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by Noitsyou on 17 October 2016 - 19:10

@Red Sable, it's amazing how a person can figure out how to turn a computer on and sign up for an internet forum yet lack the ability to use that same computer to see if the information they have been subjected to is true or false. Here's a little hint and yes, if you find my tone to be condescending it is deliberate, using memes as a source for truth and facts is usually a bad idea. Think back to when you were in school and had to write a paper or essay; there were certain standards and procedures when it came to choosing and using sources that were taught to you. This isn't a high school or college class but those standards still apply. In this case a simple Google search would have told you that what you posted was false. This message to you assumes that the facts actually matter to you. It also assumes you have intellectual maturity to not be a baby about having your post eviscerated by the facts. Not to twist the dagger in you any more than is necessary but here's another meme that is just as false which shows you that you really can't believe something just because it comes with a picture.


An image

by beetree on 17 October 2016 - 19:10

Red Sable, more to the point is just how jaw droppingly beautiful you are and how that brainy stuff ...pffffft, is only mildly handy for the more mundane, day to day stuff.


by Noitsyou on 17 October 2016 - 19:10

beetree said, "Trump recognizes stereotypes, clearly enjoys marriage to beautiful women, and has made inappropriate passes towards women, not unlike large numbers of other men and boys who haven't evolved at the same rate of conformity now required and inspired by the information age."

What? Grabbing a woman's vagina is a pass? I would bet that if a man were to grab her vagina she would call the police. Now, would she make an exception if it were Trump?

And somehow that behavior is no longer acceptable because of the information age? I was taught that it was wrong to physically throw myself upon women in a sexual way by my father, and others in society in general, who didn't grow up in the information age. In high school we were taught that no means no. That how a woman or girl dresses doesn't imply any type of consent. This was before the internet. I'm supposed to believe that Mr. Stuck in the 1950s Trump was raised to believe that his actions and words are acceptable? Lucy and Ricky had separate beds. The Beaver never got in trouble for grabbing a girl's genitals. Hoss Cartwright would punch a man in the face if he said something inappropriate to woman. Where has the type of behavior that Trump describes ever been considered appropriate? His surrogates want to blame Hollywood and rap music. Yes, they actually have. Trump grew up on rap music? The Hollywood Trump grew up on portrayed that behavior as acceptable? I can't believe someone would defend his actions as something that was once acceptable but nowadays, because of the information age, it is not. The idea that someone would teach their sons that they can't grab women by the vagina because it's the information age and not because it is simply wrong is scary.

Beetree also said, "Now, next, the sexual predator bandwagon claim, which most women will point out to their own experience of "octopus arms" (decades?) ago on a date with a teen boy or frat guy. We are living in a changing culture and some men have evolved sooner than others. I really can't get too outraged at some of the claims coming from the women crawling out of the woodwork against Trump. He probably did kiss women before asking. The genital groping thing? I doubt it sitting at a bar. Probably mixed signals, but who the heck knows? Were these women marred for life? Shaken to their core? I doubt it. Raped? No. One apparently thought fine dining would help her forget being kissed by the Trump. Let's take a look at the past, and realize, not too long ago John Wayne and Hollywood thought assaulting a woman on the derriere was the way to affect a change of her heart!"

So the standard for behavior that we accept (for lack of a better word), but don't condone, in a boy or barely adult man applies to a senior citizen, a grandparent no less, who is running for office? I mean, people say the tape was from 11 years ago. Yeah, and how old was Trump 11 years ago? He wasn't in high school or college. And are we to assume that the day after he made those remarks on the tape he stopped being a sexual deviant? When did this change come over him? A year later? 5 years later? 2 weeks ago?

Trump didn't grope any vaginas because it couldn't have happened in a bar? Who said it only happened in a bar? Mixed signals? That sounds like the old rape defense. I would never be so presumptuous as to think I should judge just how much a person should be negatively affected by unwanted sexual advances and groping. Should we have a scale of hurt with groping on one end and violent multi-orifice penetration on the other? I can't believe I am actually commenting on this coming from a woman.

John Wayne did indeed put his hands on women in some films but it was his wife and it was a comedy and it was in the context of the Old West or Ireland in the past (The Quiet Man). He also killed Indians in his movies. That didn't mean he believed it was OK to kill them when the movie was made, or ever. He also never raped any women or groped them in his films.

by beetree on 17 October 2016 - 19:10

Don't try so hard! You might hurt something!

by Noitsyou on 17 October 2016 - 19:10

I'm not Trump so vaginas are safe around me.

by beetree on 17 October 2016 - 20:10

Right, because your pen is mightier than your sword. 😏

by Noitsyou on 17 October 2016 - 20:10

No, my sword has outworn its sheath.

by beetree on 17 October 2016 - 20:10

And there we have it--- the case in support for circumcisions.

by Noitsyou on 17 October 2016 - 20:10

I don't know, and don't want to know, if Lord Byron was circumcised.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 18 October 2016 - 00:10

Proof she's as crooked as they come.  If you support her, then you deserve everything that is coming to you.


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