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by beetree on 24 February 2017 - 18:02

by vk4gsd on 24 February 2017 - 20:02

The stock markets have responded eagerly to trumps tooting of massive spending on infrastructure and military.


Some Aussies have made a lot of money from trump.


by Hundmutter on 24 February 2017 - 21:02

US: $19,931,627,382,992 and counting ...
& increasing from that website much faster than the UK's is turning over.

Now, one could be arsed to go into all sorts of population ratios, & so on -
but that would not diffuse the point that "2 wrongs do not make a right", would it ?

by beetree on 24 February 2017 - 21:02

I am not even arsed to argue if you even started with a valid point. Oh and, LOL.

mrdarcy (admin)

by mrdarcy on 24 February 2017 - 21:02

WOW, nearly as fast as my wife's spending!!!!!!!!

by beetree on 24 February 2017 - 21:02

Tally Ho! Just say, Charge it, please! LOL Spending is the easy part.....💳 !

by vk4gsd on 24 February 2017 - 23:02

No economist here but I don't understand why the US is considered generally as a super wealthy country. The US debt is trillions, fun fact, humans lose any concept of magnitude once you start getting into big numbers like that.

I get that there are lots of rich people in the states but in whole big swathes of areas the abject poverty of white people looks more like South Africa than the US.

I have personally seen the South, lots of guns, bibles, flags, angry illiterate and physically unhealthy people living in absolute filth.

The poorer they get the the tighter they clutch their bibles, bash science, get crazy paranoid about the gov, cache more weapons & ammo, dig holes stocked with food to live in and push further right in support of the precise policies that got and keep them in their pathetic state.

If it wasn't for hard working and highly tech educated migrants the US would be an inbred, third world shit hole.


by beetree on 24 February 2017 - 23:02

Impossible not to laugh!


by Hundmutter on 25 February 2017 - 06:02

Very well said, 'vk'.

And I fail to see, Bee, why your only way of answering anything critical anyone says about Yanks generally, or this POTUS in particular, is to suggest rather Biblically that the critics go look at "the log in their own eye";
okay, we know the UK's and other governments and individuals within them are no great shakes either - but that does not absolve Trump from being held up to scrutiny.

by vk4gsd on 25 February 2017 - 08:02

To be fair if it wasn't for fresh migrants the western world would be in decay.

Go spend a month in Cambodia amongst the minefields we left behind and you will see people with optimism and a zest for life you will never see in the burbs where lazy spoilt, obese, semiliterate ADD, ADHD, ODD, Aspergers, diabetic, clinically depressed, bubble wrapped white kids with eating disorders, self esteem issues, fat parents (if they even know their fathers) on welfare, identity crises and body dismorphia have all but lost their instinct to live.

Thank Thor for migrants.


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