9 Month Old GSD with Weak Hindlegs - Page 4

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by Eldee on 26 August 2012 - 19:08

I just can't say enough about that site. It is from the experiences of other EPi dog owners that has ultimately saved Maya's life and my sanity. 

Thanks so much for your support I really appreciate it.



by Eldee on 26 August 2012 - 19:08

I just thought i would post this picture of Maya now, a year old, having been treated for EPI for 4 months. Just in case you need to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 26 August 2012 - 22:08

Guatam says since he changed his food to TOTW his stools are hard and easy to pick up, that sounds contrary to the normal signs of EPI doesn't it? Though in a way I hope it is this and that the solution is just enzyme supplementation.  If it can do no harm I would start the supplementation and up the food and hope.

Guatam, I would suggest that you weigh him now, and then weigh him regularly to see whether he is putting on or losing weight. Initially I would weigh him a couple of times a week. JMO

I do hope a solution is found for this youngster, it is very sad to see him and Guatam clearly wants to do the best for him and will do whatever it takes to make him well.

by hexe on 27 August 2012 - 02:08

Abby, the change to a food where the protein is animal-derived as opposed to plant-origin could account for the improved stools, plus remember gautam said the loose stools were periodic, not constant. The grain-free factor probably plays a role in it as well for this dog...he clearly is not able to make sufficient use of the food he was previously on, and I'd wager that the only reason he's even got the energy to walk around is the added fresh foods gautam gives him, the eggs and so forth.   At this point, given the lack of interest the vet has shown in finding out what's wrong with Mervin, I think Eldee's suggestions are sound, and while gautam looks for a vet who knows something about EPI and will do the TLI testing it would be best to use the enzymes and the B12 supplementation, in addition to feeding Mervin several smaller meals per day so he gets the correct amount, but his digestive system isn't overtaxed as he begins to fully utilize what he eats. 

gautam, you've got a lot of people here in your corner, so please keep updating on how things are going with Mervin.  Looking at Eldee's Maya, it's hard to believe that she once was in the same condition as Mervin--and that's what your boy is going to look like, too, with time and treatment.  

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 27 August 2012 - 08:08

Yes, as I said in my post, I too would start the supplementation straight away, having weighed him, and monitor that weight carefully. Nothing to lose.

I have been closely involved with 2 EPI dogs, so it is  limited but did a huge amount of research in order to help them as best I could. I guess that with this dog being so young it could be that the loss of pancreatic function could be less than those dogs that I have come across who were older and had clearly little function if any left.  Perhaps that could account for the on/off digestive function. However, that wasn't something I came across in my 'travels' in EPI.  The good thing with EPI is that with supplementation that improvement can be seen and measured so quickly. One of the measurements though is consistency of stools, which indicated that the food consumed had been utilised, along with weight gain.

I have just a little concern about being so certain and raising Guatams hopes so much that this is EPI, If it turns out not to be. I hope it is I really do, because it is usually manageable. My other worry is looking in one direction when the solution lies in another.  I don't want to sound negative, and I really want to see this boy well, but I think while trying one thing he should still be trying to get to that city vet for a full workup, and TLI test without closing the mind to the possibilitiy of other causes.


by Eldee on 27 August 2012 - 11:08

Oh absolutely I agree with you.  I am not a vet and nor would I ever ever replace the sound advice of a vet.  My suggestion to supplement with enzymes and B12 is only to help the dog gain some weight back and get some nourishment from his food. You can never say for certain it is EPI until you have the TLI test done to confirm. 

I nearly put Maya down when she was at her lowest point as no one could figure out why she was so sick. I just wanted to suggest to the op that he try the enzymes to see if it would help just to get some nourishment into his dog.  I believe at this point they would do more to help the dog than hurt him.

Again, I reiterate, I am not a vet but after seeing the video and hearing the dog was skin and bones my gut said treat like EPI until you can get a firm diagnosis.  He spoke about the diarhhea and the continuous weight loss and the limping and sometimes if it looks like a rose and smells like a rose, it probably is a rose. If it is not EPI that would be awesome it may be IBD ( inflammatory bowel disease ) or SIBO ( small intestine bacterial infection ) in which case the enzymes won't hurt either as it means feeding predigested food will put less strain on the digestive organs until he can get to a vet for a firm diagnosis. 
The op was looking for some suggestions and some help until he could get to a good vet and we are just here to help him and offer him the best suggestions based on our experience. He can take it from there.


by gautam1972 on 27 August 2012 - 15:08

Started creon 10 day gave it 5 minutes before meals. But the afternoon poop was like pudding. Now he has developed skin infection under his coat. I am totally frustrated. I spoke to the vet and he suggested the idea of putting it down. I am taking him to the city tomorrow for a full checkup including blood tests. I cant sleep in peace or eat in peace. My younger pup wants to play with mervin. But mervin just lies down with a depressed look


by gautam1972 on 27 August 2012 - 15:08

Maya is gorgeous. I am keeping my fingers crossed and pray for the best for my puppy

by hexe on 27 August 2012 - 16:08

gautam, I wish it were easier for you to find a GOOD vet who really has an interest in his or her patients--such indifference to Mervin's health, such callousness toward your attachment to your 9 month old pup...it sickens me beyond description. 

I pray the city veterinarian is more professional and has more dedication to his patients and clients, and works diligently WITH you to turn Mervin around and get him back on the path to being a healthy, happy, active puppy.  Do not give up hope!

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 27 August 2012 - 17:08


Sometimes with enzyme supplement you have to find the right amount to give. For example one Creon 10 might not be enough, he may need 2 (Creon 20 or 25) for it to be effective. I looked up a few people in the UK who had tried Creon and one found that Creon 25 worked mostly for her dog (I am presuming that the 10 equals mg?)  So you may have to give 2 or 2.5 capsules with each meal for it to be effective.

Good luck with your City vet. Your local vet sounds absolutely awful, suggesting euthanising him when he has made no effort to discover what is actually wrong with him. I think you need to find a different local vet if there is one!  Get the city vet to take a skin scraping to see what the skin infection is. His immune system is probably down because overall he is very low. He is a lucky pup to have you fighting for him. Please let us know what the vet says tomorrow.

Eldee. I meant no offence to you at all. I agreed with your suggestion. My niggling concern was Gautam saying that when he changed foods the stool was hard and easy to pick up, and that didnt fit with classic EPI, even though the weight loss etc does, and so does the consistency he is now describing above.  I just wouldn't want to see him pin it all on one 'suspect' and not look at others.

Maya is very beautiful BTW.

Good luck with your handsome boy Gautam.


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