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by Jenni78 on 28 March 2011 - 19:03

Jeff, my question was quite direct. If you answered it somewhere 20 pages ago or something and I missed it, then sorry. I was only wondering what, specifically, you are trying to improve in hopes of Mondio-worthy GSDs. 

by vincentpmchugh on 28 March 2011 - 19:03

First I would like to say that I was wrong to tell you to shut up about Mals Jenni78, I did miss read your post. As for everything else you said I will just leave it to the fact that you have a shitty day ahead of you and taking out some aggression on someone who you can't see is, well OK.

Also it's not Vinny it's Vincent!!!

 On another note KellyJ decided to make comments that she has no place to make and I will quote her "other than the fact Mondio is a much tougher sport. "  She has no place to make this statement until she accomplishes something in Schutzhund.

This whole topic has again taken a turn for the worse, Jeff seems to run his mouth and have nothing to back it up. Notice how he shys away from any topic where he might have to put his money where his mouth is, or better yet he turns the topic at hand around and trys to place focus on someone else? 

Jenni78,  I did not come in arms swinging, I just addressed the uninformed comments that people make.

I am not pissed, scared, or anything else, I just don't see it productive for people to say certain things and not be able to produce any facts or supporting information to back it up. This is a dead argument unless Jeff shows us some facts on why Mondio Ring is so much harder, or a scorebook and some accomplishments that he had in Schutzhund to prove his point.



Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 28 March 2011 - 20:03

Jeff, I never said you were a crappy trainer. I just said you need to back up your statements with proof of scores in an "easy" sport.


by Jenni78 on 28 March 2011 - 21:03

I know it's Vincent...but you came on w/so much gusto about nothing I could see getting that upset about that it reminded me of the way my Chihuahua acts, and his name IS Vinnywink. So there. LOL

I appreciate and accept your apology. I was thoroughly confused. I talk about Mals about as often as Jeff praises the rigors of Schutzhund. 

by eichenluft on 28 March 2011 - 21:03

Talking yourself out of the hole you dug again Jeff - of course I trained Eagle myself.   That means, as if you didn't know it - I held the leash.  From the moment he was 8 weeks old (and I held him the  moment he was born, because I bred him) - until the moment he was retired from schutzhund after competing in his 19th National-level competition at 9 years old.  HOT - do you know what that means Jeff?  It means Handler-Owner-Trained.  Of course you haven't experienced that yet yourself.  You should try it though, it's extremely rewarding, especially if you bred the dog yourself and trained it to titles.  I've done that with 4 dogs so far - bred myself, raised from puppy, trained to titles.Handler-Owner Trained/Titled doesn't mean you don't train with a support system - a club, trainers and helpers.  It means you hold the leash, you don't hand the dog over to anyone for any amount of training, and you accomplish the titles yourself.  With the assistance of club members and helpers of course.  Can't do it without them.  But you know that, don't you Jeff.


So where are those scorebooks and results of all the dogs you have trained and titled Jeff?  Now that you have what you asked for, someone who has succeeded in the sport world, who is asking you to pull your foot out of your mouth and show us the proof - why does Jeff think Schutzhund is "easy" and "stupid" or "a goof" compared to Mondio?  I see dogs jumping through hoops and pom-poms in Mondio.  Biting people dressed up as cowboys.  Wow!!!  Because Jeff failed at Schutzhund - it was too difficult for him.  Did he ever title any dog in Schutzhund?  I doubt it.  Switching to the easier sport of Mondio was the right move for him to do.  Yet he continues to fail at that!  What's the next easiest sport for Jeff - hmmm.  PSA probably - that would take out the obedience, then he would have only one phase to try to pass.

And, why in the world would anyone want to go to Texas or anywhere else and train with you Jeff?   Or invite you to tell them how to train their dog?  You, who has never accomplished anything at all in any dog sport, ever, with any dog?

