which GSD's are the most titled in history? - Page 13

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by eddyelevation on 26 April 2013 - 19:04

i wanna know about working titled GSD's.............the really good ones

by johan77 on 26 April 2013 - 20:04

I´m not so sure they need to have different coulors, as long as they work and have a good structure in my taste they can also be red and black;) Yes, of course not all breeders are going to care so much about workingability or conformation, but my point is the minimum regulations is all to low to have a serious impact if only looking at those, hence I don´t care so much even if the dog is a worldchampion in IPO, I still going to look for breedings that I think are good dogs in workingability and health. Some of those dogs are probably not going to be among those that will get any nice showratings thou, what a conformationjudge thinks is therefore not on the top of my priority because we have different taste.

by Gustav on 26 April 2013 - 23:04

@ Susie....lol....wouldn't make a difference cause I am color blind when it comes to seeing dogs perform....now when it comes to genetics.....I do see colors...lolol

by eichenluft on 27 April 2013 - 01:04

Certainly not "the most titled in history" but my dog should at least be mentioned on this thread - V-Eagle v Eichenluft Schh3,FH2,KKl-1,OFA Good.  25X Schh3 titled, most of those titles were Regional and National level competitions.  Three full UScA scorebooks.  Multiple FH and FH2 titles, several times FH Champion.  2004 FCI World Team member.  Also trained/titled in AKC obedience, Personal Protection, and Cadaver detection dog.  Certified Therapy dog.  Bred, Raised, Trained, Handled, Titled by myself and born in the USA.

by Gustav on 27 April 2013 - 08:04

Eagle was a nice dog and you did a very nice job with him!

by gsdstudent on 27 April 2013 - 08:04

gustav;thanks for your help in my soap-box -stand. good dogs come from good breeders and good stock. Without good education a newbee would not know a good dog if it bit them. The structure of the SV is a great platform for learning the breed. From tests and breed wardens to mentor it has in place methods which all work towards the lofty goal of better GSDs. Please do not tell me about the the percentage which slips thru the cracks. People who do not breed per SV rules make the cracks larger! Study the whole SV breeding rules before rejecting any part.

by Blitzen on 27 April 2013 - 09:04

Define "working titles", Eddy. You should have been more specific what you were looking for from the start?

by Blitzen on 27 April 2013 - 09:04

I'm glad Molly mentioned Eagle. I had the opportunity to meet him and he was beautiful inside and out. IMO a great all around dog and companion.

by johan77 on 27 April 2013 - 10:04

Please do not tell me about the the percentage which slips thru the cracks. People who do not breed per SV rules make the cracks larger! Study the whole SV breeding rules before rejecting any part.


Yet we see more than the majority in the breed in germany that can´t compare to GSDs breed not under SV system, but if being able to be competitive in the showring should be above health and strong workingability you are right in that statement.


by susie on 27 April 2013 - 19:04

Johan, instead of looking at the big show events you should take a look at the hundreds of small SV clubs in Germany, where normal people train normal dogs. You´d be surprised...
You showed us pictures of 2 German Shepherds without KKL..  Out of curiosity - Did the owners not try or did they fail?
If they failed I´d like to know why. There is an official reason ( maybe they tried to kill the judge ?!?   Wink Smile  )


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