Tim Helser - Page 10

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by Brittany on 11 April 2013 - 01:04

vonissk, Just because hes a K9 officer doesn't give him the title of mastery of dog trainer. I never seen a video of him working his dog so how can I accept what someone else has to say about him and his dog over the Internet? How can I accept what you say as the truth without evidence? Unless if you personally witnessed him working his dog, right? You said that he has a real dog? Can you send me a video? That's all I'm asking for. I want to see it for myself. If Slam wants to hide his ID and doesn't want to produce videos of himself because of his profession then at least say it, and I will respect his wishes.

And yes I do love my dogs very much so. I've sacrificed a lot for them, to try to keep them healthy and happy. I've spent over 5 thousand dollars (Enough to buy a proven titled dog) trying to save Zambi's life. Her condition was beyond treatable, and I woke up to find her unconscious and non responsive. I called up a friend to take her to my vets office where the ER vet (My vet has an ER facility for emergency purposes) on call suggested that I humanely euthanize her, and so I did.

And for the love of mother nature I am not supporting Helser. I just don't understand why must we ALL know that Helser is applying membership at an organization? Who gives a crap what Mr. Helser does in his own personal life. Unless if Helser did something wrong... like breaking the law or currently screwing someone out of a deal it's none of our business really.

You know if you guys are truly compassionate for the love of this breed, and want to fight corruption, you might want to reach out to GSDCA/WDA/USA to revoke membership of well known High priced puppy-mills. I know one right now that by the end of May of this year they would be gone through 11 FRICKEN LITTERS! That's totally outrageous! And this is May were talking about here! and that's not even close to the end the year. How can GSDCA/WDA/USA allow membership to a puppymiller? Puppymils are responsible for the destruction of the breed, not to improve it. No matter how much money the puppymiller has.

I'm quite curious on how Blitzen manage to find this kind of information from? If I were to apply membership in GSDCA is my membership application going to be publicized for the world to see? Whatever happen to privacy? It's none of peoples business what organization I'm about to apply for.


by Brittany on 11 April 2013 - 01:04

Slamdunc, I'm one of those who are serious about training. Unfortunately I'm not in the position to travel from state to state to increase my skill as a dog trainer by attending to seminars, and so I must depend on videos to find new training ways to better myself in training. I do a lot of analyzing to compare to what I do in training.


by Slamdunc on 11 April 2013 - 01:04

Good luck learning from videos!  If you are going to try to learn from videos at least watch people who know what they are doing.  If you are really serious about training organize a seminar and bring some one good in to instruct it or go and travel to one.  Depending on videos is going to be really difficult to learn how to train dogs   Especially difficult if you lack the knowledge and experience to tell the good training videos from the bad.  

by hexe on 11 April 2013 - 02:04

Brittany, I am sorry to hear that you had to let Zambi journey on ahead of you; regardless of any disagreements or disputes I have had with you, past or present, one thing I DO know for sure is that you adored her with every cell in your being, and she had to leave you far too soon.  My very sincere sympathies to you on losing her.

by hexe on 11 April 2013 - 02:04

To answer your question regarding how Blitzen 'learned' of Helser's application to GSDCA, if you read the opening post, as well several of her other posts in this thread, YES--yes, if you apply for membership in the GSDCA, your name WILL be published in the club's magazine, The GSDCA Review, as an applicant for membership. This is and has long been the club's policy, and the reason for it is to allow for those who are already members of the club to voice their opinion to the club as to whether the applicant would be an asset or a liability to that organization. Blitzen is a member of the GSDCA, hence she saw the list of new applicants in the newest edition of the Review.  OK?


by Brittany on 11 April 2013 - 04:04

Hello again Hexe :) Thank you for the sympathies. Unfortunately I had to let Jake (The dog on my avatar) go too (1/30 of this year) as the cancer finally took it's toll and reached to his heart and lunges. The vet (Same vet that I seen when I took Zambi to the vet for the lat time) suggested I let him go, and so I did. I don't usually allow dogs to lick on my face, but it was an exception. He truly enjoyed making my face wet with his tongue. I think he knew what was going on, and it was his way of saying goodbye. Jake was no SchH titled animal and neither was Zambi but they were awesome companionship to have.

For your second post.
I never heard of this kind of policy before. I remembered back when I first joined WDA that my name was posted in the magazine to formerly welcome me to the WDA, and that was it. Although I can reason with it... it's still kinda creepy knowing that your about to be tossed into the lions den for grabs.

I suppose Blitzen and other GSDCA members will do what is for the best for the organization. I'm not apart of it, and so essentially us non-members don't really have a say so in the matters so therefor me sending an email to them is worthless.


by Hundmutter on 11 April 2013 - 05:04

Brittany, you want some practical examples.  What about these,
to indicate the sort of person  GSDDanny01  aka Tim Helser is ?

He starts the posting above by saying he hasn't posted on PDB
for "some years" - a simple search through Hot Topics of the past
12 months will show that to be a lie.

Whatever the merits of his videos and training methods, good or ill,
THERE IS A BACK STORY TO HIS VIDEOS - which your "research"
ought to have brought up, if it was thorough.  EG  Very nice to have
one's little daughter in training to be the 'next generation' - but risking
it with a bitch who has a reputation for being people-aggressive, less
than a week after you took charge of her ?

I am relatively new to the PDB, and out of the USA, but even I have
seen enough BS from the keyboard of the man himself to make me
reasonably sure he 'could not lie straight in bed'.

by Blitzen on 11 April 2013 - 06:04

Brittany, every AKC sanctioned breed cub must adhere to AKC rules, one of which says all new applicants must be made known to every member and given a period or no less than 30 days for comments before being voted  upon.  That is so members know who is trying to join the club. If they have reasons that person should or should not be a member, they are able to contact the membership committee with a pro or con written statement. The GSDCA is an AKC member club. Every member gets a monthly newsletter where new member applicants' names and addresses are published.  I am a member, I get a monthly newsletter......THAT's how I knew Helser had applied. No secret or mystery about it.

by Blitzen on 11 April 2013 - 06:04

It is not unusual to see a "person of ill repute" refused membership in an AKC sanctioned dog club. Joining such a club is considered a priviledge, not a right, so membership can be refused to anyone. For example, Hunte was never convicted of or charged with any felonies or misdemeanors, but his involvement in commercial dog dealings earned him a negative reputation in the dog world; thus his membership in the GSDCA was terminated.


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