People go to those dog trainers and handlers who are successful in their chosen sport, for training Jeff - that woudln't be you.  


by Jeff Oehlsen on 28 March 2011 - 22:03

I am so sorry that you believe that you trained your dog yourself. Just like you probably think that chicken shit all over your dog food is ok. Just like your puppy mill kennels after how many years of breeding ?? I have no idea what you wrote, I just see that you are attempting to say something different from the last few hundred times. Let me guess as I didn't read it. Your dog Beagle is 20x Sch3 and has produced more high threshold pets than any living stud in the history of mankind, if it were not for the fact that you are "cough cough" breed warden, no one would have allowed you to breed that dog ever. I know many many really interesting stories about you and your breeding program. Tell us about the nerve bag bitch that you had breed surveyed ? Tell us about how you follow the rules. LOL

I mean really, your breeding program is a complete failure, and you actually have people believing that the dog they buy from you was a thought out, "planned" breeding.

I bred two dogs that you insist have something wrong with them, and already have produced better pups than you ever have as a whole. How does that feel molly ? Tell me can you feel that  ? Doesn't that just irritate the living shit out of you ? Oh tell us great breed warden, tell us all about how to use political influence to get a nerve bag breed surveyed. Please tell us ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

by destiny4u on 29 March 2011 - 02:03

Hey i just had a question what is more common for ring sports between dobermans and german shepherds right now? Was just curious about that.

I have seen both breeds train on video was not sure which one was used more often for the sport?

from watching ring it does seem more insane and fun and harder than sch but i have no experience so i would not know just seems that way from watching vids. Ring is very entertaining & so wild.

by Jeff Oehlsen on 29 March 2011 - 03:03

Tery Clary and her Dobermann got third at the Mondio nationals, but overall, it is the GSD that is the more popular of the two. Mondio is a lot of fun no matter what happens. This year Jason Farrish and David Bilik did a great job. The defense was really good. David falling out of the wading pool full of bottles and what not looked like he really fell, and every time. Great job from those two guys. I put a video of it up here. Probably on page two or three by now. It is titled Mondio Nationals, or something really original like that. : )


by alboe2009 on 29 March 2011 - 03:03

Man, if we could just bottle up all this energy............................................ not even sure if it's testosterone?, male whatever? attitude? or even ego? Don't even know if there's an analogy or even a stupid analogy I could use. But I'll try.................................... I'll say Vinney!

When you crack on Kelly as you did you kinda lost me................ Your expertise in the training aspect of Dogs was displayed by your comments? I didn't see it that way. So in order to be able to speak one has to have accomplished something? What planet do you reside on? Do you have a brother by the name of "Duderino"? Even though he's lightened up lately. Sometimes it's just so hard to listen to idiots and NOT say a thing. Too bad we just can't meet up for a weekend and do some training! Hell who cares if someone knows more than someone else? Do you? Or do you know everything? You ever seen that 3rd string QB? The one that never played in a college or pro game. And has to come in and play because of injuries. Comes in and does better than the first two strings. Wins the game and even sets a record? 

In the military, (and in life) there are always THOSE people! You know? The ones that killed the grizzly bear with the broken butter knife. And it was a plastic one!

To each their own! To each their own! My dogs look for bombs! They're not worrying about scores, competitions. Their competition is to find an explosive so others aren't harmed or die. Does that make them better? Hell no, they have a different job, a real working dog job. A competition of sorts that has real consequences!

by vincentpmchugh on 29 March 2011 - 05:03

alboe2009 Sorry if I offended you but let me use this analogy and say that the "mother hen" crap should be left out. If someone makes a comment that can not be substantiated then any recourse is warranted.

In retrospect I believe Jenni78 referred to someone's reading comprehension; oh that was me, maybe I should do the same and refer you to previous posts, so you can understand the subject material better? Often it is better to stay quiet if you really have nothing to provide to the topic, if you want to pick at someone just for the sake of it, like it seems you do go find something else to do and don't be an idiot yourself.

I was trying to get some information on why MONDIO is so much harder than Schutzhund.

If someone made an empty comment about detection training being easy to the point that any dog could do it or compared it to something of a lesser importance, what would you have to say? I am sure that you put tons of time into your training and you would have something to say on the matter. Or you would just Jeff it and twist and turn the topic until it was a fight about what was better MALS OR GSD's.

I feel as though I stayed on topic with my initial response and addressed the key aspects of the discussion, in retrospect to that Jenni78 I think we should all have to take a reading exam before posting on any boards!!! With exemption to you of course!!! LOL 

So in order to be able to speak one has to have accomplished something?  

No this is not what was said, in order for someone to be able to make comments as KellyJ did one has to actually accomplish something!!!


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