Crossing the border...into Canada - Page 2

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by Noitsyou on 09 November 2016 - 23:11

Optimism? Hitler used socialism in order to infiltrate German politics. You don't promise utopia to the top, you start at the bottom.


by Mindhunt on 15 November 2016 - 17:11

Unfortunately in the 8th largest school district in the country, we are seeing Hispanic, Latino, etc. parents pulling their children from school without a forwarding address.  We have a heavy migrant population in this area and parents are going into hiding, their children paying the price of not going to school.  When prop 187 went into effect in California all those years ago, the same thing happened there, children went years without school, health care, or healthy food.   I have a collegue (fellow post doc resident) at one of the schools who heard a group of high school white children carry a Trump sign around yelling "white power" and "whites rule."  In one of my  middle schools, children pulled the hijab off a Muslim girl and told her "sand n**ger, you're getting deported." My good friend's daughters (only Hispanic kids in the school) were greeted with chants of "build a wall.  And to top it off, my high school had an incident were a group of boys chanted "grab her pussy" to some high school girls.  Of course the school district is trying hard to educate and stay ahead of this but I blame the adults who are probably speaking like this at home.  On the other hand, in one of my more progressive middle schools where they teach the classics, art, drama, I had some middle school white children during lunch, hug and hold hands of minority children telling them they will protect them, those parents are awesome to teach their children such tolerance and love.  Yes I work at one of the toughest school districts in some of the toughest middle and high schools in that district where lock down is the policy and the most troubled and violent kids go.  I have been accused of being racist and voting for Trump based on the color of my skin (I used it as a few educational moments with the various children and some staff).  Now that Trump named Bannon his Chief of Staff, a known white supremacist who is quoted as saying "birth control makes women unattractive and crazy", "I'm a Leninist....Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that's my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today's establishment.", and "are there racist people involved in alt-right? Absolutely."  I am concerned about how bad it will get.



by vk4gsd on 15 November 2016 - 19:11

It's not all bad, trump is working overtime to wind back all the claims he made to get elected.

Trump the president needs to work out how to insulate himself from campain trump or he could be in danger from some of the people he let off the chain.

by beetree on 16 November 2016 - 00:11

My son in HS said one girl was crying because Hillary lost. Kids and politics at a young age usually are parrots to their parents leanings. It is sad that you (Mindhunt) have daily encounters with the one's with the worst parenting skills, too. Too bad there isn't a class for them.

I would think the appointment of Steve Bannon was a rather large bone tossed to those who propelled Trump to victory.

You notice there wasn't news of protests in NYC today? Been steadily raining all day. I think what we have here are fair weather protesters, wait for the cold to settle, and they will find something else to occupy their time.


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