**Schutzhund 3 Champion Fighting for Her Life--Please Read & Help if You Can!! - Page 6

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by skyhorse on 05 March 2012 - 20:03

I hope Jovi makes it and even if not, that the donations and support help her human family through this rough time.

I made a donation on behalf of Cookie, Ivan, and Luger.
Donna D.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 06 March 2012 - 01:03

Several people have now asked here and on other forums; why have those involved been so reluctant to tell us why these dogs fell ill when this information might help someone else?


by leoetta on 06 March 2012 - 02:03


You haven't been told because they don't have any idea yet as to what happened to either of the dogs. I thought that I had posted that there was no answer yet but it must have only made it to the pages on Facebook I've been posting on. It would be ridiculous not to share that info after all everyone has been doing to help. The number to the vets office is on this thread if anyone would like to call them and ask for themselves. I have not read every post on here, I've just been trying to post the updates as I get them on Facebook, trying to do my part to help a total stranger because I feel terrible for what she is going through. I do not personally know her but I know a couple of her friends on an acquaintance level, her club director used to train at our club. As soon as I see info as to a cause or a possible cause you can bet it will be posted on this thread.


by SitasMom on 06 March 2012 - 02:03

They both bloated and so far a cause has not been determined.......
I asked..

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 06 March 2012 - 02:03

I asked as well and the Veterinary Hospital won't give out any information, deferring instead to the owner. I have supported Denise, have been hopeful for Jovi and have been encouraging others to do the same but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe that  the vets involved have no idea what happened to these dogs especially given that they have one on whom a necropsy could and should have been performed by now to try and help save the other.  If the vets don't have any idea what is wrong with Jovi, how are they treating her?

by ocdoglady on 06 March 2012 - 03:03

The cause is not bloat, it is mesenteric torsion. This was posted over at WDF and on the Facebook Page. We just don't know WHY two dogs in the same house would get the same rare condition within hours of eachother. There is no known cause for mesenteric torsion and from what I've been researching, by the time you know its more than just a stomach upset the dog is already too far gone. The symptoms are NOT the same as bloat (bloat is the expansion and eventual torsion of the stomach, mesenteric torsion is the flipping of the intestines). Bloat you would normally see panting, restless behavior, distended stomach. From what I've read on mesenteric torsion you will see the dog vomits mildly, and MAY show discomfort in laying down. So with her first dog, my understanding is he vomited two seperate times in the hours leading up to being rushed to the vet, the third time he vomited straight blood and by the time he got to the vet it was far too late to save him. The only reason Jovi has made it as far is she had is the owner was paranoid after getting back home from losing the first dog that when Jovi vomited, she ran her straight to the vet.

The vets say they do not know of any poison that could cause both dogs to get this condition but from all the research I've been doing, its a very rare thing and most owners don't always do a full autopsy when their dog suddenly dies to find out that this may have been the killer. It is most prevalent in German Shepherds and some of the research has tied it to other stomach irritants like having IBD, EPI, etc.

I wish there was more information. Some people suggested the recent recall of Kirkland products but the dogs were being fed Nutro. I think once Jovi is out of the woods, the owner will be able to give more information and hopefully trace something in the environment that may have caused this but we may never know.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 06 March 2012 - 03:03

Thank you, ocdoglady; that's the most comprehensive information we've gotten so far.  I think we can all agree that the chances of this happening to two dogs who live together within hours of one another is more than just happenstance and that there must be some common denominator.  It will benefit everyone to know what that common denominator is.


by festnagler on 06 March 2012 - 03:03

Just donated $250.00 through paypal.......Jovi, you go girl...we know you can do it!!!!  Denise, my prayers goes out to you and Jovi......

John & My GSD's

by ocdoglady on 06 March 2012 - 03:03

I will try and update the "chip in" with the information as well. We haven't intended to keep anything a secret ... this story has traveled around the internet and its hard to keep up with any threads or questions people have.

We are also trying to find a place that will take and do an autopsy on Kobe to hopefully find out more of what happened. I'll be posting an updated copy of the bill that Denise sent to me so people know what the $ is being spent on but the current total cost for Jovi's care since last Wednesday is $18,382.40 so right now all the available funds are going to keeping Jovi alive. So if anyone knows of a place that would be willing to do the autopsy or use it for medical research (maybe a vet school or something), please let me know as we would like that something good can come out of Kobe's passing. If you have any ideas, you can e-mail me at schhrotts@hotmail.com.


by Jyl on 06 March 2012 - 06:03

I would contact UC Davis about possibly doing the necropsy on Kobe. Not sure if they would do it for free, but since they are a teaching vet hospital for both large and small animals it is worth a try..

Hang in there Jovi, we are all pulling for you!!


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