help newcomers to the site and to help keep this thread up to date.

When Sunsilver comes back with a current post, which I am sure she will when she is able— or has something to update, we will all be able to breathe a little easier! I am hoping all goes well with Eska and her treatment.


by Sunsilver on 22 February 2016 - 13:02

Thank you, beetree!

Finally, some good news! The medication they are using to dilate her cervix is finally working, and she's discharging large quantities of purulent material from her uterus.

I've been holding my breath up until now, because if this hadn't worked, spaying her ASAP would be the only option!

I'll know more later today, when the reproductive specialist has a look at her and does an U/S or x-ray.


by Sunsilver on 25 February 2016 - 08:02

Eska is HOME!

Of course, the weather had to throw a nasty curve at me, with a huge winter storm, and some of the worst weather we've had all winter. But I caught a break, and by the time I left for Guelph, the snow had changed to rain, and the worst danger I encountered was from the buildup of slush on some of the roads!

She is very thin from not wanting to eat, but that should change soon, as her appetite is back now the infection is on the run. She'll be on oral antibiotics for 3 weeks to make sure everything goes well, and she will need another injection to reduce the progesterone level, so we have to go back on Friday.

VERY glad I went to Guelph to have her treated. Some of the medications they gave her are not available to your average veterinary clinic, and have to be given under a special license which only the university has.

And the bill was less than I was expecting! Phew!

Everyone who worked with her was saying what a wonderful temperament she has, and what a great patient she was.


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