A new bomber breeding from Parrish - Page 7

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by joanro on 06 April 2013 - 16:04

Paul, I wouldn't think that a guy who obviously has a bad case of sour grapes would have any power to influence your opinion of your pup. ;-)

by workingdogz on 06 April 2013 - 16:04

ejax, I sort of agree with you, but the part about these 'just dogs' 
I would have to argue with, after having witnessed a friend recently lose
a very good dog. The grief and pain was very real, and it was not dismissed
by anyone because it was 'just a dog'. Most times than not, dogs have more
loyalty and honesty than their human counterparts. We can all learn something
about being better humans from our dogs IMO. The youngster running his mouth
about Bomber will learn from his mistakes hopefully.
Like I said, I didn't want to critique his helper work, it was less than remarkable and
in fact Bomber did look rather dull, but, a dog person can tell that it was due to the
lack of any pressure or presence from the helper. 
Russ could have gotten more fire from Bomber playing tug I bet Wink Smile

by hexe on 06 April 2013 - 16:04

by nwamike on 06 April 2013 - 15:44 Like post Dislike post


Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Apr 06, 2013 04:41 am
Well thanks a lot fools. I just a got a call from Russ warning me about the possibility of other people, who have vested interest in Bomber, being a danger to my life (threat). lol?
He, also, banned me from ever coming to visit him again, which includes access to really super tracking grounds. Now that pisses me off!

Like I told Russ, Bomber isn't a bad dog... he just isn't spectacular. They have super females though, and that bomber son, miles ahead of bomber in the work.
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Are you serious?  You're throwing the blame onto other folks here because you were called out for talking shit about someone else's dog and they got wind of it?  And you have the gall to be pissed off when those people inform you that you are no longer welcome at their homes or kennels or training fields?  It was pretty evident in the opening sentences of your first post that you hadn't been around the game very long--you clearly didn't seen cognizant that your words virtually ensured that people reading them were going to be extremely cautious, even unwilling, as to letting you work their dogs in the future...

As for your claim that you were threatened, I wouldn't doubt that you may have been told that there were folks who want to "kick your ass"--I'd bet most women will agree with me that such trash talk is common between members of your gender when they're angry with one another, though it rarely carries any real intent.  That anyone with any sort of 'vested interest' in this dog--or any other--would actually jeopardize themselves from a legal standpoint by threatening your life is beyond laughable, however.  It doesn't matter if you've titled ten thousand dogs, it is unlikely you as an individual are of such significance in the working dog world that someone is going to seriously threaten your life for speaking less than glowingly of any particular dog.  That is not said to demean you--it's simply the basic truth, that no one person has the ability to make or break a dog's reputation. 

And no one dog is going to be all things to all people, either.  If Bomber isn't your cup of tea, or ejax's, there are plenty of other dogs on the planet for you to consider; for those who do like what that particular dog brings to the table, nothing you say is going to change their mind. Me, I'm from the camp that believes the bitch is the most important part of the equation, and if you have a strong motherline, you can breed to just about any dog and still maintain the characteristics you've been developing.


by ejax on 06 April 2013 - 17:04

At Workingdogz, I understand your point and I have lost good dogs over the years but none of them even come close to my daughters. They are still just dogs. They are not human and anyone who could prefer a dog over human companionship has a real problem in my opinion. At Hexe, you need to read my posts more carefully. I never said Bomber was a bad dog or a good dog nor was he my preference or not. I said, Zico and Hank are more accomplished Vito sons and asked who was it that determined Bomber's so-called great working ability. Outside of those who have purchased puppies and other business people with vested interests in the dog, who can honestly say where this ability was displayed? That's been my only question. Of course this thread has gone in many different directions, but that was my main point. I really could care less who buys puppies from him but don't claim he is this great working dog when that ability has never been tested through the rigors of major competition as have Zico's and Hank's. I hope everyone who has a Bomber pup has great success and love them to death. They purchased them, they should be happy with them..

by Paul Garrison on 06 April 2013 - 17:04


6,000 miles and a ton of time I looked at lots of dogs some good ones and some junk ones as well. I never thought I would buy a 5 mounth old puppy. I have liked everything I have seen in her so far, but you know time will tell. I met a lot of dog people and it helps in finding what you want. Watching videos of dogs were a first for me and it took a bit time for me to see what I was looking for.  But it did save me a lot of time in washing out most of the poor quality dogs before I tested them. You were a lot of help thank you.


by hexe on 06 April 2013 - 19:04

ejax, I do owe you an apology for linking you and nwamike together in the same sentence--it was not my intention to portray your comments regarding this dog as being on par with his, as I do recognize the difference between the two. I read your posts as saying, in short, that no one should by a pup or breed a bitch based solely on hype, REGARDLESS of which dog is being discussed.

