The neutering of Trump begins - Page 4

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by Noitsyou on 18 November 2016 - 03:11

I won't argue your knowledge of the Taliban, or lack thereof, but will only say this on that: you do know Trump won. Now go back and see how silly your analogies are, although the comparison of Trump to Saddam is rather telling on your part.

And the Venus de Milo was found buried with its arms already missing so no one knows how they were lost. Removing Trump's name is not an act of vandalism either. Oh yeah, he also won in case you didn't know.

by vk4gsd on 18 November 2016 - 06:11

Destruction of ancient religious icons by primitive militant fundamentalists is comparable to rich white apartment owners in NYC voting to remove a sign from their own building and paying a maintenance guy to do it in broad daylight.

Someone is cuckoo.

by vk4gsd on 18 November 2016 - 06:11

Stump claims credit for Ford factory that was never at risk of going to Mexico not going to Mexico.

Thump claims Dump never claimed to start a Muslim registry after trump claims it, he claims he did he didn't.

by beetree on 18 November 2016 - 13:11

You are the ignorant one. The correlation is with the act not the subject. Have fun playing with yourself today.

I will leave y'all with this:

 "Often we don't have a lot of material to go on, particularly for the oldest civilizations, which makes these things irreplaceable," says Eric Zuelow, an associate professor of European history at the University of New England. "I gave a lecture yesterday with a photo of an Assyrian temple that ISIL [another term for ISIS] had just destroyed, and I had to tell students, 'What I just showed you no longer exists, as of last week.'" "The built structure and landscape have all kinds of different political meanings that vary with time," Zuelow adds. "States with a lot of old structures can gain legitimacy by claiming a direct connection to the ancient state that is represented in those structures. If you are a colonizing power, and you want to make a statement, you can destroy the site, which says, 'We are more powerful than you.'"

Thinking back to 2001, when the Taliban dynamited the monumental Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, The Why Files decided to check out the long history of conquerors erasing cultural, religious and ethnic history, in effect laying waste to what the vanquished hold precious. What are the goals? Does it work?


...At one level, the videos are raw assertions of power, Pruitt says.



by Noitsyou on 18 November 2016 - 17:11

And insert the name Trump for the different sites and monuments mentioned and see how ridiculous it will sound.

Now let me accuse you of being disingenuous for not highlighting this part: "in effect laying waste to what the vanquished hold precious." Trump is part of the vanquished?

Also just because a colonizing power CAN do something doesn't mean it has to or will or always has. In fact, they haven't always done that. Regardless, Trump is not being colonized.

Finally, the issue with the Buddhist statues that makes this claim irrelevant is the fact that they were not only there before the Taliban's many predecessors (so they did not belong to the culture or people that the Taliban ruled over) they predate Islam itself. So they held no cultural or religious significance for the Afghans that were ruled by the Taliban. The Taliban really showed the Afghan Muslims who was boss by destroying something that they had no connection to.

by Noitsyou on 18 November 2016 - 17:11

BTW beetree you really need to understand what you post. You say it's not the subject but the act then post about the correlation between subject and act. That is, it is an act perpetrated by the conquerors upon the vanquished. Subjects and act are linked because you bring up motive. You opened that door by explaining why something is done. You even post a link to something called the WHY files.

by beetree on 18 November 2016 - 17:11

What an idiotic conclusion! It isn't just the name, get that through your thick skull!

Do you know what a monument is? Do you not understand concepts? Do you understand the symbolism of defacing a monument as an expression of power or a rejection of power?

Treated myself to a facial and massage before my big trip. Now, off to check a few more things off my To Do list.

Enjoy your confusion and lack of creative vision. It is damn right comical at this point.

by Noitsyou on 18 November 2016 - 18:11

beetree said, "Do you understand the symbolism of defacing a monument as an expression of power or a rejection of power?"

Rejection of power? Now you're shifting the goal posts as you never mentioned that aspect until now.

Defacing a monument? What exactly was defaced? Do you know what that means? Do you know the difference between a sign and a monument?

These people do not want the Trump sign on their place of residence. That is their right. Why do you have a problem with that? I think your problem is that you wanted to make some "educated" analogy for whatever reason. Maybe you have some Fredo Corleone complex.

Lack of creative vision? Do you even have a job? Take a good look at your kids while on vacation and realize that if you didn't have them you would have nothing to define yourself with. You actually thought the statue of David was missing its head and arms. Have you been living under a rock or something? You talk about creativity but you are a conformist. You think people should bow down to the Trump name and not express their true feelings about an elected official. The irony is, if we want to talk symbolically and get creative (something I can do better than you as you will soon see) we could call the whole birther movement a metaphorical defacing of a president by the vanquished. And who was one of the most vocal members of the birther movement? Ironic, isn't it?

by Noitsyou on 18 November 2016 - 18:11

And I don't know why you would mention to me something about a facial and a massage. I'm a man so those things really don't move me one way or another. What's next? You're going to tell me you bought some new batteries? If you want me to be envious you'd be better off telling me about a steak you just ate.

by beetree on 18 November 2016 - 20:11

LOL Everything I type isn't meant you, Noitsyou. Disregard what doesn't apply. Others you don't even know actually find my conversation interesting, but narcissists, rarely do.

Keep trying to make your contrarian statements sound anything other than dense and unimaginative.

I work in philanthropy. And you certainly aren't the measure of my worth or contribution to this world. You keep trying to find just the right insult. You silly man. Why would I want any one to be envious, that is such a worthless goal. You just aren't as perceptive or creative as your narcissism has you believe.


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