That said, you DID make it extremely clear that Bomber was not the Vito son you prefer--I read and re-read your posts multiple times before I felt moved to comment on nwamike's attempt to shift blame to this board because that fish got hooked by his mouth, and my reading comprehension is and has always been exemplary.

One more thing--I expect an intelligent dog can detect the differences between a helper secreted in a blind, and a suspect hidden in a dark building, and bring the level of intensity that was appropriate for each situation.  A smart canid does not expend more energy than is necessary to accomplish the activity...and personally, I like smart dogs  It would be interesting to see how the dog being discussed herein would react in a real building-search situation, however...especially since the owner of this dog is striving to produce well-rounded, utilitarian GSDs that can do the protection work when it's called for but which can also be excellent SAR dogs as well. The latter dog better not 'bring the fight' to every person they find 'hiding', or it will be out of a job pretty quick.

by rxgolf on 06 April 2013 - 20:04

Nope. Not interested in whether a mediocre dog can produce better than its mediocre-self. Also, not interested in a mediocre dog that throws something better once in a blue moon. What's important to me is whether a good dog can produce a uniformly-just-as-good litter. Produces nicely? Thanks for the chuckle. Go work a real dog............
No doubt written by someone with true talent within, and true love for the sport.  I don't know nwamike, but I am sure from reading his post that we can all understand him.  I can imagine nwamike being relatively young of age and undoubtedly socially immature.  He possibly has competed at a club level, but again undoubtedly he has never competed at a national level.  He obviously thinks of himself as talented enough to read the heart and soul of a dog after taking a few bites, but undoubtedly has again never participated as a decoy above the club level.  I will bet nwamike considers himself well educated because of university credits earned, but undoubtedly has much to learn when it comes to social skills and etiquette within the working dog world.  His claim of having his life threatened is undoubtedly even more ludicrous than his posturing as an expert in the working dog world.  What I don't doubt is that he was asked not to step foot on the facility of the dog he was bashing, and if I were a member of his home club I would consider banning him from that facility as well just out of embarrassment of the possibility of being linked in any way to someone who would be as pretentious as nwamike was throughout this post.  Lastly, this is the type of member and individual that brings separation to whatever endeavor they attempt to participate in.  We can only hope that nwamike goes back to fantasy football or video games or some other youthful pastime until he grows up a great deal and can possibly understand dogs such as Bomber and the appreciation such dogs and the sport and the owners of these dogs deserve.  Please nwamike, put your sleeve and your whip back in the closet.  These can be dangerous toys for little boys, and regardless of how big they might make you feel, they don't actually make you a man!

by ejax on 06 April 2013 - 20:04

Bomber is a beautiful well bred dog, Zico and Hank are Vito sons who have put it out there for the world to see and make the determination through judges and personal evaluation what kind of dogs they are. That is my only point and yes I prefer a dog that has been tested at the highest levels of the sport over one who hasn't. That's my preference. I like a dark sable better than a light sable, I like a big dog over a smaller one but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with those dogs. There has just been so much hype about this dog and there are more accomplished dogs from the same sire. No knock on Bomber but it is what it is.

by rxgolf on 06 April 2013 - 22:04

If the OP is in hiding, you might try M Jon Parks or Jon M Parks?  Maybe some of his training partners can help us reach out to him if I am completely off target here?  nwamike, you have to be monitoring this???  All of us have had moments where we needed to pull our foot out of our mouths before someone stuck their foot up our behinds.  Maybe AKC kitty shows are in your future.  Lord knows you will never come within 50 yards of any of my GSDs!!!

by troopscott on 06 April 2013 - 23:04

So can a strong helper / decoy etc make a dog look better than he is?


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